Fast Free Easy Way to Clear Aura and Recharge Your Energy Systems

It does bring me this question. So in the near future I am getting the energy awakening course. The question is, after using this audio once or twice, how long should I wait before starting the first audio in the course?

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What audio?

The energy body clearing audio

The warning is for what you play before the aura clearing (3 hours) no need to wait to play anything else after

@anon51280824 when would be best to release the stored energy from the card, only when you feel the audio effects wearing off or sooner?

Yes when you feel like energy is going lower but before you are like at zero

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Hi! Sorry for the the delayed reply but thank you so much! I went ahead and purchased the aura field and the first listen made me laugh a lot and feel like I was high again after years of not touching weed. I’m now interested to see how I can feel that good again (like a kid) when I initially just wanted financial and abundance fields first (so that I could help my family and buy the other fields with no problem). I guess maybe soul restoration is a good contender?

I’m really grateful, thank you for the forum you linked. I have put a lot on my future buying list!


Yes you can focus on soul core one for a while.

Have you checked the new one?

Point of No Return


No I have not! But wow! Thank you so much Luna, this sounds amazing! This has bumped up to number 1 on my purchase list. Thank you so so much and happy full moon!


Wow this is kinda off topic, but I was really relishing on the fact that you let me know of the PONR audio that recently came out because I felt like that was something that I exactly needed. I’m the new to the forum so I was a bit overwhelmed where to start and if I truly needed this or that… but I felt so lucky when I read your reply to me today because I could’ve replied to you way before the audio came out and I would’ve missed it until maybe much later (because I’m not on here too much). Whilst reading the PONR forum I saw someone mention rites of passage and I researched and read this forum: Best audio to buy - #8 by LunaMoon2
And reading the part where you channeled the OP’s subconscious mind was super effing cool oh my god. Because I was walking today just excited to get this field and it felt like the synchronicity was perfect… it was like you knew what I needed before I even knew what I needed… insane, that’s absolutely amazing. And now I feel drawn to also get the rites of passage one to help me and my family out financially. I’m super grateful to you, thank you for making my day!


:slight_smile: you are welcome!


What is the exact name of the aura one on gumroad please?

Aura and Energy Body Repair (


Thank you!


Would this work for someone whose body rejects fields? Environmental fields work for me but my body can’t handle them any longer for some reason

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I would for sure give it a good try.

Then maybe PoNR, Blockage removal, mana circuits, etc.


i still do this very regularly!

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You mean the Energy Expansion card in particular?

I sort of just got back to it, lol. Previously was mostly content with Expanse from PU, Your Energetic Being, Mana Circuits, Aether, Blockage removal, servitors, etc etc

Someone has recommended me that, so it now stuck with me and will probably put it on hyper-loop in my automated playlist.

It seems to have grown quite nicely over the years, probably both my physical cards and the fields in general.

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all the process i described.

aura clearing
(i also do the auric repair but i didnt put it here in the OP post because i wanted to make the post with free fields etc)
the expansion card i have it next to me big and small.

the audio on Instagram (nothing beats that one to this date :sweat_smile: i dont know what it has in it, specially being so exclusive)

and the energy storage one (it is so so good)

and i also drink water charged with the Kinetic Transformer and or squeeze the item i created with it.

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I just did 1x aura cleanse then the Instagram overload which I’ve never used before don’t think or not in a long time and woooowwww just started my morning stack, which starts with Torsion thanks to lunas recommendation about doing that, and it feels amazing let me go use the energy expansion card as well lol.

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