EXP Potion

Its the perfect field to bruteforce any changes if you sets the correct intention
I focus on Energy, by differents visualisations 1x per day, and i feel my bio energy differently.
Its a potion for other fields like its said before


So we can focus on improving one specific skill but the potion still has an overall positive effect on our wellbeing. It still increases our general powers but we can hone in on certain areas of interest that we seek to improve quickly?
The added benefit is we donā€™t lose any progress no matter if weā€™ve been inactiveā€¦we can ā€œpause ā€œ but still retain the benefits of where we were. This is very powerful and interesting because I have several skills I want to improve. It would be cool to use this and gain proficiency and even mastery much quicker than doing it by regular means.

Great concept and project @LittleOwl
Thank you @Captain_Nemo



Hi everyone,
Please share how you are using this NFT ? The process


@Captain_Nemo ā€¦ I would appreciate if you could please elaborate on how to best use this NFT. How to assign a skill ? When we assign a new skill do the previous ones stops growing further or do they all keep growing ?
Is it max once a day.? Do we have to listen to the audio to assign a skill or is mandala enough?
Some basic clarifications are necessary to be able to use this field properly as it is designed. Thanks


I did open nft look at it playing ant-cancer , brain tumor , smart rife .

I think will use it every time I play audio for healing.


Thanks for sharing @Andromeda


(re)read the description. It is accurate and fitting. More info is also shared in posts above


For assigning a skill there are multiple ways. Intention may be enough. Sometimes I just touch the image and repeat three times. But that also isnā€™t necessary.

Stop growing or all keep growing depends on the person interacting and where they are directing their energies.
I agree with LittleOwlā€™s view on the one a day.
Unless stated otherwise I believe mandala alone is always enough.

Can also ask the NFT any of your questions to receive answers as well. If youā€™re asking these questions to decide whether to buy or not, listen to your heart.


Make sure you are printing it in color about 5X7 or 6X8 and itā€™s in high definition

Be prepared for a real wild ride thenā€¦had a hard time sleeping

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@Lanos Try printing it in high definition color print and audio is optional. Meditate and visualize a skill that you wish to be proficient in. Hold that visualization and practice on that.

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Color and size is really more of a preference. But I guess that could seem more ā€œrealā€ to a person.



Thanks @benign_polaris

Thought Iā€™d share a few of the skills Iā€™ve selected per day, and interaction & progress with them.

Driving skills, stomach vacuum, social skills: in particular ease of talk between people where Iā€™m present, and bonus - working with EXP potion

The categories are a little funny/funky but I like the contrast.

Driving skills: Iā€™ve actually havenā€™t driven a car in over ten years. Iā€™m not even sure if Iā€™ll be driving a car anytime soon. There is nothing in my perceivable reality - thoughts, dreams, interactions, motions etc, that I would view as contributing or are signs of this skill improving. But does that mean that it isnā€™t? ;)

Stomach Vacuum:
Day 1 I noticed a significant improvement. Time after Iā€™ve reached a point where I canā€™t see my navel unless I bend part of my back and hunch over. Over the days there has been gradual improvement. This was the second skill I chose and this alone would be enough to show exp potion at work.

Social skills, ease of talk:
This one was a little funny to me. I work in an environment where there is a lot of social interaction, including between co-workers, between customers, and between those two parties. Between co-workers talk varies between work and just being social. Part of the idea was how easy people would ā€œturn onā€ talking. As in, shift from a state of nothing being said, to a state of speaking as if a conversation had been going on for a long time, or between people that know each other really well. A reason why this was selected is because there is a great diversity in where people are coming from, as well as the level of familiarity/relationships present in this environment. Also, I kind of wanted to see whether people, by my presence alone, would feel more comfortable or at ease in starting to talk (including my self). The contrast may have been something like hesitation, wariness, or even some subconscious intimidation.

The change worked really well. Almost like a light being switched on. The flow of communication was there, without the content necessarily being of significance, practical or personal. Which is what I was going for. People seem to talk easier when Iā€™m around in person.

Working with EXP Potion:
This one is kind of special. Its probably the most evolving or changing in dimension. Thereā€™s a personality with this NFT that is growing. It seems kind of subtle while grand at the same time. I very much notice that Iā€™m the one holding back, in allowing the connection to grow & flourish. Iā€™m admittedly a little scared at what it may look like, and how fast it would happen. Including working with EXP Potion may mean having a better connection, compared to other NFTs that I may have spent more time with, in a much shorter amount of time. This could also mean better understanding Dreamā€™s NFTs in general. But simply being better connected with EXP potion, would indicate that skill development would happen much faster as well.

In a society/world that is becoming increasingly instantaneous and automated, the value of going through an ā€œexperienceā€ is easily undervalued and possibly overlooked. Iā€™m aware of the hypocrisy here, in working with EXP potion. Which is also why Iā€™m a little hesitant to make the leap. Once itā€™s passed, thereā€™s no turning back. And that experience of gaining EXP, will be lost, experientially forgotten, a turning of the page to be part of the past.

Still, its a very fun NFT and quite possibly one of the highest that I found to be naturally compatible with. Even seeing it and then purchasing felt like a trance. I even wrote much more than I originally thought I would here as well.

Progress. Continual progress



20ā€ X 30ā€ is amazing!

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Sorry for the big rant.

Bought this NFT when it came out but never printed it, I was just listening to it asking it to increase my luck enough to win a Jackpot :laughing: didnā€™t happen as of writing this.
Yesterday I felt like I am not feeling the effects of audios once I listen to them more than 4 times.
I printed it yesterday and kept it in my pocket, I was thinking of asking EXP Potion to help better integrate all my NFTs and audioā€™s didnā€™t even ask for it.
Today I didnā€™t even listen to it and all of a sudden I was able to trade a few NFTs for Subconscious Mastery Smart Field.
Guess what one of the passive abilities of that NFT is ā€œIncludes removal of resistance to the NFT and to fields/mandalas/subliminals/magick for their full integrationā€.

Intent seems to be a key factor in my case, we donā€™t even have to ask.
This is a powerful NFT.

PS: Subconscious Mastery Smart Field already started helping too within hours of trading, written it in that NFT review.


once concentrating on the ability and meditating on it, do you have to have the printed version on you for the day or can you put it aside and it will take care of it?