Essence of Beauty!

Thanks for the thorough reply! I’m really glad to hear the wonderful effects this field has had on your life.
What mandala/audio? Inner beauty reflected outwards?



Thank you for this detailed account of your experience with this item! I have really enjoyed reading it and it is very useful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Suprisingly, I still feel torn about whether I should get this item or not. I feel that I am already a good amount in, regarding the areas that you mentioned / that are covered, but there is still room for growth as well.
One idea came up for me now. Only if you are comfortable with it, would you mind sharing how you feel about people who do rude, mean, evil etc. things with this item? Does it enable you to see them or the situation somehow differently (more positive, more beautifully)?

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listen to yourself as this morphic field is an investment of your finances, your time, and your energy.

i grew up with a distorted view of beauty because of the church i was in and sexualized media.

i have undiagnosed body dysmorphia and i told myself i’ll never go back under the knife for any reason unless it was to save my life.

everyone’s essence of beauty relates to them in a different way. mine is gentle to me and takes things slow as it knows i took shortcuts that brought me back to the beginning.

there’s always the mandala and patreon audio for anyone to listen to because they will work!

like with any tool, one needs to be mindful on how they use it. sooner or later, we take responsibility for our actions whether they were conscious or unconscious.

i can’t speak for how others use the Essence of Beauty, but if i had malicious intentions, it will surely backfire on me in a way i wouldn’t be aware of until it was too late.

visual beauty can actually be blinding. close your eyes and you will see their personality more clearly.

when you take beauty out of the equation, what’s left is their personality. i’ve walked away from men i found attractive because of how they treated others and their unachievable expectations of their partners.

in the past, beauty was a form of empowerment for the feminine as they were emotionally stronger while the masculines were physically stronger.

in the present, both feminine and masculine use beauty for both positive and negative intentions.

souls who truly see other souls as a part of themself already have beautiful energy.

souls who are selfish can seem beautiful, but their actions are ugly.

American Psycho is a great movie to explore this thought. Please don’t watch it if you don’t like horror.

if you want to feel like you already have the Essence of Beauty then do the following:

  • be kind to yourself and others
  • be patient with yourself and others
  • be generous with yourself and others
  • protect the boundaries of yourself and others



quick result:

when i allow something to connect with me, the more beautiful details i see. (i took off my EOB to shower, so it’s energy definitely lingers especially the longer it’s within my safekeeping.)

i’m playing a game and my intuition is telling me to choose a character while my ego is describing that character as ‘ugly’. the more i play, the more attached i get to the character and see how beautiful they’ve always been.

using this experience, it can be helpful for one’s self-love practices. it can also help increase intimacy with others. this is another way to see mindfulness.


Thank you very much for the time and effort you took to write me this thorough and personal reply :pray: I took all of it in, started using the mandala and the audio (great suggestions), and will see where these will take me.

I apologize, I think I did not word this part well:

I would (intuitively) agree with your take on it. One of the hesitations I had was in fact, whether just by wearing it alone (no malicious intent, just changing the kind of piece I would be in the greater puzzle) I would possibly unrightfully influence situations and people to be or act in ways that they otherwise would not have. But then I think, for one, these items (specificially this one) are so thoughtfully designed to bring forth things that are positive. And furthermore, if I have come cross this item, then maybe it was part of the greater plan that I use it, just like everything that came from that is.

I wonder whether this item can help the person wearing it to see the beauty in rude/evil/selfish/etc-acting people again (but in a different way), after they recognized it as such. For example, I am actually very good at seeing beauty based on actions and ignoring appearances, which is great and I am very grateful for it. I have now begun to desire to be more compassionate, forgiving and accepting of such people and the consequences their actions bring forth (which sometimes might be necessary for the sake of something greater that we cannot yet grasp). For example, a guest being unjustifiedly rude to the waiter/waitress can be very ugly to witness (and we often need to witness worse, e.g. when we switch on the news). I would like to be easier able to see the beauty in this too. Like, why was this neccessary/what positive effect could this bring forth? Why did this guest become like this/what lies underneath that is actually good and got hurt and is expressed this way presently and in this situation? How could this person otherwise be or how can this behavior be useful in other areas where it actually helps people? I suppose that, too, might count as seeing beauty. But maybe this is not in the scope of this item, and I should stick to ‘become a kinder more compassionate person’, but I wonder if it is.

