Experiences with the Fae & Energetic Support Servitors

I’ll share my little experience with servitors …
My first Servitor was a cute Fairy from the book of cards. An interesting event took place during its creation. I put the activation image on a small table, squatted down, uttered the activation phrase, and at the same moment I was very strongly rocked back. I was surprised, but did not attach much importance to this … I left my apartment for 2 hours, and when I entered, I immediately felt her. These warm waves around me lasted the whole evening …
For a whole week, I just let her explore myself and my world, my environment.
And on the following Sunday (exactly one week later) the Energy Support Servitor was created.

Of course, the question immediately arose of how to train them.

Perhaps some of you have read the book: James T. Mangan - The Secret of the Easy Life. How to live without problems?

In his studies of the state of consciousness, the author focused primarily on the search for a practical method of connecting consciousness with the subconscious and discovered the technique that made this connection possible. It is very simple, and happens through keyword or triggers. The book provides a technique for connecting with the subconscious and keywords for all occasions. You can use special words in the simplest and most difficult situations, daily and everywhere, and get the result you expect.
The bottom line is the formula:

TOGETHER -> [trigger word] -> NOW

So I decided to try and program the servitors using this formula. This happened even before our @_OM gave his recommendations for multi-commands.
For instance:
The passive ability “cleaning the environment around you and removing harmful and negative patterns” was activated with the password: TOGETHER - CLEAN AROUND - NOW

And I added different triggers to each passive ability of each servitor.

I felt their action and work, but objectively assessing the results is difficult enough.

  • Little time (you will understand why I am writing this)
  • I wear the PROTECTION dog tag, so their protection is just as difficult to assess.
  • For some things it is difficult to find an evaluation model. For example, how can you objectively assess that each chakra has been properly cleansed by a servitor? How do you assess that the energy flows are properly balanced? Of course, it feels like. But some feelings can be confused and misinterpreted. That is why Sapien’s course - Energy Awakening is waiting for me in the near future …
  • How to objectively assess the action of the servitors themselves, if you constantly use the entire energy arsenal of Sapien? And a similar result can be given by a certain Sapiena field.

I confess that this area has not been fully explored. Their possibilities are very great. I feel them, but sometimes I get confused in my feelings … And such “evaluative models” can be picked up and found. It’s all a matter of time.

Our @Maoshan_Wanderer recently confessed that with new Servitors, he doesn’t pay enough attention to the old Servitors.
I had the opposite situation.

The decision was made to let the new servitors develop their active abilities on their own (nevertheless, I always give the command to strengthen, and properly integrate into my system any listening field)

My interest settled on older servitors. Excitement was based on the statement - how to teach something useful to the strongest kids who do not have clear defined programs?

I took a more difficult path. I remembered Sami’s recommendation that they can be taught by showing something.

On my territory there is a very serious, solid and high-quality subliminal developer. We will not discuss and compare morphic fields and sublimins now. This is not the point. It is time-tested and many people achieve amazing results using programs from this developer. Everyone goes their own way …

In their programs, they use a multi-approach: hypnosis, affirmations, suggestive formulas, visual images, color therapy, Radionics. And all this is enclosed in a video file with a duration of 5-10 minutes.

I work in a rather toxic team (I’m an empath). I wrote something about it.
At my request, these developers have created a video program for me based on the program: Subliminal Shop Indigo Mindlabs - Directional Reflection Shield. The main idea of ​​the program is The shield actively reflects the negative energy other people send you back to them. You may notice that people trying to manipulate you suddenly can’t, or have a much harder time doing so, and that they will start acting differently around and towards you in general. People who are “hatin’ on you ”are typically going to either quickly escalate and proverbially“ knock themselves out ”with their own energy, or they may suddenly distance themselves from you and eventually stop their hatin’. They may also suddenly come to “respect” you for no apparent reason, and even try to get on your good side out of nowhere. With the DRS, whatever is sent to you with negativity is instantly given right back to the sender.

I want to show how the visual part of the program that was developed for me looks like:

[ LINK ]

All this is of course very beautiful, but the point is different. The most interesting thing started when I “connected” the Dark Servitor and the Dragon with the Magi dog-tag.
Quite recently, during such a “session” of this program, I squinted my eyes and noticed that a white shell / shield had formed around me, exactly the same as in the visual part of the program. THEY knew what to do :)

Now about the results with this experiment … Again, it is difficult to determine. Now at work I actively use Plasma Flower.

This was the solution to my problem;)

I told about my little experience. In the future I will supplement my observations :slight_smile:


Very interesting stuff, i’ll be looking forward to what you have to say in the future :slightly_smiling_face:


Very interesting. I don’t have much experience using Subliminals, and esp the teenagers creating them on YT seem to be mostly using freeware software without much thought behind their creations.

Are these developers you talk of on Youtube? These folks indeed seem to know what they are doing!!

Very few people seem to be make use of colors and visual tools. Jonathan Dilas created a series of programs called Dissociation with weird color and light patterns which really seemed to access various areas of the brain when viewed (not sure if he is still around).

Apologies for diverging from the topic.


The doors are always open for you;)

No, their products are not on YouTube. You can see only samples on YouTube.
In these samples there is no “wired” subliminals



I decided to take a different approach with my servitors than what many others have recommended. The first thing I did was give them access to the best energies I had at my disposal, which was things like the Quantum Healer Wand and the Ascension Pyramid, to expand them into higher expressions of their capabilities - to “upgrade” them.

