Eternity redux dog tag queries

So I received my eternity redux tag 3 days back. I wanted to ask how will I know that it has started working?


Be welcome @tagler2
Hope you enjoy your stay! :smiley:

Given the amount of fields in that Eternity, which is quite complex, you should experience more energy, a more youthful look and most likely happiness overall.
That one is more targeted to longevity and healing, and bringing you “back” to younger levels.

Considering all the above, specifically why did you buy it? If you start to see faster regeneration, more happiness and energy and overall youth look/feel, that might be evidence of it working. :slight_smile:

If anyone has the actual tag, feel also free to tag along and response . Yes, pun intended :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Thanks for such a quick reply. Also will it work the same if I keep it in my pocket instead of wearing it on my neck? I bought it for a longer healthier life ofc. Almost all my family members suffer from terrible diseases I obviously don’t want that for myself. I’m 19 years old btw.


For the tags to work they need to be close to your aura. They are programmed to so a few feet away. So, pocket or carrying will work as it is actively influencing your aura. Think of your aura as some part of you that overextends, as long as the field connects with the aura you’re all good.

There’s some belief and reasonable theories that closer to the heart might allow for the fields to acclimate better (as in faster), which is also why many seem to prefer carrying the pendant. However, there are circumstances where it is not handy to do so, imagine that you go for a run… So, many place them in the pockets and they still work.
The left side might allow for better engravement of the information, especially if supported by other fields/sigils/servitors on the right, I believe.

You may find also experiences with the tag there. I will tag here @Septimus as he has the tag and certainly has more directed experience than I.

Also, refer to:

LASTLY BUT OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE, regardless of what happens: Please do not try to meddle with the field IT WILL GROW :smiley: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Read this Why You Should Stop Boosting Fields


Can I listen to other organ healing fields while wearing eternity redux? Or is the tag more than enough?

I would not worry about that


Can be enough

There’s not any limit about listening other organ healing fields.

I’d suggest to start with the tag alone (often less is better, expecially if you are new to this)
And then eventually adding others

But this really depends on what specific issue are you currently facing


Can I listen to the subconscious limits dissolver field while wearing the tag? @akkar

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Sure, go for it

The tag will find less obstacles in this way


If the tag sustains many scratches and dents over the months or years will it be fine to get it repaired and restored at a nearby jeweller? Or doing that could harm the field embedded in it?

Nah, that has nothing to do with the photo, I’d the photo is intact you shouldn’t worry.

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I didn’t understand? I’m asking if the tag sustains some scratches or dents or any other kind of damage over the years will it be fine to get it restored and repaired at a nearby jeweller? Could it harm the field that’s embedded in it?

I was referring to your first concern. But again as long as the photo is intact, you shouldn’t have problems. If this jeweller can safely extract the image and place it someone else that’s fine. They have been designed to regenerate themselves over time. Best to confirm with @SammyG

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What has been designed to regenerate itself over time? The tag?

The fields.

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Under what circumstances would it have to regenerate itself?

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Its interaction with the outside world…?

“Dream’s active fields are designed to grow in an organic manner. They are designed with a component of their informational field stating that over time they will adapt to the world around them and improve their field. This means that in 20 years the active field on an object will be much stronger and it will incorporate even more solid information into an individuals’ field.”


Nah, no damage to field itself. It’s all good. The energy is buzzing :slight_smile:


I was going to suggest that and maybe amygdala for fear because tho your family has a history of illnesses you are just 19 and maybe worried too much. So add those 2 and enjoy life :blush:


I would think so