Eternity redux dog tag queries

Ever since I’ve been wearing eternity. I’ve noticed I tend to feel more tired and drained towards the end of the day. Well idk if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. It helps my insomnia though.


This will go away. Eternity drained me a lot at the beginning, but few months later I became full of energy, all day


Also can I wear it while taking a shower? The water or soap won’t harm the field right?

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The fields wont be affected by water.


If I remove the tag for just 10-15 mins in a day will it affect the results I’m getting from it.

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I´ve had my Eternity field for 5 years. I only wear it daytime, no fields when sleeping.
Wear it the way you feel is right for you. If you get a constricted, heavy feeling the take it off for a while.
It will get easier to wear with time. It is a strong field!


Why do u take it off while sleeping? Does it get too
overwhelming or something else?

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I don´t listen to / or wear fields at night because I feel I need the off-time to integrate the effects. If I wear fields 24/7 I feel constricted and uneasy.
Others wear / listen to fields 24/7 and fully recommends it.
You will find your level with time.
With Eternity you can start with 6-8 hours and increase daily/weekly.
My on-time is around 18 hours.


Couple of things I think I can attribute to Eternity (I need to add that my Neigong practice and Sapien’s Anti Aging field also probably add to this):

  • A LOT of energy all day
  • Improved Muscle Recovery after workouts
  • A sense of joy (like you are mildly high on something)
  • My skin has become flawless (I don’t listen to any skin/face audios)
  • I had some premature graying of hair and it has pretty much reversed
  • A lot of enthusiasm to try and do new things, the way I did when I was like 22

This is one tag - along with Intercession - which I like to wear as much as possible!


@SammyG Will eternity redux compliment and increase the results I’m getting from other mind and body healing fields?

Dont make it a prison


Lol. Alright

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Really, field should be tools.

Dont become slave of the tool


No. Fields are our masters!


So for the past couple of days I’ve been having terrible insomnia and I’ve also been wearing eternity while sleeping. Yesterday night I decided to remove it while in bed because I was feeling really restless and I immediately felt more relaxed and was able to sleep easily. Is it possible that wearing it to night has been the cause of my insomnia?

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You don´t need to wear it all day and night to reap the benefits.
Yoga, Qigong, Pranayam and similar activities will make it easier to wear strong fields.
Search for “Star Exercise” on the forum and you will find an quick and easy way to cultivate energy.
Your body will tell You when it is time to take of the pendant. Listen to it!


Yes I tried to pranayama yesterday night when I wasn’t able to sleep but that didn’t help. My thoughts were racing and I felt so energetic and restless so much so that it overwhelmed me. So I finally decided to remove the tag and keep it as far away from me as possible.

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In the beginning your body and subconscious might fight against the field as it demands change. This results in conflict inside.
Don´t push yourself! All negative feelings Will fade with time and be replaced with energy and joy.


Got it. Thanks for guiding me!


I have another question here. I have migraine disease and I also get auras as well. My question is that overtime can eternity cure it permanently? Nerve growth factor and brain regeneration did reduce its frequency and intensity by alot but they still occur.