Feng Shui Master of the Shire

Does this field raise the vibration of the listener?

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Not directly. It works on the environment rather than on the listener directly.

Can the environmental changes that this field causes raise the vibration of the listener? Sure. But that’s a by-product of what this field does.


I would like to have an environmental field which harmonizes all the different energies of the audios and of the environment. Balance and Harmony are very improtant for me.

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Absolutely by first raising that of the surroundings

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Oh this field :heart_eyes:

I feel like an environmental wizard :woman_mage: With my wand (cellphone) in my pocket/hand walking around.

Ive been using Plasma flower or Plasma Flower NC every day for like 4- 5 months at work, immigration office, bank, pretty much places where stress and annoyance can ensue. And the effect is fast noticeable, people looks in a good mood, and like the stress fades away, body language is relaxed etc.

Today (end of the month :roll_eyes: ) i couldnt avoid having to go to the Bank, it was full even with covid restrictions and ppl was literally annoyed and annoying. I decided to play this one instead :smirk::smirk::smirk:

I always get the same sensation with it like it washes off the room and ppl haha, or something like this


Thats the first thing i notice but then its like you see how things and people start changing, i feel like this field has the slow the perception of time and the speed up the perception of time integrated here and depending which one is needed then thats the one applied.

So with Plasma Flower the vibe changes gently and stays like that, this one here blows away hard any low bad vibration and then organizes and moves things around including the time i swear until it creates harmony.

So at the bank, time was fast people started moving faster, more organized, engaging with the client attentively, transactions faster, there were only 2 cashiers and 2 more were like killing time you could tell but instead is like they got up and started working fast haha.

Its fascinating witnessing this!!

It hasnt occurred to me playing it in bad traffic duh!!!
Im sure itd move all fast :partying_face::partying_face::flushed::two_hearts:


not even me, so I would have avoided those long lines, even though I was playing Prob. Luck


for home, this audio give the benefits even without rearranging the furnitures??

For me, I 100% feel this master is working along with me. This is an interesting part because I’m unconsciously making changes (without any prior knowledge) moving furniture and fixing water dripping at home. I definitely feel like someone is pushing me to fix those things on priority…lol; I wouldn’t stop till they are fixed and in the right places. btw I was not like this before and I am sure this field is doing something.

In addition, Somehow I am getting to know the “relevant” details about Vastu, Feng shui stuff whenever necessary that are helpful to our home. Maybe this field is guiding me in this regard too…

Overall, awesome captain! :clap:


Yes you dont have to rearrange anything tho you get inspired to do so, ideas to change and organize come to your mind quite often which is awesome


i guess im going to find out after a buy the audio
Thank you



This is kinda funny…

So i have been noticing my urge or desire to move things around and clean deeper, get rid of stuff i dont use etc, im always doing that but not too often, and i knew it was the effect of this field which is cool, it not only aligns energetically as if things were perfectly and harmoniously set up but then also i started noticing what i just said. Me actually making changes.

But i realized today something i heard around yesterday 2 people and today 3 and its when i laughed, because ive been playing this field at low volume as soon as i get to the office.

All of them 5 coworkers have been casually talking how “yesterday i was up early and changed all at home was super cleaning, throwing away stuff etc” not kidding!! Lol i laughed in the coffee room listening to them and they were like what… “nothing nothing :relieved::sweat_smile:

So one, the ratio is expanding with the days i guess and even at low volume because my coworkers are like 6 or or more mts away etc nobody is that close to me sitting around. And some of the ones that mentioned that are even like 50mts away no joke.

And two it definitely feels stronger by day as well.



Mrs. Luna, a great spaceclearing woman :smiley: :muscle:


It really is a unique field…

Luna’s example is exemplary, speaking of the social environment.

We very much underestimate the energy of the environment. I do not get tired of talking about it …

A lot of people think simply, if they have a headache, they ask for advice on what field to use for the headache…

Feng shui is the organization of space. It’s external. Yeah. It affects person. And he himself changes. It improves his thinking and his health (because it’s related). But it’s not an intervention directly into a person.

An absolute and comprehensive approach.


Well I didn’t mention this. When I bought and used it, I ended up also cleaning the ceilings and walls. It also affects the occupants, though not strong enough imo. There is more cleaning and clearing at least.


So this manages to correct the energy disharmony of the buildings or is there a need for Vaastu Homam?

Decide what suits you best… from a discussion on another resource

A large part of human life revolves around the home: in the workplace, the stores, the rooms and buildings where we travel, and finally, the cozy, quiet corner of our own home. And being in the room, you probably felt its mood: in one room you want to sit and relax, but in the second on the contrary - out of nowhere there is activity and vivacity. What is interesting, this is true not only in stationary rooms, but also in the salons of trains, buses and cars.