Additionally, for the fairy and the dragon, another thing I offered them came from the wand, because I was able to use it to teach them how to find and interact with others of their own kind, since the wand facilitates connections to both the fae & dragon realms. The fae responded extremely positively to this, which I’ve talked about here on the forum, and the dragon also received great personal benefit, which I’m not sure I’ve talked about here before nor am I sure I should.

Then, I really only gave them two requests. First, I asked them to do whatever they thought would be good for me anytime they saw a need, based on their understanding and perspective. Second, I introduced them to my higher self and asked them to seek direction from it anytime they weren’t working on anything else. This way, their ability to help me wasn’t restricted to my own conscious understanding or limitations, and was more “automated”.

I do not treat them like servants, slaves, or constructs that are required to do my bidding, and I do not issue them commands, just as I would not want a “higher” being to treat me this way. Instead, I treat them like friends and gave them the best I could at first, thereby creating a relationship dynamic based on this principle. If I feel I need something that they could help with, I ask them to assist instead of requiring them to do so.

I see them as members of my larger spirit family/guide group/spirit guides - there are many names for that idea but I think you get what I mean. Thus far, anytime I’ve asked them for help with something, I’ve always been met with warmth, gratitude, and love and an eagerness to help in any way they can.


Can somebody explain how is this supposed to work please?

That seems like a good way of interacting with them. I think i’ll incorporate that as well. Thanks for sharing your experience :)


I kinda of wonder if fae can learn physical books? For example. If you have science book and you told the fae to learn it. And then teach you how you do it. Can it be done?


Well, they might not know how to do this from the get go, but I suppose that if you’re very (I mean VERY) advanced you could train a servitor or fae to do it.

It’s tricky to make them learn, but not as tricky as “receiving” the knowledge and being able to consciously use it.
It would most likely be unconscious knowledge/ energy (which would be impressive).

How would you filter the information ? That’s the question I would ask myself.
Or would it be more effective than just reading a book ? I doubt it

There are many better ways to learn from someone in an energetically way than training a fae/servitor to read his book.

Focus on something similar to the language série on Dreamseed and maybe learn about it


Right. But I think fae is very good for memorizing words I suppose


I have to communicate with people daily and I feel like Fae really helps when dealing with a difficult client. Somehow Fae also works on people I talk to and helps to center their energy, along with ESS. Just the passive abilities work too.


Story time!!
TL;DR: Servitors Rock! :smiley:

So I had a couple exams that came shortly after my newly registered courses which was 2 weeks into the start of semester already!

There were so many ways I could cram all the knowledge into my mind or smarter ways of leading the studied parts through the questions proposed throughout the lectures but Naah, It was more plausible to take the energetic route, on a whim.

For five days of exams I tried 5 ways of letting the servitors learn about the subjects and infusing my mind with the knowledge they have learnt. Adding a different way each day and merging it with the one from the day before.

The usual, started with the base of the “go research about X” way… add it to my subconscious… then wait, why not conscious?? Next was showing them what I wanted, which part of the knowledge was what I wanted the most of; in a way, letting them do the rest, then add it to my conscious. Another day, on the Management exam, played the Millionaire field and connected that with the “aspects” that are related to the field and that of what I must have studied… Now we are connecting the subconscious with the conscious and implementing their newly acquired knowledge in both of them. All that along enhancing the skills needed for the day and the correspondent mental aspects, so Supercharged cognitive skills, Sharp thinking, Clarity, Quick thinking, etc…

Last was what I loved most out of everything, by then I was seeing their abilities combined with their energies on me and what they were doing on my answer sheets! (Okay, answer word documents). Taken away by the impressiveness, I had asked them to enter the consciousness of a specific tutor and know exactly what she wants while implementing that in both subconscious and conscious And in two minutes!! I was there changing and adding all the lines and the ‘hidden info’ here and there that she must see on the paper for her to give it a good pass!

Now I honestly didn’t know what to do about any of these in the beginning, I was only :100: certain they could do this!! By now, of course there are so many better things to be done, but for a first time… :drum:


I got the absolutely highest scores given that I barely studied enough for any of those exams!! So 18/20 in 3/5 courses with 16-17/20 being the two others is a hugely outstanding job.

So Monsieur Philip, those were probably the easiest marks I ever got, but truly, it would have been SO much easier if I had actually studied! So much energy work done for making up for what I have done ;D


Lol :+1:t2:

Lot work, congratulations :tada:


Gotta beware of your students then! You never know who could be here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hey I ended up buying the wand for my servitors, just curious since you’ve had them for a while, does it damage the product if I shower with it?

Congratulations! :heart:
I haven’t used mine for studying.

Thanks for lettings us know and reminding ourselves of this possibility also :blush:


U do know unless u get the tutors permission to do this, u are infringing on their personhood. U are using your servitors to get what u want and achieve your goals by violating the tutors mind. This is one of the reasons people buy psychic protection products, they don’t want their mind or body violated.


Yeah but she’s a big meanie poopoo head :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: so it’s okay



She’s my big meanie poopoo head :yellow_heart::kiss:


Yes, Dilas just released the book “Spiritual Dissociation” late last year on amazon. It’s in German, no English version yet.

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I hadn’t worn my ES necklace for a few weeks but when I did today and called his name, I felt a rush of energy embrace it felt like a child’s excitement to see his father after a long time :hugs: I sent him some love and carried him along. What a sweetie, he massaged my energy body very well.