Luck and Feng Shui

I was looking at a thread on Probability and Luck and it showed variable results (worked moderately well for me) but was wondering if there were elements that could be incorporated into this. Some of the existing fields so far:

  • Probability and Luck Alteration

  • Attract Good Fortune and Miracles

  • Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance

  • A Life of Magical Abundance

  • Amplify/Nullify Planetary Effects

  • Possibly related:

    • Subconscious Limits Removal
    • Ego Dissolution
    • Atmospheric Energy Riser
    • Portals of mountains
    • Ley Lines audio

I’ve studied luck for quite a while, training under a Feng Shui teacher (student of Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai, one of the most revered Feng Shui masters, and Lillian Too) which specialises in the management of luck. Luck in the Taoist system can be separated into:

  • Tien / Heavenly luck: Determined before birth as to the capacity of how far an individual can reach in terms of scope and potential. This is normally a person’s planetary influence or their elementary inclinations (measured by Ba Zi or also called Eight Characters).

  • Di / Earthly luck: Environmental chi flow in the surroundings, which can also include other beings residing in the same region. This is the realm of Feng Shui.

  • Ren / Human luck: Karmic tendencies as a consequence of actions, words and thoughts that we do on a daily basis.

Simply put, Heaven luck is like the seed of a plant, Earth luck is like the soil, and Human luck is the action of water and caring for the plant as it grows.

We often talk about Law of attraction and all that, and it’s mostly to do with just the human luck level, and perhaps a bit of Heavenly luck. But Earthly luck remains largely untouched.

My teacher gave many examples of how small rearrangement of things have huge effects on the human psyche subconsciously and can produce tremendous effects. For example, a man with a staircase that looked like a cock-screw suffered tremendous bad luck for many years - divorce, family breaking, bankrupcy, failed businesses, etc.

At first glance it might seem quite ‘woo-woo’, but real Feng Shui has a lot to do with feeling the actual energetic flow of the environment.

One example often given is that the front door of a house should never be facing anything that sends fast-moving chi (‘sha qi’ or murderous chi). We call these ‘poison arrows’ - things like sharp/pointy things viewable from the front door, or having a road that points directly to your front door. (Roads are taken as modern fast-moving rivers, and fast-moving rivers are traditionally used to indicate gushing chi flow)

Some examples:

All of these are intricately linked with what we call the Yi-Jing (I-Ching) which is an amazing method of observing transformations across the universe and its interactions. It’s widely used in chinese medicine, astronomy, divination, etc.

Feng Shui Schools

Feng Shui nowadays is an immense body of knowledge built and developed over the years, in order:

  • Form school

  • Compass school

    • emphasis on directions
    • Based on the Five Elements (fire, water, metal, wood, earth)
    • chi flows in certain directions that can be favorable or unfavorable depending on one’s “Gua number” (disposition).
    • Also includes influences that change according to time (eg. 3 Killing Influences)
  • Flying Star school (Xuan Kong)

    • emphasis on the time dimension
    • studies how the stars move across time and affect a person’s luck
    • Predicts luck every yearly/monthly cycle
    • Uses the Lo Shu Square and Ba Gua
    • Based on Form and Compass school but is the highest priority, so it overrides them

Generic Types of Environmental Chi

There are broadly speaking, two types of chi Feng Shui is concerned about:

  • Sheng Chi (Dragon’s Cosmic Breath) is treated as auspicious, virtuous chi that brings good luck

    • Normally found in meandering curves, like in beautiful streams, valleys
    • Sign of healthy environmental energy
    • Normally a place where life flourishes and feels restored
  • Sha Chi (Murderous Chi) is when Sheng Chi is forced to move quickly and in straight lines, becoming excessively destructive

Compare the energy of these two pictures to get an idea:

Purpose of Feng Shui

It is basically how we can rearrange the environment to reduce the influence of Murderous Chi and promote the Dragon’s Cosmic Breath.

The Form school uses forms to accomplish this.

The Compass school uses a person’s Gua number to determine which direction is best and worst for them:

  • Gua is calculated as taking the last two digits of your year of birth, adding them together until you form a single number, then adding 5 to it. Add the numbers to form a single digit if double digit.

    • Eg. 1979
      • → 7 + 9 = 16 (last 2 nos added)
      • → 1 + 6 = 7
      • → 7 + 5 = 13 (5 added)
      • → 1 + 3 = 4
      • Gua number is 4

Using this knowledge, we often strive to sleep in correct directions, sit facing right directions, have the door of the room face the right direction, etc. The least is to avoid facing a horrible direction.

The Flying Star school is much more complicated and is based on the movement of energy across the lo shu square:

This pattern is called the “Flying Star”. It is also found in Jewish and Hindu mysticism as a protective symbol.

The center of the Lo Shu square is what determines the period. In the example above, this is Period 5. Following the direction of the flying star, we then order 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4.

The time periods are as follows:

  • 1864-1883 = Period 1
  • 1884-1903 = Period 2
  • 1904-1923 = Period 3
  • 1924-1943 = Period 4
  • 1944-1963 = Period 5
  • 1964-1983 = Period 6
  • 1984-2003 = Period 7
  • 2004-2023 = Period 8 ←we are here
  • 2024-2043 = Period 9
  • 2044
 = Period 1 (cyclically continuing)

As you can see, we are currently approaching the end of Period 8.

