Eternity redux dog tag queries

Dependss of the severity of intention. If he wants to punch you in the face or poison you, then that intention is already out there. In that case, eternity will have you avoid him to prevent that from happening.


Reviews on for the eternity tag! :)


Can I use the book of good health and long life sigil while wearing eternity? Or is it an overkill? @SammyG @Captain_Nemo

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Yeah you could do that. I wouldnā€™t even call it overkill.


@SammyG somebody mentioned that eternity also has stem cells production in it , which is not mentioned in the description. No biggie. But are there any other (sub)categories that are not included in in the description but present in the tag ?


Hi guys i just got the eternity tag and wearing it 24/7 since monday.

Any suggestions to go along with it that anyone can tell me which work and also i feel dehydrated from it - which i assume is a good sign because its working.

I have noticed its working very strongly since yesterday, i feel the energy and also my skin has never been so good lol



Can Eternity Redux prevent genetic/male baldness?

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Same here Iā€™ve had insomnia with the eternity tag like finding it hard to go sleep and even sometimes waking up through the night multiple times.

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So I think I avoided a major accident because of this. Iā€™m in a hill station rn and my cousin stupidly took me to an uphill road to drive. I had no experience at all. The car was skidding and slipping everytime I took turns and sometimes it just came to a halt I had to step on the gas full notch only then it would go forward. The roads had no railing or blocks the car couldā€™ve fallen of the cliff. But we safely made it to our destination. Not a scratch on us or the car.


Iā€™ve noticed stuff like that too, with eternity.
Getting out of tricky traffic situations and avoiding accidents overall by passing by after they happened. Like getting delayed so Iā€™m not involved in them. Also when driving in bad weather conditions with no problems.


I think there should be an eternity tag for our pets as well lol. What do you think about this? @Captain_Nemo @SammyG. Maybe a eternity collar? For dogs and cats. xD


Iā€™ve thought about that since I lost both my dogs few years ago. I wanted them to be with me for much longer. But then I thought, would they want to be in a dog body forever? Their souls want to evolve and experience being a different animal, or a human.

Just my opinion


Yeah man for sure. But losing them is painful af.

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The Eternity Tag isnā€™t really literal. It could definitely extend their lifespan but they wonā€™t become immortal, haha.


Exactly! The eternity tag can surely make you live wayy past the normal human lifespan. Maybe even a few hundred years. But it wonā€™t turn you into wolverine. Lol even he died in some 250 years.

Damn. If you have a wife. Give the tag to her as well lol


Me and dreamā€™s opinion too. Our pets may not want to live so long so itā€™d be wrong for us to assume and choose for them.


Beautiful understanding

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I havenā€™t had a single migraine with aura attack ever since wearing eternity redux. This is miraculous. I received the tag by end September 2020. Earlier I used to get 2-3 attacks every 1-2 months and before discovering about fields I used to get one every other day. Even the smallest thing would trigger it. It was destroying my quality of life.


I am 53 & have diabetes & joint stiffness. Other age related issues like bad eyesight too. Am helped a lot with the audios for the specific issues. But the listening stack is huge because of these & the others like mind settings & Imaginarium Divine. Is it a good idea to replace all the physical regeneration audios with the eternity redux tag?
Also, is this tag safe & useful for a person with cancer?