Field for being happier?

Which field would you recommend me to feel happier and escape this ‘lack of enthusiasm’ mindset? I’m too anxious to try new things and expand my comfort zone. No drive at all even if it’s for my own good.


Spirethion Max

It is a bit pricey but it may be very helpful for that specific goal, have a look at it


Hope and happiness.
Overcome addiction.
Dopamine redux.

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Memories of Joy


Looks good, but as a college student, I don’t have that money lol.

And you should also take advantage of the fact that you’re in an amazing stage of life… except for the thesis for your degree :no_mouth:


The amount of people that told me this is insane, and I don’t understand how is this amazing lol. Well, I agree that it’s nice when you can talk to people, but only if you don’t have overwhelming amount of stress and social anxiety, silent killers.

It’s clear that you don’t fully understand it yet because you haven’t experienced it, and you can’t really compare it to the next stage. University offers opportunities for growth… socially, mentally, intellectually, and emotionally… and provides chances to go on Erasmus (one of the best experiences I’ve had). Plus, you have a clear purpose during that time, which can be very grounding for many people. You gain a perspective that is quite different from what you had before, and undoubtedly different from what you’ll have after graduation.

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By the way…
Regarding social anxiety and stress, you just need to train yourself both energetically and mentally. You can find some tools for that through Sapien Medicine… make the most of them.

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This one is true. I thought of going on Erasmus, but am/was too scared. Hopefully later on i’ll try again.

I got myself stress & anxiety in the beginning of September, I think, but haven’t really noticed differences in day to day activities. Maybe limiting beliefs or something… dunno. Will try to explore more.

My friend try to go to Erasmus, is the funny thing ever

Told by a grumpy Introverted which favourite number of people to have around is 1 (myself), you will enjoy it.

Foods, new cultures, interesting things to do

Go go go

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Do or do not, there is no try” (our fantastic, ultra-mega-master Yoda)
So do it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sunglasses:

Well… Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 2.0 all the way.

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A stack that will help:
Ego diss
slr x2
Exorcism rite/voodoo detangled
angelic vibrations
pranayama to enhance the absorption of the fields
plasma light (as much as you can handle)
(optional) internal alchemical crucible
amygdala healing
ground till you feel good

Bit intense but sure has helped me a lot with consistent use. I do warn you, to feel good you must first clear the junk out of your system.

Daily meditation will definitely help with stress and anxiety. Meditating whilst listening to fields and paying attention to the field greatly enhances it for me.


Non judgemental acceptance, love gratitude appreciation, childlike innocence, unconditional/divine love.

Short and sweet stack, works incredibly well to shift mental states. Start with non judgemental acceptance though.


Give it sometime man, stress and anxiety may take some while to fully kick in, but when it does, it does a splendid job. I also highly highly highly recommend confidence dominance authority sigil. I just put on the ring before going outside, zero anxiety, zero sabotaging thoughts, just pure confidence. I would even say it’s better than extreme confidence but extreme confidence is better for permanancy.

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Hello @interstellar :pray::sunny:

this :

Once you have done the harmonization use the chakra stimulation card regularly .


  • vibrational riser
  • energy blockage removal
  • Jen’s blend

You can use other areas that work on chakras like Plasmantropic gems and Shades of light . there are others that are paid.

I wish you to find joy and happiness quickly :pray:

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Lack of energy 100%
the reasons may be different


Hi this will definitely be trouble, if not now, otherwise later on. Basically what can happen is that you lock yourself in, almost like a cocoon, and thereby either miss out on opportunities for growth or needing to do them at a later point in life. This can also lead to regret, which is a really tricky emotion to deal with.

And I can understand, it’s not easy to get out of it. But you need to realize that anxiety has been charged over a long period of time through fearful thoughts. These can stem from any issues in life, most notably traumatic experiences. The fear accumulates over time. It’s the classic fight or flight. Some people freeze and some take action.

Take simple steps at first. But definitely take steps. That old adage rings true: “Growth happens where the comfort zone ends”

This in turn will generate happiness. You can think of your unhappiness as a pointer as well. It’s showing you what you don’t want.

The Erasmus program mentioned here is a great idea. Exposure to different cultures and languages - it’s the best you could do for yourself and for your brain. Your brain will actually start thinking differently. Thereby you’ll be able to appreciate more things and you can also problem solve better, plus the added empathy.

Try, just try. And do your best. No judgment, just as best as you can.


do you have any social outlets that you are avoiding? maybe your friends are going out and you are finding ways to get out of it?

a key tip is to recognise your avoidant behaviours with humility. Where is an opportunity presenting itself? am i making an excuse to not pursue it? the worst position you can be in is one where all opportunities seize to present themselves because you continually deny them.

also, seek opportunities and be open to things you wouldn’t usually do. By doing something random like this, you are building momentum and breaking down the limiting ego walls. check the noticeboard or whatever at your college and do something. if you feel hesitant, ask yourself why you are hesitant. usually the answer is along the lines of “i dont like that” “ugh, looks boring” “i prefer X and Y”. i admit this kind of thing is hard, so invite a friend, it’ll help them too i bet


Do you ejaculate a lot?
Do you have any disease or underlying disease?
Do you sleep on time and wake up on time?
Are you grounded and shielded?
What about your nutrition and addictions?

These are base things.without a good base you can’t build a mansion.
Answer me these questions…