So the task of Vastu and its Chinese sister Feng Shui is to design your environment in such a way that it would help you in your daily life, allowing you to focus on the main thing. For example the dining room should stimulate hunger, the living room - sociability, the study - mental agility, and the bedroom - to promote relaxation.

Vastu is an ancient Indian Vedic art of bringing the primary elements that exist both outside and inside of us into a state of harmony. By creating a harmonious space, it helps you to cope with the difficulties of life without excessive physical and emotional cost.

The word Vastu itself (vaastu) is derived from the root vas, meaning “to live” or “to experience”. Consequently, Vastu by nature is not reducible to mere architecture, and the art of life is embodied in its entirety, and man is perceived in unity with the universe and the energy of the Primary Elements.

The beneficial effects of Vastu are manifold. On the physical level, Vastu means a comfortable and comfortable environment full of space and light. On the psychological level, along with the aesthetic effect, there is a sense of well-being, tensions gradually disappear and relationships improve. On a spiritual level, a sense of harmony deepens and the desire for meaning in life is strengthened.

Vastu not only makes your life easier, reducing the number of difficulties and increasing the harmony and peace of your mind, but it changes your destiny. Yes it changes your destiny, so follow the advice of Vastu and open the gates to a healthy, happy and prosperous life. This is why many great temples and palaces in India are masterpieces of Vastu and testify to the effectiveness of this ancient architectural science.

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art (literally translated as “winds and waters”) that draws on the Chinese understanding of the dynamic flow of energy through the universe and, like Vastu, seeks to maintain a proper balance between the forces of nature.

The peculiarity of Feng Shui is that it has shifted from a personal (divine) approach to an impersonal (consumer) approach. That is, it does not consider the personalities who are in charge of certain spheres of life and space, but simply their energy aspect. The personal aspect means to be grateful to someone and to give something in return as gratitude. The impersonal aspect means that there is no one, there is just energy around, just take what you need and live happily ever after.

Regarding the basics, there are two basic philosophies in the world, the imperpersonal and the personal.

Feng Shui is a completely impersonal philosophy.

All recommendations of Vastu are given to help a person to achieve perfection of life, which is expressed in the understanding of God, his own essence and relationship methods, while the task of Feng Shui is simply to adjust the material life, to balance the energy of the surrounding space

Feng Shui also looks at how to honor the Laws of Nature, but not as much emphasis as Vastu on offerings and offerings to Deities.

Vastu is primarily aimed at unlocking the inner potential of a person, his spiritual being, which subsequently leads to an improved material situation, and such a person has already become rich both financially and spiritually. In Feng Shui attainment and progress is set primarily on the material, static background

Vastu system is based on the harmony of the universe, which is expressed in lunar, solar and temporal effects on human consciousness and physiology, thus giving understanding of the fact that we are part of a huge creation of the Most High. This means that it is important to learn to live in harmony with others, establishing close friendly relations with them. Whereas Feng Shui is purely consumerist attitude towards this creation of God (this is relative).

In the end Vastu changes your destiny for the better, while Feng Shui simply gives you energy "stability

Despite some outward similarities Vastu and Feng Shui have very profound differences. Vastu is the art of positioning yourself properly in space and finding peace, not for the sake of peace, but for the sake of realizing God in that space, i.e. Vastu is not an end in itself, but a means.
Taoism, which is the basis of Feng Shui, is impersonal completely. There are two poles Yin and Yang, the masculine and feminine, and there are energies that you can use to your advantage.
In the Vedic philosophy of Vastu - masculine and feminine have primary origins. In Vastu, all energies are from God and are used in service to Him. Thus, Vastu and Feng Shui lead to different goals. Feng Shui is for material prosperity, Vastu is for spiritual growth.


(Sad that the system only lets me give this post a single heart.

Very clear and extremely helpful to me. Thank you!)


Vastu and Kubera, can they be a good match?
Thanks for your answer


Not the expert, but yes, definitely.

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I am not an expert in Vedic systems…
some of the Captain’s recent fields include concepts and information that are completely new to me…
we have people on this forum who understand more about these energies
Kubera is one of the gods of the Vedic pantheon, lord of treasure, wealth, prosperity and well-being.
Vastu is the ancient Indian Vedic art of bringing into harmony the primary elements that exist outside and inside of us.

Most of the Capitan fields are in perfect harmony with each other.
We are talking about Vedic energies. I think they complement each other perfectly