Luck is the phenomenon that has had mystics, academics, and scientists debating since probably the inception of society and observation of the phenomenon.
A lot of people believe luck is a strange energy or state where you know and feel the outcome, almost like hitching a ride on a surfboard upon a wave of probability. Others believe that luck is a product of willpower, determination, and hard work. But then, is it really luck if you had already put in the work?
Expectation may influence how an outcome appears. A very low expectation of results may lead to a wonderful surprise at the outcome if it is positive.
So the question of the validity of luck seems to really depend on the outlook of the listener and subtle influences that change perspective.
Luck is definitely something that has long shaped the human psyche, manifested by the various gods and symbols of luck, etc. from various cultures.
These soundscapes are designed to carry you on a mental and energetic journey, which of course may help shape that perspective, which (with a new perspective) can help you craft the reality around you into something positive and desirable.
My first lucky experience after listening for some hours.
i didn’t have any charger in my house to charge my phone, my charger was. Broken and didn’t connect well
miraculously i found a new package for my iPhone
I never noticed there was a charger there never
It was a bit weird
i really didn’t know there was a charger
A new one
Like with the package
The old lucky one didn’t work for me in the past
I don’t know why it brought instead of good luck it brought me bad luck
I know it had to do something with my mindset but i just want to say for me and my personal experience the lucky fields on youtube didn’t do what i wanted
You like someone a lot, you really really want to have a relationship with that person.
It could even be that the person was slightly showing interest in you but you know… nothing yet, " maybe i need luck !!! "So you go on to youtube an play all the luck audios religiously every day and sit and wait for the magic (maybe you even try to be noticed etc, maybe you even take a leap of faith and contact the person first “after all im listening to the luck audios”… but then, what happened is that the person, rejected you, or suddenly grew an interest in your best friend, got a special someone over night and seemed sooo happy, and to top it up the person even said that is no interested at all or just as friend… “dang! Where is the luck?!!” “This is in no way how luck is about”
But guess what?
Maybe that person had nothing good to offer
Maybe she/he were showing a bit of interest because they had the wrong intentions
Maybe the person is a disrespectful one, a cheater, aggressive with addictions or no goals.
And the audios pushed that person away from you
Created situations where you would not get in contact with that person
created situations where the interest of the person changed focus
In other words. It saved you from heartache down the road and wasting your time.
Now… were you lucky or not?
Luck comes in many many different ways some of them completely unexpected, some totally different than what we thought of, a lot of times preventing us from something negative turns out as a real blessing.
If you give enough time to free luck audios or tags mandalas etc, they grow to understand what luck means to you and to your life.
What can be a strike of luck for someone could be bad for others, so once it “learns” you then it start bringing good things to you that would lead you to happiness and fulfillment.
Ive experienced that every time.
It takes time for them to start working.
But when Captain makes an audio that had mandalas etc rest assured that it brings the things yes or yes faster and easier and perhaps thats why its more noticeable now with this new audio!
Hmm so I see what others were talking about in regards to how this can effect one’s mindset. This energy seems more “primordial” in comparison to the energies that have come from the luck related audios before it. It also fills my mind with an “alpha” type energy. What I mean by this is that I feel like everything will work out but I’m still more than willing to put in the work to make things happen when necessary.
It’s like a positive and masculine luck type energy. Instead of filling my aura and mind with a joyful uplifting energy, this one feels more grounded and “forceful” in a sense that it’ll break open cracks in reality to help me experience luck. In a sense, it gives me mental sensations similar to the “unbreakable” audio.