Many problems exist when people’s homes are energetically structured for Period 7 and Period 8 came. So expect when 2024 hits to have a radical change in your home’s environmental luck. This can come about as massive fights in the house inhabitants, business/romance problems etc.

The really confusing part is after all this, where we involve more than just one star - We have the Mountain Star (relationship/health/family/mental) and Water Star (wealth/prosperity) and how they fly according to the Flying Star shape. If people are interested I can talk about it next time lol.

Energetic Practice of Feng Shui

Real grandmasters may use theory but they also develop their own energy sensitivity to environmental chi flow. For example, my friend’s teacher is able to just walk into a room and tell immediately what is wrong about the house. Just a simple rearrangement works, and if we can open the third-eye it would be even more effective.

Yes, all those words just to appeal for a Feng Shui optimising field
 xD As you can see, it holds a huge percentage of a person’s luck too.

We could have a shield around our home or body to deflect or neutralise ‘poison arrows’ (murderous chi), or to enhance the flow of the Dragon’s cosmic breath. We could also potentially have ‘feng shui cures’ to deflect negative influences from shifting stars and enhance positive influences.

Or maybe
 all of this is already covered in the luck audios? :man_shrugging:


Can u explain about direction my byear is 2002 by that gua number is 7 right so I m frm india so will going north west from my area be lucky fr me?Also should I face north west while sleeping?

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You should remove your birthdate so you don’t become a target of malicious intent
 But yes your Gua is 7. While lying down, the head faces one of the four better directions, preferably the Health or best/wealth direction. Also ensure the legs don’t face a door directly (known as the corpse position).

Should not be like this:


This means murderous chi (straight moving chi) will shoot into your bed while you are asleep, giving health problems. Better for the chi to meander around the room before reaching your bed.


Oh boy @ryantraveling again with an inspiration for another audio creation @Dreamweaver.


I should really tone down on my ideas

Avoid pointing your head on North (i.e., legs on South) to avoid polarity related issues.


And I who was born in 2000? What is added up?

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0 + 0 = 0
0 + 5 = 5

You’re a 5 @LordeShadow


When lying down, it’s more of the top of the head pointing in one of the four more auspicious directions that matter. The feet pointing somehow to the door does not matter if it’s at an angle, but definitely not if you are pointing straight out of the door in a straight line. The best is to put something in between the door and the bed to encourage the chi to meander and not be too aggressive :+1:

Edit: forgot to mention that if you had a window
 chi tends to flow into the door and out of the window (varies depending on which is more Yang in nature). So if the door is facing the window in a straight line, this would be strong and aggressive chi, and should not put your bed sitting in the crossfire. At angles, this is not too bad.

Something like the above, which kind of avoids the path of chi moving from the door to the window follows the Form school of Fengshui and if you can work in the direction as well it’s perfect.


Doesn’t matter for the bed if you’re sleeping but obviously not ideal if you sit up in your bed for a long period of time. If you do that, try not to sit too much in bed. Lying down is perfectly fine. But then again it boils down to your energetic sensitivity
 if you feel that something is wrong, it most likely is wrong. If it feels better for you, then intuitively you should know.

Normally when people change, they describe better sleep, better health etc.


Yup, in fact it’s ideal because the bottom of the body is where all the impurities go out (eg. Faeces/urine/etc) and the top of the body is where it receives yang energy (sun, oxygen etc). Likewise for front vs back of body.

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Hopefully not, because I don’t want to come across as demanding! Sapien makes amazing audios already and tbh he seems to make audios whenever they’re really needed :joy:

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What for those who cannot alter their habits or fix the Feng Shui? No need to despair
 What is in the macrocosm is in the microcosm as well!

This form of Qigong (Wuji Taiji’ ç„Ąæ„”ć€Șæ„” ) works wonders for such cases. One of the few forms that not just heals the body and mind, but also enriches aspects of life such as abundance, luck, manifestation etc., as it operates from a higher space and not the lower mind. A field to automate this would be amazing! While Feng Shui is natural order and balance, this form is also called “Primordial Chaos” as energy of Chaos is a powerful force to tap into, if one can. After practicing for about a year, if done right, you can pretty much influence the entire living space around you positively. Sort of like Brenda’s tensor tools which seem to beat the crap out of bad juju :sweat_smile:

Dream, an automated field for this one is probably complex - but if possible, it will address a whole lot of different things :slight_smile:


Does the Torsion field tap into this?


Looking back at this thread, and now there are quite a few audios since to add to the list:

  1. 777
  2. Lucky Horse Shoe and Clovers
  3. Jade Maneki-Neko
  4. Kubera’s Blessing
  5. Shatachandi Yagna
  6. Feng Shui Master of the Shire
  7. Wheel of Fortune Arcana Archetype
  8. Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna

To be really honest, most luck fields tend to work for a while for me, but the trajectory itself of obstacles don’t really completely vanish. I wonder if it’s to do with what you mentioned above, about the “weathering”, habits and not being able to fix the feng shui. Might need some primordial qigong :slight_smile: