
Does it remove those fears regarding others opinions / being judged, etc? In other words, do you become really unaffected by others and confident at the same time?

From the item description:

Transmutation of Feat subfield:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed but it certainly can be altered. In this case the fearful energy can be transmuted into confident energy. So instead of fear, you will feel confidence to tackle anything.

Amygdala Reprogramming subfield:

This field reprograms the amygdala to respond in fight rather than flight. So instead of feeling like running, you will feel like you can handle the situation. You will be more focused on whats happening rather than become franticā€¦ You will more than likely be relaxed and firm and ready to tackle the situation.

Subconscious Limiting Beliefs Clearing subfield:

ā€¦these beliefs become barriers that induce fear whenever we have to face them. ā€˜Iā€™m too ugly to talk to this girl. Oh my god sheā€™s talking to me and then your body begins to react as if a polar bear is scoping you out as prey. It really doesnā€™t make sense but that is how limiting beliefs can take control of your sense of being. This field works on removing these barriers in your mind.

Confidence and Self-Love subfield:

ā€¦this sub-field works on instilling the confidence pattern of belief. Confidence makes one have have belief in themselves and in turn believe that they can do and accomplish anything. That means overcoming the obstacles that you would fear. On top of this confidence, self love is a component as well. Self love means that you love your character and who you are.

tl;dr: Yes


Thx for the descriptions :muscle::innocent:


The one and only ultimated booster lol is this replace the subconcious limits removal tag ?


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It includes SLR in it.


does this tag remove all kind of fears?

I donā€™t see any qualifiers in the description, so I would say yes.


I understand why this is priced so highly but god man I wish it was more affordable.

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Since itā€™s out of stock, right now at this moment, itā€™s priceless. :wink:

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Because quality has its quantity. Imagine you are fearless. Walking in high building while smiling while your friends look at you how the hell he did it!

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I remember one user talking a while ago that it didnā€™t work quite well for the fear of heights, if I remember correctly he bought it exclusively for that.

it worked for him. itā€™s Vakkum, when he said that it was in may 2020 and he had boosted it many times ( worst thing to do ). he said in a later reviews that it worked


oh itā€™s in the thread


Yeah, thanks @Eli.

I was talking about this review:

and this:


Those darn blocks and subconscious beliefsā€¦ :wink:

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there is an SLR in the fearlessness tag though


He said that it didnā€™t work because of ā€œblocks and subconscious limiting beliefsā€ā€¦

that was his impression, indeed :joy::wink:

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Ordered this tag and another 2 weeks ago but still processing. Tried contact form and e-mail but no response :frowning: . Anyone have any ideas?