Favorite mantras

I actually strated to learn about mantras few days ago.
I found this . I love it.:heart_eyes:


Technically this is not a mantra. But, what a splendid hymn!

A mantra is meant to be repeated until its seed-concept is manifested into a gigantic tree that bears fruit.

This is a hymn - meant to be contemplated on rather than repeated as a mantra. Here, it is not the phoenetics that matter but the meaning/concept that needs to be contemplated upon. There may be some energetic influence as well but not like the deity/lineage energies embedded within the mantras. :slight_smile:

This hymn encapsulates the philosophy of Advaita in two ways:

  • Negating the duality
  • Affirming non-duality as “Shiva is I” (similar to soham and hamsa)

Shivoham, while again not a mantra in itself, has been adopted to be recited along with breath (like soham and hamsa - two mantras used in coordination with breath depending on whether one aims at liberation or material abundance - ha is shiva, sa is shakti and rising/falling positions of the two determines creation vs dissolution of the macro/microcosm).


I know the hymn “Shivoham” also understand a bit and could connect with what is being said, feel it a bit, the liberation, the joy, the bliss, the devotion, the spirit, the unity, the strength, the courage, the Love, the oneness, the fearlessness.

Hmmm… I could keep repeating myself with different words, so I will stop.

So you are talking about creation and dissolution at the same time, as Shiva.

Hopefully I have made some sort of sense for you to grant me a reply to my question which I would like to ask after reading your post, which is

Would you please simplify/dumb down your post so I could understand it better or in the way you intended it to be understood?

Thank you and God bless us all :pray:t5::sun_with_face:


Creation and Destruction happen at all times - of the world/s, of dimension/s, of microcosm (body, cells, thoughts, etc.). The apparent reality is just always being projected and withdrawn from the divine mind in countless ways. Hence the saying:

unmēṣanimiṣōtpannavipannabhuvanāvaliḥ - With every opening and closing of the eyelids of the Divine Mother, universes/realities/dimensions are created (projected) and destroyed (withdrawn).

In the creative cycle, the Shiva aspect of reality is passive, and Shakti aspect is more active. In the cycle of withdrawal, Shiva aspect is more active and Shakti is more passive. While this is said, it should be noted that Shiva and Shakti are essentially One, the two being the wisdom and dynamic aspects of the same One undivided consciousness.

And realities can be influenced by simply focusing on Shiva and Shakti in various ways including the simplest and profound way of breath awareness. Whether one uses Hamsa or Soham depends on which aspect one wants to focus on - creation of the material universe, or its dissolution…

Hope I did not convolute this further? My good friend Dr. Svoboda explains it better…


Thank You for explaining.:green_heart:

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I listened to translation.
Non Duality indeed.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you so much for replying and it made a lot of sense this time.

I now understand part of your post was focused on the breathing techniques to connect with one of the aspects of the supreme lover, ma-baba.

I have been reading your posts in here and quite grateful for them and this amazing forum.


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*I am not the mind, the intellect, the ego or the memory.
*I am not the ears, the skin, the nose or the eyes.
I am not space, not earth, not fire, water or wind.
I am the form of consciousness and bliss.
I am the eternal Shiva.
I am not the breath, nor the five elements.
*I am not matter, nor the five sheaths of consciousness,
nor am I the speech, the hands, or the feet.
*I am the form of consciousness and bliss.
I am the eternal Shiva.
*There is no like or dislike in me, no greed or delusion.
*I know not pride or jealousy.
I have no duty, no desire for wealth, lust or liberation.
*I am the form of consciousness and bliss.
I am the eternal Shiva.
*I have no fear of death, no caste or creed.
*I have no father, no mother, for I was never born.
*I am not a relative, nor a friend, nor a teacher nor a student.
*I am the form of consciousness and bliss.
I am the eternal Shiva.
I am devoid of duality, my form is formlessness.
*I exist everywhere, pervading all senses.
I am neither attached, neither free nor captive.
I am the form of consciousness and bliss.
I am the eternal Shiva.

Nirvana Shatakam