Feel like i said it

Many times one cannot say what one thinks or believes or feels because the person to whom one needs to say these things is not willing to listen… I would like to know what audio can help me get rid of that bad emotion that one feels by not being able to speak and express what one feels, thinks or believes. What would that audio be would help me feel good as if I had told him and have the satisfaction of having said those things and that they were well accepted. thank you very much everyone and blessings I love you

Silent mind
Flight to fight
Self love stacks.


there are many approaches to this, but I think this is an important question in general to ask; it is not always feasible to directly communicate with the person and not everyone is blessed with the ability to listen or actively work towards it.

a few things come to mind:

  • forgiveness meditation: this is a visually enhanced method to severe ties or stagnant energies through forgiveness - but I have personally found that the key to these is to ‘literally’ pour out all the emotions in this meadow / place in the meditation. in my first experience with this field, the person somehow gained more audacity, lol … i realized i had to do more forgiveness and once it was there - things changed for the better

  • actively participate in a session with Alchemical revision of trauma and revisit the events and possibly draw some alterations from there - this, I have not personally tried but it is one way the alchemical methods are designed

  • this will be my personal pick; a ‘ritualistic’ setting if this is your cup of tea :) write a letter to the person and again, pour out everything in it - and then use the energies of the Fire to burn this letter - burn everything that went in there with it :)

  • the higher self of the other person is always openly accessible to you and you can carry your words to a higher understanding that the ‘best’ version of the person carries…

personally I think it is very important to address your own emotions with fields like the smart tap tapper before you start any of these processes; any ‘kinetic’ emotional release will do, smart tapper, microkinesitherapist, bushman medicine, etc - these are some of the options that come to mind now - but take care of the emotions before embarking on any of these options

finally, the peace meditation; it is very underrated and does not get mentioned often, but directing the energies to this relationship / situation will draw a better flow of events and general energetics also

of course, do not forget to cut ties in the physical and otherwise after you get it all out of your chest :)

and call on the angels if you decide to go the active ‘ritualistic’ route - they do wonders!


The question you need to ask yourself is:
Why is this person not willing to listen? What made this situation happen? Does this apply to every person in my life or this particular person only?

Be honest in answering these. That way you can get to the root cause.
That way we can help you better.

That said, it sounds as if you are wanting to be authentic. Have you tried Inner Beauty Reflected Outward?