Far UVC Sanitizer

Thanks for helping me move to the correct thread :pray:

@Rosechalice @Nice2knowU


To be read prior to sanitizing field use:

It appears to me little or no one here understands the health effects of UV in excess of 230nm, or even what wavelengths constitute far Uv - C to begin with.

*** Only those who do know should be using these fields or any UV to sanitize anything. ***

And then it is a question of how accurately the UV lamp or field reproduces that quoted wavelength as opposed to throwing in other wavelengths. And then it is a question of how you’ve tested that and how you know that. And then it’s a question of how many times that varies in practice when you try to use the lamp, field, etc

There is zero hint to any extra safety precautions thrown into these fields that would explain why they are safer than a real UV lamp.

Please do feel free to correct me. I do want to be corrected here And if doing so, please do accompany the correction with why you think any UV / any of this above 222-230 nm is human and pet safe.

Thank you for reading.

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i would love to see some experiments done with this.

anyone with a microscope and a petri dish could conduct their own experiment


Has anyone read the paper on uvc and subcutaneous fat? It seems very promising but I can’t work out which wavelength it is.

Please share the link.


As requested :blush: many thanks :+1:


I think these two UVB (280–320 nm) and UVA (320–400 nm), the last two audios in the first post.

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Many thanks. I got quite excited at the prospect.

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Look forward to your results.


I want to know too, how to use this as an environmental field.

Also, if I play this in a room, do I have to put my probiotic supplements to another room? :thinking:

@SammyG @Dreamweaver


This helped completely eliminate some strong, unpleasant pet smells from a room. I was looking online for products to fix this, but there’s no need anymore

The room smells clean and fresh.



What wave length did you use? All of them?


I used all of them

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hey any update?

I’m not sure on the article. Also interested (i thought first it was about UV in general).

I’ve not been consistent enough to give an accurate update. Sorry :grinning:

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You are right, the article says UVA and UVB while here the field is about UVC.

Not entirely. They noticed that UVC can effect the fat layers in the body. The UVC exposure does affect the lipid profile and triglycerides even though UVC cannot penetrate deeper layers of the skin/fat in underneath the skin. UVC exposure seems to increase appetite, but seems to prevent weight gain by extra secretion of norepinephrine. The latter increases energy expenditure due extra browning of subcutaneous fat which appears to open up new approaches for obesity treatment and metabolic disorders. They are not entirely sure on long exposure towards UVC and whether how safe it is and they also it could speed up skin aging as far I understand.

Someone just posted today in the lipedema thread that they are using UVC 200, 275 and 300 and are seeing great results with their lipedema. Lipedema is a hard and very frustrating disease to manage, and it is not just regular fat, so regular weight loss doesn’t impact those abnormal fat cells. Any type of success with lipedema is a huge deal. Just sharing because if it works with people with lipedema, it make have excellent results for regular weight loss. (FYI…Lipedema is not lymphedema)

ive downloaded this field while on Patreon Premium tier,

now that my subsciption ended, do i need to buy the audio on the patreon shop to use the audio that i downloaded ???