Eternity redux dog tag queries

I can’t answer that. But I’ve been in good health the last 5 years. For acute conditions I use the “Advanced Healing” audio.


Here are posts in this thread which were not migrated over from the old Discourse website:


Great to hear that those fields have reduced the frequency and intensity by a lot! :smiley:

It is possible the Eternity item can help over time. You might also try fields such as BDNF (Patreon), Superhuman Genius, Enpp6 Enyzme and Multiple Sclerosis Help Ver 2.0. They can help rewire, myelinate and protect the nervous system, and generate new neurons and pathways. That can help reduce migraines and auras.

The Cognitive and Memory Enhancement item can help rewire and repair your nervous system over time as well.

From the description:

Damaged areas should also regenerate over time, BNDF and NGF is also produced actively in the areas you are using, for task completion or studying to increase and create new connections there.

Amblox and induced stem cells are used for regeneration and repair, scar tissue is also removed.


I never understood what Eterniy Redux does, might somebody explain ?


It reverts you to 18-21 year old body and how it should be, healthy. Immortal tag.


I’m already 19 years old. Will I have this body and health like that for say a 100 years later


haha no, but you will for sure be healthy a long long time or maybe yes, its your experience man


But sapien mentioned in the eternity redux description that it is very possible a person carrying such an item would still be around in 300 years. You obviously won’t live till 300 in an old crippled body.


oh well if he says it then it is true
I will buy it if I get the chance


So today I dropped my tag on the floor. I noticed a little dent on the corner. My question is that over the years it may drop from my hands many more times and it may sustain these dents and scratches on it. Would they affect the functioning of the field itself? Also can I get it repaired and restored at a nearby jeweller? Could that potentially damage the field?

The fields start as a image but soon grows onto the metal. In your case it will not degrade the field in any way.


So even with all the dents and scratches it will keep functioning as it should?

From my understanding and experience, Yes.


Your tag will be fine. My old one [the energy pendants… before Dream switched to tags] dropped and broke in half, l just glued it back together and worked fine


Have u ever dropped any of your tags on the floor?

In the beginning the field will create subconscious resistance in you.
It did so with me. I felt heaviness, uneasiness etc. I took it of for weeks at a time. I found all types of excuses to not wear it.
Your subconscious does not want change, and this field demands it. There is conflict.
The solution:
Just wear the field for at least 12 hours/day for 4-8 weeks and the resistance will lessen.
When I put on the field now, it fills me with light and joy. The subconscious has completely surrendered.

Your tag work just fine! It´s your inner mind playing tricks with you.


Does eternity redux also have anti cancer fields in it? @SammyG @Captain_Nemo

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No, it does not


Anybody who’s carrying eternity redux for a long time now. I wanted to ask whether or not have u fallen sick in this entire time? With like a cold or a flu even covid?

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I had an eternity field from Dale Powers over 7 years. Aside from few bouts of food poisoning (takeaways lol) I cant say i experienced any sickness during that period… About a year ago I underwent a minor surgery (urinary tract). Then again, last time I went down with a cold was 1990 when i was 14!


I have Eternity for 2 years and have not gotten sick longer than a few days. Every winter I used to get pneumonia, last 2 years I didn’t. But I did get fever and probably a cold, but gone very fast.


Does standing infront of a microwave while it’s running and while wearing the dog tag damage or harm the field in anyway? @SammyG @Captain_Nemo

No. It would only get damaged if you decided to put your tag in a microwave for a few minutes. But I don’t know why anyone would do that lol.

Also, something about fields. They recover on their own. If they ever get damaged, they start recovering lost energy and healing any damage. Might take some time but it starts doing it immediately to get back to the state it was in (if it was boosted then that becomes its natural state). Someone tried removing a lot of energy from a field with a servitor but soon after, the field started recovering back to its natural state.

Just thought that this would be reassuring to hear from those who worry about their fields getting damaged. I actually started randomly carrying one of Dale’s old fields (over 10 years old) and it is still pretty damned strong! I can only imagine how dream’s fields will be 10 years from now.


Wow! The fact that they grow even stronger with time. That’s pretty cool.


Maoshan, mind if ask… did you have the old Eternity field from Dale? I was always wandering why it didn`t prevent my hair from getting grey :thinking:
On the bright side it gave me a perfect excuse to shave it all off and stop spending money on hair products (and buy more fields with all the savings :grinning:)


Interestingly, I do have Dale’s field and it did not prevent premature greying of my hair either. I still have a strand or two, but not too many lol


I have premature greying, by age 25 my hair was about 50% grey. It’s been slowly going back to black but it’s still quite a lot