Feng Shui Master of the Shire

How Feng Shui Shaped Hong Kong’s Skylines

How Architects Use Feng Shui To Design Famous Buildings


could help me with neighbors?

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I using Plasma Flower to stop a noise environment, that could help for sure.

Thank you @Captain_Nemo!
Also just curious, if I may ask who is the mythical feng shui master who designed the shire? :slight_smile:


i tried but it didn’t work

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then I will play it in one room in my house at least several times, play it, leave it alone, loop it several times,

the sound should cover the whole house, housemates

Usually once already at work i play Plasma flower NC on loop, and that has been for the past 3 months, so i know what to expect in terms of vibe around.

Today i didnt play it, waited for like 2 hours to feel the vibe first without any field. My work is pretty hectic and the energy can go up and down very fast, and too many different people in the mix.

(Mercury Retrograde shadow is already here, MR shadows can tell u how intense the following 5-6 weeks will be like, and i can feel this one is gonna be tough)

So… it was getting heavier by 10am and its when i started playing this.

First time felt strong, like the vibe was reaching the boiling point, i even felt a little anxious and my throat chakra jumpy lol (it felt like a vacuum)

Second time, probably a minute in: boom! Like if a big bucket of water had fallen over the whole room pushing outwards the dirt (it also felt heavy like when you reach the tip point on a roller coaster :roller_coaster: prior to go down, but with a mix of excitement and anticipation)

Then it was all peace around, even silence, and something i particularly noticed, like if the time had stopped for a few seconds or slowed down, like if things and people were settling down in a slow motion… that one fascinated me, because i was full aware paying attention to every change. It really gave me the sensation of slow motion. mood stayed good for almost everybody, except 2 people that i noticed were still or more uneasy walking in and out at faster pace, until both almost at the same time left the office way before the closing time lol

Those 2 are messy and always with something going on in their life that has negativity in it.

Im eager to see what would happen to them, but i know 100% sure… Feng Shui’s laws are real and they control the “grid” whether we believe it or not, and the point with this will be harmonize it and release, i suppose, obviously ill see how the audio will work different than actual Feng Shui with cures and placements etc. In the coming days.


You should try it in your home to see what the benefits are, especially in relation to potential disturbing elements, if there are any, such as the position and orientation of the bed, or those that cannot be changed such as the position of the entrance door , just to give two examples.


I still have some doubts and questions I would like to know,

If ye old negentropic harmonizer (which I have) has a radius of action of about 300 meters as an ambient field, what is the radius of action of this field?, just the room where we play the field, or it’s much more? the whole house prehaps? or does it depends on how many times we are looping this field?,
I mean with each looping we increase radius?




does the image have a field to it?

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Typically not, no.

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Related topic


Captain, I really fell in love with the violin after your fields…


Uh I feel so much relief from playing this… And… I have been looping this for over and hour now and still feeling so much relief… Gosh I have been living in a dump all my life.

Now I understand why people are willing to go through those long hours of traffic jams during the weekend just to get into the neighboring country… Sucks that it’s not possible nowadays.

Hmm well I do remember feeling a positive energy similar to this when I was at the sky park in korea.

Lol in my hindsight, this could be described as the everlasting vacation you never knew you needed.


Quite interesting!!

This might be what I just need to sort things at home :thinking: Perhaps “smoother” than Plasma Flower :blush:

Additionally, it might help and influence my own health. I’m gonna save for this.

Currently I’m more at Mordor rather than the Shire :no_mouth:


With this you not only repair everything that is not in accordance with the rules of Feng-Shui, therefore in various areas of life, but also improve health and all those chronic ailments that derive from it, without forgetting that it helps a lot other fields. The ideal use would be with the Harmonizer for perfect support.


You know, everything is relative.
and any combination will be perfect…
I recently heard a reasoned assertion that the ideal combination would be with Ley Line Node Point (on another resource)
still, I believe that any combination with Sapien fields for environment- would be ideal…
every other environmental field would perfectly complement this option…
We often underestimate the role of ambient energy, and focus on ourselves…
but it’s huge and it’s connected to all areas of our lives.
You’re absolutely right… :slight_smile:


Amazon.com: DOSS Soundbox Portable Bluetooth Wireless Speaker Bundle with Protective Travel Case - Black: Electronics

Is this speaker good enough for morphic fields?

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You can use your headphones, phone, or speakers. You don’t have to buy a special speaker system just for these fields :slight_smile:
They work regardless