Explaining Everything in Full (My Arthritis)

I thought I had osteoarthritis and was working towards that, but learning more about it. It seemed to be something else though the characteristics where similar. Apparently I have runner’s knee/chondromalacia patella. I still have gout, though it’s better than before. I also have a curve in my spine and I believe nerve damage. I just have had some trouble with doctors so I tried more so to rely on sapien and myself. Currently I have trouble maintaining balance while walking/walking properly, and I find myself stumped to how exactly I can help my knee. My knees feel soft, and some of my joints are mispositioned (especially my knee, my hip is higher up and my foot joints are curved). Even though I listen to some audios I don’t tend to feel a difference in my more damaged knee.

Any ideas on what to do?

Other stuff: my fingers are slightly effected, they aren’t as bad as my foot but it’s slightly mispositioned, just my pinkies are a little lower than my other fingers). Occasionally I hear popping in my hip or shoulders, but not very frequent. I also hear it in my wrist, which is a little more often and few times for my fingers. I do tend to hear popping in my neck a little more often than the others. My elbows pop, but still few times. A lot of these don’t happen with every movement, but with certain movements.

All of this happened when I was being ignorant about my own health. I had tried a lot of things before I really got to understand sapien medicine. I’m mainly talking about binaural beats and a couple of exercises. It was intially my fault that when I started doing exercise every exercise I did impacted my body negatively (due to being done wrong/doing too much) instead of positively and it took me a while before I realized that.

I’m sorry that I held back on explaining everything before, I just didn’t feel confident enough or open enough to really let it all out.

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Could you please comment in the previous post or wherever you mentioned this so we can see what you said and what we suggested then, so we can understand better what to advice you x


Please tell us what u have been diagnosed with, from a qualified health professional. (not from a google search). Also what have they told u, u DON’T have.


I had an MRI on both my knees, They said my left knee is fine with ligament sprains. That my right knee has a minor meniscus tear. That there’s weakness in my body coming from my hamstrings/leg area. They said my left knee is fine, but I still have trouble with it in all honesty. They didn’t detect anything else is what they told me. I didn’t get the rest of my body checked. But just based on how I feel and what I looked up I thought that’s what I had though I guess I’m not sure. I’m looking for answers. Though I’m certain my spine has issues because I have back pain, they said they’d have me look more into that and neurological issues in other appointments.

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Also there is pain if you press on the knee area mainly at the sides of my knees.

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What do they say about this?
Or is this related to the sprain that is probably throwing the way you walk off , because you are walking in a way to avoid the pain.

Also have u been diagnosed with gout, which u said in your original first post?

Having scoliosis is fairly common (I have it, my sister Mar has a severe case), and doesnt necessarily cause back pain. It can cause one hip to be percieved as higher than the other, one leg to be shorter than the other (mine is, so is my sisters). Its a matter of degree. My sister becasue she has a severe case (Has her picture in a medical text book as a childhood example) Having scoliosis doesnt mean u have nerve damage.

Having back pain doesn’t mean u have nerve damage. Most back pain is due to muscular reasons, or muscular-skeletal reasons (mostly muscle imbalances, muscle weakness), not nerve damage.


They told me it was best to strengthen my hamstrings and sent me for physical therapy. I haven’t explained my gout situation to my doctor yet, but I plan to as I have visible signs.

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Do u go to physical therapy and have u done and continued the exercise they gave u?

So u havent been diagnosed with gout by a medical professional? It is fairly easy to get a diagnosis of gout, from a medical professional. (my brother Pete has gout)


Continue with your physical therapy exercises.

Did they give u a referral for a qualified medical professional u can see about your back? Then u need to make and keep the appointment.

Unfortunately, ligaments, tendons and meniscus heal slowly.

I recommend (these are the FREE fields)
*Senescent Cell Removal
*Vitamin C

*Induced Hepatocyte Growth factor
*Stem Cell and scar tissue removal
*Muscle recovery V.2
*Pain Control V2
*Collagen Booster V.2
*Far Infrared-go slow may detox
*The Platelet Rich Plasma2 Bath
*Mstate Gold & Silver-helps with the pain
*MState Rhodium & Copper
*Muscle Message/Spa Days
*Reiki Message
*Enhanced Cellular Nutrition Absorption-listened to X1 at least 30 min. after the 2 biggest meals