Thank you, also for the warning; I read the storyline and that was perfect.

These are great suggestions / insights! Very helpful, thank you!



based on your example, you seem interested in the non-dual aspect of beauty.

what if in that same scenario the guest was actually in the right and the waiter/waitress was making them uncomfortable?

i feel like everyone experiencing and witnessing that and similar scenarios are learning just what they need to learn at that present moment.

no one’s really good or bad. we just all ‘are’.

beauty is



I absolutely love this. Then this would make it beautiful again. I am looking forward to seeing/realizing this naturally. Thank you for all your insights and for sharing your experiences with this item. It has helped a lot :hugs:!



i notice that i’m getting more attention from the souls i like and less from the souls i don’t like.

i notice that my eyes wander and i found i could train my vision and subconscious to ignore what i don’t need to see and alert me to things i visually like.

i was meeting my trainer at a park.

while i was looking for parking, a handsome man was signaling me. he asked if he was in the way and that made no sense to me because all the parking spots near us were occupied.

i’m replaying the event while typing this out and i realize he could have been flirting with me…


a little later in the day my trainer and i are focused on working out.

i overheard someone say, “look, they’re working out”. when i looked, i saw a shirtless muscular guy with his group (totally my type). they were walking along the path some feet away, but i clearly saw him just staring at us.


i used to feel like i had to fit in and look like everyone else. now i’m enjoying my unique features and having a healthier relationship with my reflection. sometimes this feeling goes back to the background but as i feel it more, it stays centre stage for longer periods of time.

i am thinking that my next project could be a healthy relationship with the camera; taking selfies and videos of myself.

“beauty is subjective” has been the recurring theme lately. i am reminded more and more that people see me through their perspective and experiences.

some call me tall while others call me short. some love my hair while others don’t. i used to feel like i had to correct others on how they see me and now i find it fun to just let them see me however they’d like to see me.

i have more appreciation for my privacy when i felt like i had to constantly put myself out there and have people notice me.

i don’t feel the need to dress up just to get compliments as i need less and less external validation.

writing this feels very narcissistic, but on the other side this is a way to share results for the community’s benefit.

lately i’ve been half judgemental of other’s physical appearance and half unconditional love. mostly depends on my relationship with ideas and not the person themself.

today i reminisced about my past and how i had what i wanted in a group of friends and let it go because i only appreciate it now in hindsight. i am wishing i will be more appreciative of the current and future friends i have that are aligned with who i am now.


today i woke up and was surprised at my reflection. my face is smooth and my eyes are clear. i thought, “Wow, I look so much younger”.

Negentropy is a legit thing!

Essence of Beauty is my beauty guru.



Speaking of beauty, check out Captain Nemo’s new profile picture


(i saw this one and i couldn’t help :smiley:)


The captain tried to chill for a few days undercover :pensive:




i mean different times call for different chill sides :D


i was walking with my dog and i’ve noticed this really cute guy that would say hi to us from time to time.

he complimented me on looking good and i felt happy about that. i walk often with my dog around our neighbourhood so i dress for comfort and not to get looks.

i’m also feeling more comfortable with guys i find attractive. i have been letting go of any expectations and attachments and just let myself act the way i want to act around them.

i noticed one guy i’ve been getting close to would always make a reason up for us to touch and i’m happy to let him.

i’m also losing the mindset of jealousy and i’m happy to not identify to the way i act and thought when that energy was in control.


@Captain_Nemo @SammyG

A very big salute to you!!!
I hope you’re getting over this (still) conflicting period of time in a very smooth manner, and the best possible way in general :slight_smile:

I’d like to know If you are going to restock the ‘Essence of Beauty’ pendant with more than the currently 2 sold out pendant options any time soon? Previously you’ve been offering 4 different options - if I’m not mistaking, which were pretty eye catching, so I was wondering if you’re going to offer them again?

I wish you a very nice Sunday!!!


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Should be 3-4 of them being added in the next day or so


Slightly off-topic, but I’ve been loving the various new pendants you’ve been finding and putting up on the site, Sammy!


Thank you for the reply!!! Have a great week!!!

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