EXP Potion

I want to buy this NFT so have been tracking the number of copies left… they aren’t selling anymore probably because of the phantom wallet issue that you faced … even I am waiting for this issue to resolve before I buy

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For the people experiencing problems to claim the NFT, here something that can help: use Chrome updated. I used to use both Firefox and Chrome and in Firefox the button to claim the NFT wont appear. So use Chrome instead and see if there’s the solution

See if you can use your pc instead of the phone too


Starlight is talking about the email with download link that we get on purchase of an NFT


Doesn’t work in chrome either. Appears to be a solana/phantom issue


Still not resolved. I got the audio link but the claim NFT link is missing in the email.

@SammyG @Captain_Nemo please check pm


I’m having the exact same issue for Shielding 3.0. Audio but with no way to claim my NFT:(


Yes it is the network itself i cannot mint new ones either.

So i am waiting the same fir it to be resolved


I figured it could be that. Thanks for letting us know, Dream!


Yay!! It’s resolved for me:) Thank you!


I just checked and see the email with the NFT link. It’s resolved for me too!
Thanks all! :sweat_smile: :clap:


Can you explain a bit more about how this works please? So its like one skill per day ?
So if today I ask to increase my stamina in running and tomorrow I ask to increase my singing skills then will both work the next day or the first skill stops growing when the next one is asked for ?

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From the video game standpoint once u consume an exp potion u gain a certain amount of exp. E.g. 500 exp in Taekwondo. You make a certain progress in your proficiency for Taekwondo. The next day you consume a potion again and you decide to allocate 500 exp to singing. Your singing proficiency makes that much progress and your taekwando’s proficiency remains unchanged from the last time you used the potion on it. But that is ultimately an idea and how video games work.

How exactly the inner mechanisms of this project will manifest itself in reality is something only captain knows. If he can elaborate more that’s be great, but I cannot claim to know more, only what the inspiration I had for the project is.

But yes, one skill a day. I put it as such to allow more of the project to be focused on that desired skill for the day and hopefully see faster improvements in that skill, rather than spread out the field on several different things at once which may even limit each other’s results. E.g. wanting to improve your explosive strength and cardiovascular stamina in the same day is kind of counterproductive. You could probably, but would likely not be as fast as If you just devoted yourself to one of them for example.


Thanks @LittleOwl
It would help to know a bit more on the working of this NFT through the creator then … somehow

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@Captain_Nemo … kindly shed more light on how this NFT works or rather how to best use it… please …


@LittleOwl , Beautiful concept and Thanks to @Captain_Nemo , Bought it today :grinning:

Would it help in improvising the Hand Writing, could we put out the intention to improvise hand writing to look good ?


Yes, if you think about handwriting as a skill you’ll like to improve (be it in terms of appearance or wtv) it should be useful

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What I have done is placed a small printed version of the NFT on a flash card along with the Lucrative attraction NFT on it. Additionally I have written my related affirmation/command. In this case it is to be a master manifestor and attractor. Now what have done is placed it on my larger Solidifier NFT in the middle. Maybe I’ll take a picture for visual reference.


Very Interesting project, I was wondering say If I wanted to enhance my Memorization/Memory Recall, Speed Learning and Information Abstraction/Digestion then I could focus on these skills daily using this NFT and it’d give me the Experience say the result of a decade worth of effort in Memorization/Memory recall etc in short span of time?
Guess it could with constant usage go beyond decades of Experience gained and abstract it to me!

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That can work but for me I would view memory/recall as an innate ability like strength or speed, under the broader category of intelligence/brainpower. So I would focus on that everyday if I wanted to, but still have an empty slot for the daily skill.

Skill= acquired externally
Stats= personal capability as a life form/entity

At least that’s how I view it


Oh so this falls under the Innate stat of oneself to improve using this NFT rather than classing it as an External skill, I asked because Memory Recall can be improved by dedication/repeats to strengthen the Neural Pathways so as I thought this’d aid it tremendously!

Go with Affirmations of particular stat/skill We want to focus on? like say request the NFT to boost this particular Stat/Skill equivalent of 10 years of Experience of doing it? or it picks the best for us? Thanks man

This’ll Compound pretty Good for me as I use the Programmer NFT.

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