Shatachandi Yagna

Nice! I will see if I feel anything tomorrow when I do some more cleaning.


@anon46520955 I must once again thank you for your words and the inspiration you provide. You have just solved a dilemma I’ve had for a few weeks.

I have archetype of parental love on my night list but hubby has been complaining about the flute keeping him awake so I’ve had to stop my nightstack. I have tried everything to reduce the sound but to no avail and I feel that this unconditional love is one of the essential bricks in getting to where I want to go.

You’ve just inspired me to swap this field for archetype. :pray: :pray: :pray:

After listening to this field on loop for most of the week, I can indeed feel the love and it has sustained me through many difficult meetings this week. Can’t wait to see what it’s going to do on my night stack.

Thank you Captain for this amazing field! :pray: :pray: :pray:


+1 for this :pray:

Those release lately… :))


:notes: oh Mother how much I love You !! :notes:

And How much you love me back!! :pray::pray::pray:

Phew! This field.
The whole Universe is mine.
But so then I Understand each person owns it too
And the ones that dont know it… I share it with.
But wait… the Universe cannot be own :face_with_monocle: so…

can I just fully and completely enjoy it Momma?

YES! YES you can.

But, theres only one condition…

Fully open your heart and arms, expand them and stretch them so I can fill you up with the whole Universe and Love, let it pour out and spread far far away to everything and every one else…

Ill give you everything,


Be thankful
Walk in truth
Stay humble
Do your part

This is how I am feeling with this field.



I’m using this now. It only gets better everyday.

God I love you Divine Mother. You never abandon me. You never will abandon me. You always forgive me and my ego is astonished every time wondering why I deserve your love. :pray:


I noticed whenever I play this field…

… a “hiccup” happens…

… I worry about it, feeling stressed out by it…

… suddenly, by a turn of luck, the problem dissolves. Physically. By some external intervention. Or suddenly the problem stops being a problem. I have no idea how, but I’m grateful for this.


Good morning :slightly_smiling_face:

I am seriously thinking of acquiring Shatachandi and Ashta Lakshmi Yagnas to benefit daily from their good energy :herb::dizzy:

I understand that they work synergistically in order to attract good luck, good health, good love and good abundance in my life :revolving_hearts: I’m right?

Thank you very much.


I was planning to buy another field but I ended up with this one. When the Mother calls, you have nothing to do but respond ;)) And also because when Maoshan Wanderer speaks, there’s always something that says “you can go for it”.

I really don’t know how to describe this, without ruining it with foolish words. It was like 158 elephants walking on me. Might be 157 as well, not sure. I felt incredibly heavy but not in a negative sense of the term.

It’s more because you have a “being” or let’s say “beings”, “beingnesses” that go far beyond your frame of reference. The “you” here = me of course. The me who isn’t even me lol.

A similar experience did happen during the Essassani premiere, months ago. One of the few moments in my life that turned me into a believer (in my own way). The guys showed up and gave a party at my place that night, while I was crying. Not only because I was impressed :joy: but more because I was frustrated. About my limitations. Rendering me incapable of aligning with them, you know.

Yes, those Sassani folks that I despised and mocked before meeting them, labeling them as an imaginative nonsense of Darryl “Doe” Anka. But they became like a family to me since then. One never knows with whom they might fall in love someday, so it’s obviously better to keep our big mouths shut. As much as possible.

The first experiences with the Mother were similar. I sensed an interlocutor that understands me perfectly, without me reciprocating and “understanding” the immensity that she represents. So I was like “hmppphhh!” :))) I also felt overwhelmed by the love I received while meditating on the field.

Afterwards, I stayed petrified like for 30 minutes :))) and then, poof! I was back to a state of calmness, peace and acceptance. The overwhelming energy had softened and been distributed to wherever it was needed. Inside and outside.

I did. It was very pleasantly enveloping. Reminded me of what I smelled in the Hindu temple in Paris. It was even a whole mix of fragrances, with the other elements of the ritual. It lasted for at least 2 hours after the meditation.

