Shatachandi Yagna

@Dreamweaver don’t mean to appear ungrateful for this newest release of course. Even if a series or counterpart to this audio wasn’t created this is still an amazing field so thank you.

@Maoshan_Wanderer does the screenshot from my previous post reflect accurate info as far you know?


I think it is accurate, except for the “most powerful” part, IMO.

“Most powerful” depends on one’s purpose, the energy of the performer, her/his level of connection to the deity and his/her capability to invoke the energies of the deity in the sacred fire, his skill, etc.

These are certainly powerful, and yes, also well-known but “most”, probably yes and no. For example, among all Goddess related fire rituals, my favorite is Srichakra Navavarana Homa (invocation of the deities in the nine enclosures of the Srichakra - sort of like an unraveling of the walls around pure consciousness to get to the central deity, Lalita) - probably because she is the main deity I work with; For Shiva, my favorite one is Dakshinamurti Homa (the ritual for a form of Shiva named Dakshinamurti, the archetype of Teacher, who reveals all sacred knowledge, not by words, but by silent heart-to-heart transmission; he is the Guru of Gurus for all followers of Tantra), and so on.

So “most powerful” is a subjective opinion, and experience. :slight_smile:

But the greatness of Shatachandi and Atirudra procedures is that they are not just aimed at personal empowerment, but also the well-being of the collective humanity. In fact, there are prescriptions that Chandi (single) is for the self, Shata-Chandi (100XChandi) is for the Country and Sahasra Chandi (1000XChandi) is for the Universe. There is also a Ayuta-Chandi (10000XChandi) which I have not personally seen performed - because of the enormity of this ritual.

Every fire ritual ends with this prayer:

Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah |
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu
Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet |

May all become happy
May none experience dis-ease …
May all see auspiciousness everywhere
May none ever feel sorrow …


Love your comments Maoshan, Davis :pray:

Making a guess here, but would using this field work on our country as mentioned above? On top of the individual benefits.


I got it this morning and i was gonna play it once at home but i couldnt wait :woozy_face::raised_hands:t3:

at work i play daily Plasma FNC and lately Feng Shui one as well, and you know the effects from them. But this felt totally different. Today we had a meeting with the different departments teams and it was gonna be super heated with arguments.

Before the meeting which was gonna be held at a different room i was at my desk and could feel the vibe going lower and ppl ready for battle haha i was like nopeeee, i dont want to be in the middle of that at all, so i played this probably 4 times before the meeting. From the start i felt sooo good and protected and super happy, i couldnt notice more because i was like getting ready for the meeting and it was noisy…

Fast forward at the meeting probably 20 minutes in when i heard a boss: “are you ok?” “You look like in a different dimension” lmao it was then and there when I realized the chaos going on in that room, everybody was arguing, some yelling, and there i was completely immersed and wrapped around by this blissful clean, pure energy (i feel energy doesnt even explain what it was) its like i wasnt there, and i felt like high (like high from weed lol ) but also high above all that was happening, untouched, unbothered, joyful, feeling loved and like exuding love to the rest without me even thinking about it.

My boss was like between annoyed and confused by my silence and togetherness even tho some were trying to blame or push down my department, he was like “say something?”

I literally, got up and said “if we cannot discuss in peace, with a respectful firmly intention to listen to what others have to say, i dont want to be a part of this busy market place noisy kinda meeting, so im out” everybody got quiet, calmed down and continued the meeting without arguing, letting others talk, and giving real options for the changes needed" at that very moment i felt that bubble i was in expanding filling up the room.

Someone said, ok Mommy and everybody laughed and i did too because thats exactly how it felt hahaha :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

That was 2 hours ago and i still feel like untouchable.

So many comments to read im excited to know more about this field and experiences, im still hardly finding words to say what is that i am feeling i cannot exactly explain it.


That’s what happens in the presence of love.
I know that feeling, it’s hard to put in words, words are not enough… never will be.


:laughing: :+1:

You know what i just realized or remembered with your comment?

It wasnt like i wasnt feeling there in the meeting, i was just completely unbothered being a detached observer, BUT… ok i think you got me to understand how i was looking at everybody else: with unconditional love from the Highest Mom :heart_eyes:


I was looking around like understanding the reasoning or the hurt they were talking from, like each person was right, each person had a point even tho all the points were conflicting.

I was looking at them without ego!!

Wow. I have felt unconditional love towards others but never like this, or UNTIL others actions were pressing pushing my comfort lol

This is why i couldnt put it in words because this meeting believe me, could have touched my ego in different ways but it didnt! At-all.



This reminds me an occasion I lived specifically. I’ll share it here:

A few years ago, when my grandfather was alive and in his 90 he had frequent crisis - due to old age and needed medical care at the emergency service. One time I remember I was accompaning him and waiting there for him in the waiting room. An old lady was at my side with her daughter and I just looked at her and when she looked at me back she immediately started crying. Why? Because I was looking at her with love in my eyes. She just melted down. I remember I looked at her with real acknowledgment. With attention. Seeing her pain, but more… seeing her by what she is… the expression in my eyes made her cry.

She saw the unconditional love of the goddess through me that day.


This + Love Gravitational Wave= good service for humanity.


Does this audio clash with angelic audio?

Perhaps, this + BPIL represent a good match

No i dont see how

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Thank you for reply.

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And it ends with the last line:
Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

Aum Peace Peace Peace


My goodness, both kindness from ppl and money came in left and right over the past 6 hours. I maybe had 20 minutes worth of rest but handled everything with grace and ease. I still have plenty energy too. Made the most money I ever made doing lyft tonight and everyone who interacted with me did so enthusiastically.


Really like the tapping in of these archetypal energies :slight_smile:

I wonder if you’d like to tap into some esoteric Buddhist deities too - like Cundi

Didn’t have the money for it but I felt quite a pull to take the leap. Like for the Feng Shui field, I am not disappointed.

This is definitely working deep, connecting us to the Source of Love and erasing the stuff on the way.

Life has been very difficult lately, and honestly I haven’t felt that much peace in a long time :pray:
Which came with nice downloads about the next steps awaiting me and my beloved.

Thanks Captain :pray::heart:
Appreciating the very low price as well.

I am lacking perspective, but I am considering to replace a lot of my playlist with this one. Hanging out with the Divine Mamma :)


I just had such an amazing experience.

I had a possibility to close a good deal today but the clients and the meeting were tough and it was a bit complicated.

I played this on loop from when i got to work after feng shui one all the way til the meeting, lets say 2 hours.

At times when the deal was kinda slipping away and the hype lowering, i felt like a warm energetic weave hugging me and i felt her telling me. Everything is gonna be fine, im here, you can do it. Its yours.

It happened at least 3 times

This Divine Mommy was there all through empowering me.

And it happened!!! I got it :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::heart::heart::heart:


Congrats Luna! :blush: :tada:


Thank you :two_hearts::two_hearts: