Experiences with the Fae & Energetic Support Servitors

I love taking this energy-group step! Any time I have charged a sigil, or casted intentions & desires, it was akin to the “Cone of Power” concept. You can feel a dense dome of energy from your energy group. I call forth any benevolent, loving, helpful and able: energy, spirit, servitor, thought-form or being to help amplify & magnify, then multiply the intention. The best part is capturing it in the Energy Storage card; then releasing it during your next charging/casting.

Once that environment gets engorged by energy…I store the amplified energy again (created through synergy). I haven’t released it in a while. Tonight was my chance, but my focus was on healing via Radionics + crystals + Mandalas & pendents. The energy was great but my storage card was forgotten.

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Follow this link:

Servitor Guide by Samuel G:

Please use the search box as all of us do.
Thank you.


According to my pendulum (I asked him the question several times), energy fields like Eternal work less well when I have my two servitors with me.

Did you on your side notice something similar?

Perhaps my servitors regularly clear my aura, which causes it to clear the energy fields.

I’m trying to figure out why. It bothers me a little to put them aside.

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well my point of view…

all those new tags are smart fields.

perhaps less well means Eternal doesnot protect you so much, because you have your sevitors.

with pendulum it is all about the question you ask. really…all the efford should be to aks the right question.

hope it helps.


Thanks for your respons ! I will be more specific on my questions with pendulum and I will come back :slightly_smiling_face:

I was recommended this servitor by a very nice person @Baki , and I’ve decided I need this more than minor blueprint of power. I think this will aid me a lot more, plus being my first servitor. Really excited to try it

Ahhhh you mean the anti-advice :cold_face:

Yes yes try it :grin:

but most important … enjoy it :fairy:

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Hi Mao, just in case you may be interested in this. Just came across this on amazon. It’s the recently released english version of his ‘Spiritual Dissociation’ book originally in German. I’ve waited for this over a year ago. https://www.amazon.com/Kindle-eBooks-Jonathan-Dilas-Store/s?rh=n%3A154606011%2Cp_27%3AJonathan+Dilas

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Can someone check if my fae servitor has been finally created? Also I figured out while saying the command “create servitor” my pronounciation was incorrect. Does that affect the process?

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Yes “She” is there

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