Environmental Energy Accumulator

Yes and then have Dreamweaver hunt me down? No thanks ;D

If you truly feel unstoppable you can always mess with the vatican?

Try to manifest something there, I would say astral project there and ignore the astral guards who will warn you, but you might not return then.

So don’t ;D


not gonna post anything in this group
What you just wrote is very offensive

I am writing it to help you because I care.

I have seen it go wrong, so just be smart when you mess with people’s free will, and toughen up, nothing was offensive.


Not you obviously
He said I’m doing black magic by practicing Neville Goddard
I guess being happy and healing my loved ones With my good assumptions is somehow twisted into that


LOOL I am done. Is that why you deleted your post…?

“I can alter people’s characters and make them the way I perceive them”.

Doesn’t get more black magic than that.

If you’re gonna whine and play the victim card don’t reply.


I was deeply hurt by that and yes I am sensitive and empathetic and I couldn’t be further from black magic
And I do not mess with free will, but I affirm that everything is good for me and my loved ones, including healing my grandma
And it works
Never have I tried to do anything against someone’s will
I always affirm that it is to their highest good and I bring them up
I do not take away their lessons neither experiences and I can’t live their life for them
But I have power to experience my reality happily by being surrounded with my loved ones who are also happy

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Pm me and delete this stupid comment.


i am not going to go there
I deleted it that’s that
And English is not my native language but altering characters means that I just imagine them to be happy not depressed and empathetic but fullfilled in life, I believe in them and I see good in them and it persist
They are happier in life, and I do it with my family members exclusively I couldn’t care less going around doing it to other people
Neville teaching helped me to heal my grandma and that was like a miracle that was produced by my mind, I prayed and I believed

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Why do people get triggered so easily…?

I am not your enemy, we are all team Sapien here.

Discussions are necessary, this is a forum, but since you don’t believe it and truly want “proof”, I am sure Sam or Dream can tell you a bit differently.

Anyway as I said, I never argue, I might come off as agressive but I am not, sometimes you gotta trigger people to get the conversation going and perhaps you’ll learn something new.

At the end we are all learning so everyone calm yo tits, as I said, we are all team Sapien here, not enemies.

Edit: You are a good moderator, no worries.


It sounds like Don’t dare messing with Roku lol



Very rarely, do I see healthy discussions throughout the internet. It’s an ego thing really. When you see a comment that conflicts with your personal world view, your ego gets immediately triggered like ‘NO that’s wrong!’ and goes on the defense. And while discussing your point, the ego disregards the other person’s perspective from a standpoint of ‘you’re ignorant and don’t know what you’re talking about. Here’s what’s really true.’ Even if it comes from a good place, the other person already has their mind made up so there’s no way that someone else telling them they’re wrong is going to convince them otherwise… no matter how logical your point is. Go on social media and see for yourself lol.

This is something I’ve been thinking about for the past few days actually. In America, dealing with the constant ‘right’ vs ‘left’ battle on a daily basis is so ridiculous and tiring. It’s become like sports where it’s my team vs yours and amidst all these discussions being had, it’s just people shouting into echo chambers. No liberal is listening to conservative points and vice versa. There is no discussion. Just arguments as to why I’m right and you’re wrong. And is anyone objectively right or wrong? As I’ve mentioned somewhere in this forum before, I’m a strong believer of the subjectivity of the universe and ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ depends on how you perceive things.

As with Neville Goddard, if someone believes in his teachings and up to this point in their lives, things have all logically worked out according to his teachings… How can someone else tell them that ‘they are wrong?’ That’s like someone telling ‘you’ that what you believe in is wrong even after all that you learned and more importantly, the experiences you’ve had that confirm your beliefs. Nobody has had your experiences nor can you show them to anyone. Experiences are truly what shape the way we think and see the world and no words or data is going to reshape someones thinking like experiences do.

In discussions where there is disagreement, try to not to convince the other person they’re wrong. It’s always going to turn into an argument because convincing is subconsciously forcing your beliefs on someone. The subconscious will resist.

So how do we have healthy discussions then? There is literally only one way. LISTEN. That is all there is to it. Listen to what the other person has to say and attempt to learn about their perspective. Ask questions like “why do you think that way’ or ‘what do you mean by this.’ If you listen and try to learn about someone’s perspective, they are going to be much more open to what you have to say. Try to find similarities from your perspective and theirs and then draw comparisons while at the same time speaking about the way you see things differently. They will be much more open to listen and learn from your perspective as well.

In this way, both people win. It’s a positive interaction and in many cases can expand your thinking. There is something to learn from anything or anyone and why miss the opportunity to learn and rather just get into a dead end argument. In some cases, I’ve seen people change their opinion on something through these kinds of discussions. But never in an argument lol.

Sorry for the speech but I’d really hope for us to have healthy discussions from here on out. If we keep having these kind of arguments, we’ll just drive people with different opinions out of the forum. Do we really want to be like the rest of the internet? Either become an echo chamber where everyone agrees with eachother or a moshpit where everyone argues all the time? Nah. We can do better than that. We are better than that. Anyways, this is me and @Captain_Nemo’s 2 cents on all this.


I just wanna know, if you run a delivery service.
…… studio ghibli is life, studio ghibli is love.


Bro… you have become xm’s Mr green tea here.
great warrior spirit, but maybe use it against those who come against your family here.
Channel it differently.


@Captain_Nemo, since you are here, please shed some light on how to effectively use the environmental energy accumulator for manifestation.


Dude, that’s exactly who he reminds me of as well lol. That’s not a bad thing btw.


It’s what I am trying to do lol.

Having your picture public and then saying “I dare any magician to attack me?”

If I read that a few years ago I would’ve made it my mission to hurt him just to prove a point.

The world ain’t all rainbows and sunshine, sadly.


Consider it a radionic machine then.
Its open ended, it draws a mass of energy to be around the area you are in.
Its clean and depatterned
ready for you to use, how ever you wish.
This is my vague guidance, I really want you to experiment and figure it out.


Don’t we think the topic got a bit off-topic?


It does not matter if it is off topic, because in the end we get a lot more information than what we were looking for at the start.it’s true that the mixture of subjects creates far too many comments, and you have to search a lot (read) before finding the answer you are looking for, but the truth is that there is no rush, and the information will always be available, so you can take the time to read calmly and be much more enriched in the end.I don’t say that to be mean, but if someone finds that the subject has changed and does not interest him, he can skip several comments, and resume reading where he has the information Wanted.

PS: I’m not speaking against anyone
edit: I just created yet another off topic in this thread: are off-topic comments good or bad (please don’t answer too much, as this is just a detail).


I adore Ghibli animation movies, it is my youth and it is so beautiful, Hayao Miyazaki is a magician and Joe Hisaishi music give it ethereal atmosphere
As for delivery service, you got me here :laughing:

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