Experiences with the Fae & Energetic Support Servitors

I know they are different.

But from what I have read about your experiences ENERGETIC SUPPORT SERVITOR is the one that produces physical pain, your back your body. It seems to be VERY POWERFUL.

I wanted to create it tomorrow. But your experiences make me want to create it right now. :rofl::rofl:

What initial differences do you find between the two?


Can we tell them to learn something ?
Like:" go and read everything you can find on emf reduction " or something like that.

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Since you don’t seem very energy sensitive.
Go ahead and create Energy now, if you want.
Ask for your fae’s help and energy when creating the Energy servitor.

As soon as it’s created, ask them to “activate their active skills”…
(That’s just for you and your peace of mind. )

Then please report back what happens, ok?


Yes i believe so too, however i think the stomach pain was a lesson from Fae or at least its how i felt it.

I dont know if you have the old servitors? The dark and the light one? Thats how these 2 feel like.

Tho the Fae gives me a more child like vibe, strong and magical still but sweet and friendly.

The other one is on to business to clean u up haha my hair wen up for like 15 minutes straight.
He is working non stop on me all the night work im sure is him.

They are amazing!




Great ! Even if we include the internet , like everything on topic x on the internet . Or is that too much /overwhelming ?

Yes ive asked 2 things one to each and fast they did it. I am just amazed. I dont want to be asking them much or teaching them much at first because i really want them to feel free to show me what they do first. I have the other 2 servitors well trained so ill keep asking them instead. Tho i must say these 2 feel stronger to just go and do it like they have the power to learn quickly or create quickly what you ask while the old servitors you gotta train them again and again in many ways and test etc until they finally succeed and i feel like not all the time they actually get through lol


It would be interesting if they can teach you something. So that we can tell them research something that related to a problem we have and then based on their research they give or channel to us the best idea / concept of what to do.


MY FAE SERVITOR did it 2 hours ago.
I have 2 hours with my FAE SERVITOR.

Active abilities are supposed to already be activated.

At this moment, can I tell my FAE SERVITOR to activate its active abilities?

Too bad I’m not sensitive to energy and I don’t know if they are working, if it is working or not. LOL.:smile::smile::smile::-1::-1:

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Nah thats ok. I mean a topic at a time.

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For you… yes I would. Just for your peace of mind.

Now go ahead and create the Energy Servitor as instructed above.


I’m not sure if my dragon golem understands , he seems unable to really use the internet. Maybe I should have told him first to learn about the internet before telling him to use it haha
Maybe my fae will be quicker learner … I got a hunch :)

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Just tell them to learn about X.
There’s far more X “out there” than just the internet version and it’s going to be accurate unlike what’s probably on the internet, see?


“FAE SERVITOR I ask for your help and your energy to create the energetic Servitor”.

Then I say the words “CREATE SERVITOR” and wait 2 hours.

Finish the process, I welcome him and at that moment I say “ENERGETIC SUPPORT SERVER activates your active abilities”.

It is right?

Thank you.


Yes, and you can say it in Spanish :)


Hmm good idea , I have to stop thinking like a human in 3d lol … he has access to energy knowledge fields . Maybe more like galactic energy internet


THE ONLY thing I will say in English is “CREATE SERVITOR”.

The rest in Spanish. LOL.




I show them something on the internet.

But then tell them to go every where here on earth and the whole universe and all the realms in all languages in all dimensions to find info about so and so, learn what makes so and so then find where and how to either harness that energy or create it and then infuse/engore me with it in and out etc

Internet is like the basics


And most important to infuse my subconscious with so and so, so it works faster just like when we listen to the subconscious audio before other audios :sunglasses:


Guys guys. Ive forgot to mention something.
It happened yesterday and it happened today.

I swear on my late Dad. This wasnt normal.

Ive been buying groceries once a month at the same Walmart since April. I pretty much buy the same stuff, slightly change sometimes but my point is, i know what things i can find there and what things I cannot, i know the prices, i know the brands, i know the total average etc.

Yesterday at the supermarket from product ONE that i grabbed all prices were much lower, now we can say maybe things are lower because business are struggling but i mean it’s end of Sep and its the first time i saw that on a Walmart, Walmart no business with discounts lol at least around here.
Itd say like 80% of the stuff where lower price i was laughing at some point because i could get extra stuff and i couldnt believe some prices. I ended up getting more stuff paying almost half less than what i usually pay!!
And i found products sooo easily and different brands for me to choose from it was like if the supermarket was arranged for me (Im Vegan and a health nut) i kept shaking my head and giggling.

Today i went to do other stuff and to find out some prices for some stuff i needed, but i thought ok ill just find the prices so i know what to get when i get extra money.

I came back home with 3 items i needed because they were on sale lololol
