Shatachandi Yagna

Well done on closing the deal! And on having that amazing experience as well! :grin:

Very inspiring!


Such a deep field, very different from BoL or LVG…

I am feeling it has changed my state/level of being in a single day, working on the core of it.
Quite a bold claim tbh and curious to see in the upcoming days if this proves right.

Though, I am still trying to figure out if this field has an effect on the collective (like the mass med), or if this is only for our benefits “as a participant” and for the people we interact with.

One thing that leads me to think this works on the collective is that I am getting that peace while listening to it (much more than mass med today surprisingly), whereas when I am switching to BoL or another personal field I feel a form of guilt, selfishness in some ways.

Guilt that did not apply to complementary fields that would allow me to allocate more focus & energy to it (grounding, brainwork for focus, feng shui, taking care of my body) :grin:

Would love your insights on this folks :pray::heart:


@Dreamweaver if you could give us a few words on this, that would be so lovely :mechanical_arm:
(noticed you like that emoji lately :joy:)

I noticed an effect in the collective through me.

Like i feel her love and it radiates from Me to others close by, i can feel it and see it like the ripple a rock makes thrown in the water.

But, thats my experience.

Oh and i just remembered that the meetings held around my office (2 were the only ones that had clients got the deal as well) coincidence? I guess ill find out in the next days/weeks


Can someone explain this part,
can i just treat this like a normal morphic field in terms of listening direction ??

I don’t want to stop listening this audio its crazy, I want this feeling all day and night…Can’t really explain. Thanks Dream, i’m grateful.


Same experience :grin:

I think Dream took care of the purifying part for us.

You’ll see that this field is different from most.
It really connects to you a form of relationship with the Divine and yourself.


Can this replace nullify & amplify astrological effects?


Thanks for this @Dreamweaver and for making this affordable.
I’m facing some dark and tough times.
Right now best audio for me is the in-habiter.
This has a lot of integrated tools on it to overcome this.
The de - inhabiter + the unbreakable + this.


Yes! And all negative aspects in your natal chart

I mean the nullify and amplify is a general aspect of the planets affecting us but this field goes personal too with all placements in your chart that can be negative


Armor of Light & Glory would also be helpful


it’s also a kind of astrological blueprint


Thanks for answering, its a buy for me!


Good question!


Ok Shatachandi is the next, to be played together with Holy Light

When Shatachandi Durga - The divine mother energy herself is with you, you don’t need to bother about anything in life. She will protect & take care of you in every way !! That’s it


This audio allows me to not get stressed. Something I can use a lot these days. It’s like you know that everything will turn out ok. Also, experienced everything the previous posters have commented on. I feel guilty when I start to listen to something else.


I bought this last night and decided to try it right away. I shut off the TV, stopped reading, and AFTER playing Alchemical Holy Light X2, put this on to play while meditating. I became relaxed, then sleepy, then very sleepy, so after listening to it X1 decided to save it for later. While it was playing I felt her sort of “unzip” a small area on my liver (about 2-3 inches long) and do something.

I later went to sleep with Shamanic Medicine playing. I woke up @ 6 am, took my medications, then listened to Alchemical Holy Light X1, and went back to bed with Shatachandi Yagna playing on repeat. I got super relaxed, sleepy and feel asleep. Before I fell asleep I saw a womans face and greeted her. I then slept for a few hrs. I woke up and felt…at peace, relaxed and like some burdens had been lifted. I thanked the Divine Mother.

I did feel surrounded by something (positive, good), and felt sort of cushioned.

This is my personal tip.
Some audios can be listened to while reading, having the TV on in the background, actively watching TV/movie or listening to music, etc. IMHO I think this will work best, to do what I did and show some respect.


Personally advicing you that no need to hear holy light when hearing this Shatachandi Yagna… Coz Durga is the Divine mother herself. No need to mix energies along with energies of divine mother Shatachandi Durga :pray: Feel her energy & presence all alone by itself… Don’t mix with other audios. She herself is the manifestation of all the True holiness that exits !!


Pretty sure she is just clearing her environment etc before as i suggested.

you know how mothers hate dirty places. :stuck_out_tongue: