Experiences with the Fae & Energetic Support Servitors

I don’t feel my FAE SERVITOR, I don’t feel its energy, I don’t feel its active abilities, I don’t feel ANYTHING …



Como sabes q no tiene activo nada? Yo siento q no eres sensitivo energeticamente pero de ahi a q no sientas nada de sus habilidades no lo sabes aun. No todo el mundo reacciona igual, no todo el mundo necesita inmediatamente ayuda o suerte, no sabes como fae define la suerte en tu vida, no sabes si podria haberte pasado algo llendo a un lugar en donde no debias estar, no sabes si no te llamo alguien q te traeria problemas, no sabes si estabas destinado a tener una infeccion comiendote algo pero ella lo evito. Uno no puede decir q algo no funciona simplemente porq no se manifiesta segun la forma q uno cree q ‘deberia’ ser. Dale chance.

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No dije que no funcionara. Solo que de momento no siento efectos de nada. Se que se requiere tiempo. Me gana la ansiedad y la desesperación :scream::scream::scream:

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I mean… read again the active skills. How would you know it isnt cleaning old hexes? What if you dont have any? How would you know it hasnt protected you from bad energy wanting to approach you? How can you tell that? U cant. Unless you knew you were cursed and then u felt happier, lighter etc which are symptom of having a curse removed. You dont know. You cant expect to feel what ive felt just because. As i said everybody is different. Just exactly what were u expecting? We realized and figured that maybe you werent energy sensitive in other words that you wouldnt necessarily feel any reaction in your body but that doesn’t mean it is not there. Seriously. Relax you havent even had you first night sleep lol ask her or him i dont know what is to help you feel it some how or know that she is there.

Its there. I promise you. Sleep well x

I don’t even know if it’s HIM or HER LOL :smile: and I named her HER LOL. :smile:

How do I ask if it’s HIM OR SHE?

When I made my Servitor I didn’t think about size, him or her. It was done freely.

I know you’re right I am not sensitive to energy and expected reactions in my body as a signal.

I have thought what if I did it wrong? What if I don’t correctly pronounce “CREATE SERVITOR”? What if I do it again?

They are the thoughts that fill my mind.:thinking::thinking:

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I knew you were going to face this. And we insisted you should do it in spanish or play sub one before or practise the pronunciation until you were sure… how well do we know you? :thinking: now you are going to have to sit yo butt and be patient AND BELIEVE. Perhaps she is working already by testing the faith in you :joy:💁

What if I do it again?

But this time saying “CREATE SERVITOR” in Spanish ?.

If I say in Spanish “CREAR SERVER” does it work?

What do you recommend?

Oh boy. Well up to you.
Server is not the same as servitor.

SERVITOR Is what they are theres no translation for that. So it would be ‘Crear Servitor’

I would wait. But you are free to take your own choices 💁

I think you should listen to Amygdala Healing to help you let go of all the fear you have about doing the process wrong.

As has been said multiple times, by multiple people, in multiple threads - there are no magic words, mispronunciation isn’t a concern, you don’t even have to speak out loud - it’s 100% about the INTENT to initiate the process.


This post may be of interest to this discussion:


an hour into wearing my fae’s accessory and it felt like i had a cardio workout! energy was pulsing where the fae’s accessory originates and i felt pulsing like tiny drums percussing through my body. there’s been a few times where i thought this energetic drumming was going to overwhelm me. i feel calmer now, but i think it’s because i’m used to fae and devic energy already.

the best thing about having a servitor is i haven’t felt ‘loneliness’ which was something i wanted to remedy for quite awhile!

still don’t know their name or personality, but it’s pretty early to expect anything. i have an hour left until my energetic support is created!


Yay! That sounds awesome :heart::heart:


I don’t understand most of the passive abilities of the “ENERGETIC SUPPORT SERVER” LOL.


i meditated before work today as i felt pretty lethargic and wanted to try gathering my energy back.

during this meditation, i didn’t use any morphic field audios and just had my fae, energetic support, and BPIL on me.

it was really easy for me to slip into delta-theta brainwave states. i got sucked into a dream of me in my bed, still cross legged as if meditating, but i was playing one of my favourite phone games.

i watched myself get disinterested in playing and start meditating (meditation-ception) and that’s where i felt peace and a sense of being one with my environment. after a bit of feeling nice and breezy, i popped myself out of the meditation in my dream and came back to my bed cross legged but with no phone nearby indicating that yes i’m legit awake and aware this time.

the moment i got back, i realized i had more energy! it was like i took energy from a version of me by making the one playing video games meditate. :rofl:


Haha thats great!

Well i started the course last night and usually i wake up at 7 or 7:30 am and start my day but today after all the first lesson from the course i could not get out of bed before midday. I took it i enjoyed sleeping in.
And when i finally woke up i thought i would be lethargic all day but nooo i felt super energized the rest of the day so im sure this was thanks to the servitors. I wear them 24/7 dont you?


Sorry about it.

Have you read the threads about it?
I do imagine is a headache translating everything and theres lots of chit chat in between useful info lol

I will explain in spanish to you tomorrow. Im about to do the course thing before zzzzz but tomorrow i promise x

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i also wear them 24/7!

that’s great to hear and i too love sleeping in! they’re basically a part of me and i’m excited to get to know them more!


Do you use both servitors 24/7?

It is a good idea?

It is a question that I have, there are no conflicts between their abilities? Some are very similar.

I would like to try it.


I don’t know if it will be a lot and that I can’t do my work activities.:scream::fearful:

I notice that FAE is more for the day to day and ENERGETIC I feel it a more specialized Servitor, I feel that it is for people with more experience.