EXP Potion

Actively listening to the audio is enough and it will take care of it .


thank you.

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Finally got it ! Was waiting for the sale :grin:


Can we charge water with this potion?

So if I ask for one skill on a day and donā€™t ask anything the next day (and donā€™t play the field as well the next day ) will that same skill of first day continue to grow or am I needed to ask again every day ?

Is this the best NFT as an external energy source?

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If I want to reduce the eye floaters in my eyes,
Do I first listen 1 time of exp potion ,
Saying affirmation ā€œI have 20/20 perfect eye vision. I do notj have eye floatersā€
Then I loop ā€œvision of clarifyā€ 3-5 times?

Is this how this exp potion work? But it works based on experienceā€¦so I donā€™t know how to relate this on health purpose. I can only think of using this nft for learning purpose

@Maoshan_Wanderer mentioned that he got good result from this nft for health purpose.
If you donā€™t mind, may you share what commands do you give in order to achieve massive health improvement? Thanks


Hmm, whatā€™s with the series of questions?

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Itā€™s a potion for gaining exp. If you read the description and identify anything that indicates being a water charger please show. If a person has abilities in charging water, then I suppose they can be improved with this potion.

What is an NFT designed to do? What seems plausible within that design? Some questions to ask for relevant future queries.


This really depends on you, on a person-by-person basis. Like its possible ā€œto askā€ without asking, or ā€œaskā€ to continue for the amount that youā€™ll sustain your energy towards.
But it doesnā€™t have to be a dynamic of asking and receiving. There are plenty of ways to interact with an NFT. It could be more fun or playful. Or even just plain silly.
Some questions to possibly consider are: how do I regularly interact with my world, where does my attention naturally gravitate? In what ways do I perceive connection?

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Which to get first :thinking:

  • Max Heal Potion
  • EXP Potion

0 voters

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Iā€™m sure everyone may have their own opinion/experience on where they may be drawing energy from.

Seems like you have a suggestion for yourself to try. Why not try it out and tell us how it goes for you?

As mentioned in the description there are points about improving stats relating to health - no pun intended. But you can probably go a long way with just Max Heal and/or Plasma Flaunt.

I personally donā€™t use commands or scripts, but the structure or frame of wording with language can seem really helpful for some.

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So are you saying as long as I am connected to this NFTā€¦ the last skill that I asked keeps growing ?

I can speak for myself and say that itā€™s possible for a single or multiple skills to ā€œkeep growing.ā€

How another person may be interacting with an NFT and the quality of connection they may have of course varies. I canā€™t speak on anotherā€™s experience.

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Hmm ā€¦ probably the creator or the team leader knows ā€¦ how to work best with this NFT. I asked the same question before also in the thread but didnā€™t get an answer yet. I bought it regardless since it seems to be a useful NFT to keep.
@Dreamweaver @LittleOwl
Do we need to ā€˜askā€™ for the same skill everyday or the last skill asked for keeps growing as long as we keep a connection with the NFT? Thanks

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According to the description, I understand that the basic skills are what the nft improves by default every day. When a specific skill is chosen, the nft focuses its full potential on that single skill for that specific day. Therefore I think that if you should choose one per day if you want grow that specific ability exponentially.


Best thing to do is experiment and report back. And Iā€™m sure at some point either dream or little owl will answer back

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I agree ā€¦ I am doing that already

I think you should ask it daily. That way you can build a stronger connection with the NFT and the energy. As the intelligence of the field grows, you can communicate more fluidly with how youā€™d like to interact with it. Since day by day, the integration and relationship will be more powerful, your abilities and knowledge of how to do what you want with it should become more potent.

Thatā€™s just my opinion and what seems to be the most logical.


Thanks for a good opinion @wonderwandering

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