You still don’t get my point.
I am asking you - what is mainline Hindu tradition? Is there one tradition? And is there something that is “mainline”? What is this “mainline” Hinduism based on? Vedas? If so, there is no concept of worship or temples in the Veda - then where was this so-called mainline Hinduism derived from?
If so, who defined it? Scriptural authority? Or regional practices? If regional, how is one region’s practices “mainline”? I pointed out that many many South Indian temples depict Ganesha as Vallabhopeta - with VallabhA aka Siddhi Lakshmi. Are South Indian traditions not “mainline”? One of India’s oldest temples, Kailasanatha in Kanchi, depicts Shodasha Ganpati, sixteen forms of Ganesha, half of who are depicted with consorts. The Shilpa-shastra says - yugalau mithunashilpau - the depiction of a pair - whether in explicit sexual union or not - is a depiction of conjugal harmony between the pair.
The very fact that a certain deity has sexual connotations is causing so much argument here, then how are we laying claim to liberalism?
There is a difference between inquiry, critical thinking, and blind embrace. I am just questioning the latter because it does not reflect the spirit of logic such as Mimamsa or Nyaya, the real spiritual heritage of India which most seem to have abandoned for myths, tales, and Arya-samaj influenced ridicule of ritual and metaphysics.
By the way, I understand the difference between Brahma (it is not brahm) and BrahmA - I have a masters in Sanskrit literature with a focus on Kashmir Shaivism from Varanasi Hindu University
Study, learn, explore - don’t go by what you see around you as “mainstream” - “heterodoxy” etc., as these are extremely subjective observations. While reform movements did get rid of evils such as Sati, untouchability, dowry, etc., they also caused damage by imposing a certain colonial mindset introducing the concept of shame, guilt, etc. especially regarding rituals, tantra, sexuality, etc., which unfortunately seems deeply engraved in India today even as she tries to emerge out of the colonial influence.
Not always a virtue. No wonder critical thinking and a deep understanding are so severely lacking. This is probably a passable attitude for hippies, not for a serious student of any tradition, especially if one expects to gain any serious merit from it. As Vamakshepa, a famed teacher from Assam once said: “Ignorant people who pass by these erotic sculptures clutch their pearls in horror and criticize, sneaking glances at the same time; the curios try to appreciate their sculptural beauty; the devoted explain it away through their closely held myths; the philosopher explains it using concepts and principles to the point of boredom. A Tantravetta (knower of Tantra), however, not just sees but experiences in them the expression of his own Shiva and Shakti (yin and yang) dancing in union, and not a separate concept, entity or an object”.