Feng Shui Master of the Shire

ye bro



One of the persons mentioned the other day left the company, i didnt feel any guilt or anything lets have something clear here:

We all are part of a collective, everything in us is energy and we are constantly exuding different vibrations. Should we feel bad if someones mood changes because our vibration one day is super high and that indirectly triggers pain in them? No :woman_shrugging:t2: We must be responsible for what we emanate to the collective yes, because we are a part of a whole and that is the process we are working on.

Also when using environmental fields i always ask permission to the ppl around higher self, and apologize up front if what i play would unleash or trigger changes in them, and send the intention with love. Sooooo :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

However i saw the person some days after when he came to collect his check. He was very happy and uplifted and told me leaving the company after so many years was scary but the best decision he could have taken. He seemed nice and collected haha something i never saw on him his energy was like sandpaper to my aura every time he was around but not this time.

For the rest of the office, the vibe feels so good and things are moving, changing adjusting but i can clearly see its bringing harmony in a big scale.



That is, do you ask the Higher Self of neighboring people for permission to play fields like Plasma Flower?

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Yup that is so

Or not permission because i dont wait for a yes or no, but more like a warning and the intention with love lol


I believed that with an environmental field it could be performed without hesitation, so much so that I played it several times in vaccination centers :roll_eyes: :sunglasses:


Very nice :pray:


Believe me. Setting the intention with love and respect enhances the fields. :blush: you can try.


I have not yet reached this level, I cannot speak to the fields, it is already difficult for me to meditate as I always listen passively, having been used to subliminals for years, however I will try. :wink:

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Theres no level needed to set an intention.

If you have a beating heart thats enough :woman_shrugging:t2:

Just imagine all possible people sitting around you and you telling them: listen im gonna play this field for you to feel good and help you. Sorry for any discomfort it may bring, everything will be fine. Im offering this to all of you with love.

Thats it. Something simple like that.


You have an extraordinary gift, simplify, communicate and explain effectively, you are really good, congratulations!


Thank you for this wonderful suggestion and the detailed explanations, I will practice this :+1:


Thank you for the amazing feedback.

This sounds like the perfect birthday present for my mother.

She lives in a building with funny vibes and some hostile neighbours.

I was thinking of plasma flower (which I play on my phone when I visit her) but perhaps this would be better as it would harmonise things.

Food for thought!

And thank you for sharing your practice, Luna.


This is from Essential Reiki by Diane Stein. It has some suggestions in the second paragraph on how to set intentions in case you’re not sure if you have permission.

Next, you must have permission and this is of vital importance. The ethic for Reiki I was that healing could only be done with permission, and this is no less true for Reiki II healing at a distance. If your mother with the earache has already asked for healing on the telephone, no more is needed. If she has not, and you think she might refuse if you asked her, ask her now “on the astral” of your visualization. You will receive some answer. It may be her voice saying yes or no, or she may turn toward you (yes) or away from you (no). You will know and are ethics-bound to respect her wishes. Often someone who refuses (or who you think might refuse) on the physical plane welcomes healing when asked in this way. Use this method with someone in a coma, also. If you receive permission in the meditative request, proceed. If not, withdraw quietly with love and end the session.

If you are not sure of the answer, send the healing with the clear intent that it be accepted by free will only. Add that if the person refuses the energy, it can go instead toward healing the Earth or to someone else who needs it. Unwanted Reiki energy may be recycled in this way for positive use, while still not violating anyone’s free will. To force unwanted healing on anyone is totally against healers’ ethics. People and animals have the right to hold onto their dis-ease if they choose to do so.


That’s great, thank you @lilo !


some workplaces (like mine :D), in some positions, it’s like it grinds you up.
If you have a lot of pressure on you, no reward (or worse yeet only enough verbal recognition to keep you going and push you further when you’re about to give up so they can squeeze a bit more out of you)… and get blamed for decisions made that you did not make in the first place, it kills you a bit from the inside, slowly, step by step. It’s not my situation but I can see this around me, there is one team in particular where everybody is leaving - burn out.
I knew those guys 1-2 years before, they had a veeery different vibe about them then, now it’s all depressive.

I have’T had it in a workplace but I have had a breakup after a serious relationship where from depressed I went to carefree in a matter of hours, it was such a huge relief, truly like a weight lifted from my shoulders, i could stand up straight again.

It sounds like it has been time for this guy to leave and perhaps your presence helped him move on rather than having to go around in circles and misery for another few months before he could make up his mind.


It was def this field tho lol

Because i had been working with him for 4 months but the day i played this he and another person looked like completely out of place, uneasy, jumpy etc and the days after every time i played it

And funny tho the other person hasnt left but i realized it plays a role at being the catalyst for the changes that are needed. So interesting to witness that


Does this field raise the vibration of the listener?

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Not directly. It works on the environment rather than on the listener directly.

Can the environmental changes that this field causes raise the vibration of the listener? Sure. But that’s a by-product of what this field does.


I would like to have an environmental field which harmonizes all the different energies of the audios and of the environment. Balance and Harmony are very improtant for me.

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Absolutely by first raising that of the surroundings

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