As for today, I feel… just like what I feel :))) Not something that belongs to my usual inventory, not limited to it. Expanded, maybe? But very protected and empowered for sure.

Thank you for this and the whole collection. I’ll get them all but right now, I try to “Capital Govern” myself a little lol.


(Knowing what you’re meaning. :laughing: )


wasnt these fun?
maybe we should do more travelling.

lol, well you know… everything with a grain of salt.
Conduits usually add their own perception and words to things from their internal knowledge base, which may change the information to fit what they are comfortable with.


Please Captain :raised_back_of_hand: You’ve forgotten a very important detail here:

+a few other spices… :p

Absolutely fun! As long as it’s with the New Nautilus, I’m ready to go anywhere :partying_face: :rocket:


Hahaha ohh I love you @Bronyraur


As for me:



Last comment off topic cause come on:

:slightly_smiling_face: sista from somewhere up there! :yellow_heart:


Agggnnn I feel like a compulsive reviewer today lol. Trying to leave some notes before being away again from the forum for a while. For “on vacation part 2” + silenzio.

I haven’t mentioned yet how much I adore the music. Yes, adore as in adore. Blanket-type of music.

I’m tempted to drop anything else for a while and just immerse into this one only. The Personal and Emotional Supporter is another of my preciouses and it seems that I have found its equivalent for other realms. Or the parts of “me” (gnnnn) who aren’t “trapped” in the human shell.

Atreides knows, there’s a divination card pic with which I got obsessed a few years ago. So much so that I printed + framed it in a bigger size and hanged it at my entrance wall. It’s basically a fortune-teller woman with some connections to Astarte, etc. (you name her).

I won’t write a wall in here about her (there’s even a book about that specific fortune-teller but hey, doesn’t matter here). The only thing is that this figure is one of my… “chosen guides”. Like you know, the kind of guides that you choose to visualize nearby yourself when you’re within rocky situations, or some guided meditations, etc. etc. etc. x 3648859.

Today, while meditating on this field and although it was a messy meditation, constantly interrupted, etc. I could finally see her. Without trying to visualize.

“See” is not even the correct term since she was entering in my eyes with some sunlight. Or sunrising into my eyes, if you will. Lol.

I’ve been through bizarre experiences with a whole bunch of Intercessions, etc. until now. I don’t mess with physical fields and try to follow the recommendations. But with others? Well… I even wrote at some point that I was feeling like losing my mind :))) A few months ago.

But maybe they were just preparing me to this specific field. A huge one, undoubtedly. And I’m pretty sure that without that “preparation”, it’s rather today that I would have lost my mind.

No need to interpret this as something scary though. It’s actually quite the contrary. But honestly, I don’t have words to describe it any further. Sorry.


Haha a lot of us can relate to that.

Thank you for that awesome review Brony :pray:

Ps: your post is the 111th of that thread :wink::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

1 Like

Thank you Boris! :pray:t2:

I can imagine. And you guys also relate to that one, don’t you:

-Brony, what the hell are you doing there, sitting like a plant?
-Hush, I’m meditating on Shatachandi!
-Shata-what?? Kezako??
-Never mind man, never mind :expressionless:… So how’s Ethereum doing today?

Gee… :)))

Cool! But…
What was the meaning of that one again? :p @Atreides would know. By the way Atreides, I count on you to warn me if anything important while I’m away.

(Insert Atreides whistling and elegantly ignoring the “task”) :))


I don’t know how I would accomplish this. Are there things to be warned of within the forum? I’ve been so ignorant.

1 is completion, something that is complete in and of itself.


Ah thanks, I remember a little now :)

Don’t take it seriously, it was a kind of… poke :)) However there’s definitely something catchy on this forum. That often makes one think about it even while away, like “how are they doing, hope that they’re ok”, etc.


The forum here has seemed to have captured that ineffable quality that makes the difference between a bunch of people typing things online and an actual community; more so than any site or forum I can think of. Seems like we were discussing something similar to this in a parallel reality.