Field for COVID babies

Perhaps a field can be created to help children break screen addiction and develop interest in interacting more with others and enjoy other activities? Many kids born/raised during COVID-19 pandemic spent much of their primary developing stage at home, away from people. Kids are all different and while some kids have the “village” to raise them which includes distant relatives, grandparents etc…many don’t. while many are struggling to get them back to normal life, it’s hard. Screen time that was once the only entertainment is hard for these kids to give up too

So I hope there can be a field to help these kids who have the following issues they work in concert:

1)speech delay
2) social anxiety & stranger fear
3) screen addiction
4) less interest in interaction/playing with normal toys

I’d really appreciate any feedback and support with this issue.


Welcome to the forum!

The Overcome Any Addiction: Dopamine Receptor Repair & Addiction Healing field can be helpful here.

It’s great that you have your ideas for fields! We have a place deviated for your ideas: The Requests and Fields thread, where your ideas are most likely to be seen by the busy owners and creators of Sapien fields.

Have fun with us!


Thank you! I just pasted this message there and hopefully it gets seen! It will help many many people!
We can keep this thread to welcome ideas on how to make this field happen.

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Hi, Divinity9! Great ideas!
welc to the group more