Entity/Deity Thread

When you focus, you absorb the field much better.

It will still work when you are multitasking or sleeping, but actively ‘meditating’ on the field will make it work alot faster.

You can always try salt cleanse if your ego tries to convince you its not real, with that field you can actually taste salt lol, cant make that up.

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Heh, I just shapeshift from my original reptillian form into a human one and blend in.

Haven’t been spotted thus far.


Oh wow. Gonna try this now. Really hope I taste salt.


yes, i feel like i’ve read more positive feedback from this audio than The Skeptic audio. i myself tasted the saltiness right away and it lingered. i could even smell the salt.


Didn’t taste any salt unfortunately. Gonna give it another go now.


Feeling…salty yet?

Heh, I had to.

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Feeling extremely salty that I haven’t tasted any salt in my mouth even after two listens.

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Hmm…subconscious limits removal, but you know that already.

Microcosmic orbit is gonna make the fields work better but I wouldnt recommend it unless you know how to shield yourself.

Being energy sensitive without a shield is hell

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I’m not actually sure about my energy sensitivity status actually. I mean as a teen (and still now), I was able to ‘gather’ energy from my body into my hands and sort of make an energy ball (one that I could feel but not see). And it’s these same kinds of vibration that I can ‘will’ myself to feel on my cheeks for skin regeneration. But other than that, I don’t really feel these other experiences.

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Sigh. Tasting salt isn’t a sign that it’s not working for you.
Or that you’re not energy sensitive.
That was that poster’s experience.
It doesnt mean it needs to be yours to be valid.


Hmm. I suppose I’m being too hasty for an experience. Then again it would be nice to have some sort of experience for me to increase my faith in it.


I feel like I do have a strong subconscious that works against me though. I mean, just a few months ago, there was a point where I severely doubted my ability to speak. And that lead me to actually lose the ability to string together sentences/enunciate words in a smooth natural way (like most of us already do and like I had been doing for 2 decades up to that point). It was only after I had convinced myself that what I was facing was a psychosomatic problem, that I had regained my ability to speak fluently.


Damn, glad youre ok tho.


Yeah. It was an absolutely horrible experience. I basically spent two months listening to and repeating after audiobooks read by Benedict Cumberbatch to ‘retrain’ my mouth muscles. And that worked in the start but only to a certain point. It was after realising that it was psychosomatic, that I was able to speak normally again.

I suppose one cool thing that has come out of this is that I now have Benedict Cumberbatch’s accent and intonations.


I often find myself switching involuntarily from being extremely weak minded (very low confidence, being invisible) to being extremely strong minded (rock solid confidence, having a powerful presence in the room, being magnetic). And when I’m in the strong minded mode, I can be extremely persuasive (get shy people to open up etc). I wonder if this is of any significance.


What helped me in the beginning was the “Point of No Return Stack” mentioned in this blog post here. Made fields work much more effective for me.

After the 7 days play the Deep Energy Body/ Aura Cleanse once a week.

Here is a YouTube playlist with the most recent videos for the stack plus Ego Dissolution. Play it once a day. Pick 2-3 other fields and play these after the playlist.

Also choose one of Dream’s mandalas here. Print it out and carry it with you 24/7 and use the same mandala as your phone wallpaper. You can get the wallpapers here.

This should speed things up for you and should lead to “experiences” with morphic fields.


Sorry, @Dewbob - just catching up on this thread. I stopped reading it at some point :slight_smile:

I don’t think people need to be scared and terrified of Devas. While they are not human-like in morality as in good vs bad, help vs harm - where one can take a beating is when one cannot deal with the huge energy associated with entities of Divinity. A big mistake often made is to fit the Devas into categories of Angels etc. which is not always accurate. To group them all as “entities” is often the folly of a Western occultist (I learned from the same folly) - when human beings are so unique from one another, how then can one group all these “entities” as same or similar?

The nature of Devas is indicated in their very name - Divyante iti devah - those that shine with lustre of pure golden light. A class of minor devas can be nature spirits, but technically in Hinduism, these beings are not classified as Devas. Devas are thirty-three in number, who appeared primordially and have existed forever, and further appear through refractions of the Divine Light as other Devas and Devis (feminine). The primary purpose of Devas is to help consciousness ascend, as they are but macrocosmic aspects of Enlightened Mind, Enlightened Speech and Enlightened Soul (which though one and only one, perceives various ‘other’ things on account of duality consciousness). So, these are benevolent beings (not in the sense of “I call them they come and beat up my neighbor”, well sometimes that too) - and need not be feared. In fact in Eastern thought, there is respect for divinity, not fear as what is there to fear something which is nothing but a representation of one’s own perfect potential?

When I was a kid, I constantly recited the mantra of Goddess Kali (new moon) thousands of times in a day. One night, she appeared and told me, “Child, you have been calling out to me, and as your lineage is connected to me, I am here. But do realize, I rise as the fiery aspect of Kundalini - like a torrent, washing away everything, breaking barriers. I am like the Mother who will drag the child to the destination fast, even if it means dragging you through a keyhole! And when being dragged through a keyhole, it is NOT comfortable”. I did not really get all of that, or the seriousness of the issue, and I said, “What do you suggest?”. She said, ok, here is the mantra of Durga (full moon), this energy is gentler, you will be able to handle this better. I wll see you twenty-years later". I think you get my point? She was not terrifying, or evil, in fact the most loving Mother she is - but she shows tough love, and not everyone is ready for it. The Hindus have developed a wonderful framework involving service, devotion, humility to approach these divinities, while also constantly reminding that one is not dealing with some angry god somewhere that is on a power trip and demands subservience, but merely realizing the Divinity that one already is! Choosing the best aspects of old ways and new tools is the best recipe for success!


Hello @Maoshan_Wanderer, no need to apologise! Your insightful responses are always appreciated :slight_smile:

The fact that you were able to invoke Kali ma at a young age is very impressive. I do have a few questions regarding doing the same with Hanuman. Do you have an equivalent short mantra for Hanuman that I could recite throughout the day? If you do, could you send me a video/audio link to the proper pronunciation/enunciation of that mantra? I’ve heard that the Hanuman Chalisa is more of a Bhakti based Sadhana and so the words don’t necessarily carry any inherent meaning/power to them, resulting in the many dialectal variations (which is why I’m slightly reluctant to recite it).

Also, how did you manage to invoke deities like Sekhmet and Athena, seeing as they are the goddesses of civilisations that have been long dead?

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Meaning Kali is also one of those aliens who experimented with apes and made em “human”?

Or is it more of a “your ancestors worked with me” kind of thing.

Yes that’s what I found interesting. Although I’m not sure how it works exactly? Aren’t Kali, Durga, Chinnamasta etc, all basically split personalities of the Goddess Parvati (wife of Lord Shiva)? How is it possible for one aspect of a Goddess to be an ancestor to someone? Or does lineage to Kali, also imply lineage to all aspects of Parvati? Interesting stuff.