Extreme thirst from tags/morphic fields?

Has anyone noticed getting extremely thirsty from tags or listening to a bunch of fields? I recently acquired the Eternity Redux tag and I’ve been more thirsty than I’ve ever been. And it seems hard to quench the thirst.


I think it’s mostly with the tags that have a built-in healing field, the healing fields use the body’s own resources, and how the body is made of around 70% water, it is normal that we really feel very dehydrated.someone to whom. I offered the advanced healing tag to a friend, and the first day she received it, we stayed together for several hours., and then we both felt very dehydrated, and Although we drank a lot of water, we were still thirsty


Oh yes. I’ve given up on playing fields overnight (even the Environmental Energy Accumulator,) since I find it not only dehydrates but I wake up exhausted as hell. This is some powerful shit! Good luck with your journey!


It’s reassuring to know I’m not the only one. The use of water in the body makes a lot of sense too. Has anyone found any ways to adapt more smoothly?

I’ve considered extended the time wearing the tags over time. I’ve also thought I should just tough it out until my body adapts.


I personally drink like 6 cups of water right before bed and I still wake up dehydrated, Idk if it’s me or if it’s my playlist of fields over night…

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are you also using enhance nutrient absorption?
this one tends to do that sometimes for cell regeneration etc.
but generally, take a break from it also.


Ohh I actually do lol that makes sense… I never knew I had to take a break from it (although I kind of am right now since I’ve been slacking on it the last week, the thirst isn’t like before) also I would use it for every meal too so almost 6 times a day, 4 over the recommended 2 times lol

Thanks dream :slight_smile: (ran out of likes)


I am also severely dehydrated right now, and I am pretty sure it’s from the energy body aura cleanser. This is my third week of the PONR, and the field makes me really tired too when listening to it. The dehydration is also unreal, and triggering my eczema. It’s really hard for me to keep going and have motivation when feeling like this every day now. I am drinking 2 liters of water a day. I have used certain audios before, like amygdalae healing, the emotional release, the healing playlist with trauma, love and gratitude, forgiveness and release, self love etc. without any effects like I am experiencing now. I am just listening to the standard point of no return playlist as advised.

Any tips are greatly appreciated.

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Hi! Hi!

Drink a bit more water like : .5 L
also take in count , your electrolyte balance , you can add a tiny bit of salt to your water too.

Use Increase Nutrient abbsorption if you feel can help you .

It may be some kind of detox if you never take care and then suddenly start to get things in order, but this is just an example and the causes could be unknowed .

Stay true to your inntuition and try to find balance with the thingns you see work for you.

:+1: Daijoubu! (大丈夫 = Its alright)


Thanks man for the quick reply. I was thinking of using that one maybe once a week now like it said in the point of no return description. I read in another thread that the enhanced nutrition also dehytrated some people tho.

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Dont know man :woman_shrugging:

Some fields make something on someones :world_map: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I use everyday NNutrient absorption :tipping_hand_woman: , it keep the gainz cominng and also helps alot with digestion besides i like the music , i never felt deshydrated or something , i drink the water i feel i need , not something “rigid” .

Trust in your symptoms my man :potable_water: :milk_glass: :ok_hand:


Like Akira said. The answer is to drink more water until your body has what it needs. 2 liters isn’t as much as you seem to think it is. I drink about 5L of water on a normal day. Eventually, whatever is happening will reach an equilibrium, but until then listen to your body and drink more


This is what he said on patronsaintofbiceps drinking 6 glasses water before bed and still woke up severely dehydrated.

I might try to up it a bit with my daily water intake.

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Man but its Biceps man , his biceps need a pipe , to mantain his strenght . :muscle:

Also it was a personalized advice , which its different from person to person .

Every person its different , weight , height , your needs are different to any other person .

You should find your own homeostasis ( balance ) point.


This is how my brain works:

Thirsty? Drink water.
Still thirsty? Drink more water.
Hmmm, still thirsty? Guess some changes are really happening. Let’s have some more water.

Just listen to your body and make it happy :smirk:



It’s usually just this simple


:joy: true man

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Ye bro but isn’t 5 liter dangerous?

Check my man:

carefully :microscope:

Is 3 Litres of water a day enough? :flushed:


While drinking 3 liters (100 ounces) daily may help you meet your needs, it isn’t necessary for everyone. In fact, drinking too much water can be dangerous. To ensure you’re staying hydrated, drink when you feel thirsty and always listen to your body


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