Let me assure you first :D All of these you have mentioned have no effect in the creation or the embedment process and your fae is placed in your item as long as the item stayed on place for the time of process.
A few things can help you now, while Trust will help you most, it’s also important to help yourself and your servitor get more acquainted.
The Fae Mandala on Instagram can be an excellent source of “learning” for the fae, while also meeting her family … sort of ;)
Feeling the Servitor is not an indicator of their presence but you can always opt for more ease of communication between you two. I also found intercessions to help greatly!
Just last night I used my tag for something similar :)
Keep communicating with your servitor, let the fae learn more about you through your words, images, sensations, feelings and concepts.
Two fields that can help you: Ego Dissolution and Enhanced Visual Processing.
(And no not for the visual part )
Also maybe, jussst Maaaybe… Astral Primer :)
It will ease communication and sweep away any differences between you two!