Field for deglutition disorder?

Do you know some field(s) I can listen to for dysphagia (deglutition problem). When I eat I have a little part of the food getting stucked in my throat sometimes. This is really annoying.
Thanks for your help guys, and may God help you all with your own problems, you are very kind to help the others, Sapien in the first place.


I’m sure The Microkinesi therapist is a great field for your disorder


I’ve been using blueprint of life& mbop & plasma protocol & hyperbaric compressor & myofascia release
But I also just try to avoid eating solids all tg bc too much energy. So maybe consider a more liquid based diet?
But yes, muscle relaxant fields are optimal; i’d even go on as far as to say consider the kitty cat yawning field, too

And yes, also what @Unbreakable says: the Microkinesi


Do you have Servitors?

I’m sure they can also help you getting stuck food out some way…

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Thank you guys for all your suggestions it means a lot to me.

@Unbreakable I subscribed to Sapien’s patreon I can’t find this field there. On gumroad it’s a bit pricey to me, I will try other solutions first, thanks for this great idea though.

@Violet yes I mix my meals with a blender now because eating solid is stressing me a lot, I fear of choking that’s very annoying. I try to stay positive though because it elevate body’s vibration, but that’s not easy. I’ll look into muscle relaxation fields thanks for the suggestion, also consider the vagus nerve field because this nerve controls swalowing. And since I have Pots (also a vagus nerve condition) it may help.

@GoddessAndGodOfAll Nope I don’t but your message triggered my curiosity. Are they like angels or guides? I already talk to my angels and the universe, asking them to heal me. I also do as if I was already healed and thank them.

Hi. Also I forgot to mention: I don’t know if swallowing even liquids bothers you, but if it does: I like to eat lots of icechips. Because it in its own time can go down.
Also, a really good drink I’ve started having to get loads of nutrients: Remedy Organics.

And Idk if your lungs also act out after swallowing/chewing etc, but if they do, my suggestion is Hyperbarric Compressor. Albeit I never really “feel” differences, just knowing it’s happening is reassuring/ it is it’s just I am not able to perceive it. Along with Hyperbaric O2

If yours is congenital, I really recommend Blueprint Of Life.
If your’s is acquired, then perhaps DNA Repair System. But even then, BoL (never underestimate this field, even with all the new releases.)

Furthermore, Dark Servitor & Gratitude of Blessings (my reasoning for this is moreso due to the interconnection of everything) also can be of benefit. Super Lung Trainer as well, Deep Belly Breathing.

And an NFT named Breath of Life. But if and only if your into the NFTs. If not, then no worries the audios are more than enough.

Oh, and last but not least. His audios on gumroad regarding water charging: IE Harmandir Sahib’s &/or Lourdes & the 2 others. You can use it for smoothies too as it has a base is in water composition.

Hope it is getting better Traveller
Stay safe & well

PS: PP1 & New Perspectives & Inner Pillar of Power. & Divine Will (Mythic Album via Gumroad)

Please give them time though. If you don’t feel any changes, that’s 100% ok. Fine even. whether we feel it or not, it’s working.

And keep on going & trying; it’s all we can do anyways

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Try listening to something for your throat chakra, could be a straightforward solution if you’ve tried everything else. Sapien has a file
On gumroad but even the chant will work. Sing the chant or listen to someone else chanting “ham” and it’s pronounced more like “hum” than the pronunciation for the lunch meat.


Hi @Violet thanks you very much for your encouragement and kindness, and the time you took for me, thanks.

I’m not bottered by swallowing liquids or blended meals hopefully. I can eat solid too but sometime some food don’t go through with the rest, a small part remains stucked until it get through a few minutes/hours later by itself.

If I eat solid also I need to cough after the meal to evacuate mucus. The swallowing pbl happened a few time later after this.
All these symptoms are those of GERD. I have reflux from time to time, and stomach pain. I think the bacteria helicobacter pylori in my stomach is responsible for all of this.

I am trying to get rid of it by all the well known natural remedies but no luck until now (licorice, mastic gum, brocoli sprouts, coconut oil, nigella, kefir, etc).
I am listening to pylori frequencies since a few days.
I also listen to some morphic fields .

Thank you I will add some for the lung, and the hyperbaric O2 field.
I’d also like to find fields to enhance the nervous system. I think my vagus nerve is too weak (POTS syndrome shows it, plus anxiety) which are common in people who have this h pylori bacteria.
I don’t want to take antibiotics, they cause more harm than good.

@Jen Thanks for your advice, I started listening to throat fields and frequencies since a few weeks, I listen from time to time to throat chakra frequencies, I will listen to them more frequently then, along with the ham sound.

I read magnet therapy is good too, so I bought neodym magnets and I put them a few minutes on my throat since yesterday, will see.

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Hi traveller
First off:

I’ll respond after but absolutely thought of you the second it came out

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Ironicaly I also had GERD and so: maybe I misinterpreted, but it seems you are theorizing a bit. If you are theorizing you have gerd, i would rather you seek a medical practioner. Here is why:

before my dysphagia/ larynx muscles became hopeless via brain disease, my vocal chords and the stuff you mentioned was due to GERD , which in turn caused Laryngitis. (via eating disorder. I say this so you don’t go based off of my story lol).

So what happens with GERD is if you don’t treat it, it can end up causing more problems.
I was very nonchalant about it.
Had I had not been so irresponsible I would have been able to:
Avoid an endoscopy
Avoid developing hoarseness from it (and back then I was a singer so I cannot emphasize what a setback that was hah)

Moral all of the story:
You can develop laryngitis from gerd. you can develop a lot of weird things from Gerd. So since you are theorizing I stress just go get it checked out
And, have you gone back to check if that bacteria thing is fully


Now: until you see your practioner (which i really suggest because it sounds like you havent…?)
Blueprint of life. On repeat all day er’day along with the
The new audio I just attached above

But it sounds like this is arising from another cause. I can’t be sure of course since I’m neither a MD nor your practioner but based off of what you mentioned:
Iron gullet
Perhaps the following two:
Colon Cleanse and Sinus Drainage

Iron Gullet is on Gumroad
As is Colon Cleanse
Blueprint, on Teespring.

Anyone with health issues should always consider blueprint, if I haven’t said that enough already lols.

In addition and (i promise I am not paid spokesperson lol/ I am irrelevant enough on here so i can get away with saying this):

In terms of morphic fields, I am telling you:
Don’t waste time with others,
Just stick to Dream. it’s not based in bias, rather facts.

I do not know abt others but ill be blunt
He is the dude who really created this entire sector
I do believe Dale had some relevancy to it, but unlike what Om said, Dream actually was self taught / or if we really had to say Dale was his “teacher” it was more in an unconventional way
What im trying to get at is in terms of morphic fields, Dream is the - i suppose in slang terms- OG (original).

Like acupuncture. There is a significant difference going to a Master of Acupunxture and a regular practioner. Thereby: why waste time with others when you have the expert right here.

So i hope that gives you a perspective. Obviously take what resonates but to you and maybe to any other annons out there: Dream is safe. Very safe.
Like your mother who means best for you safe;

so when you have complex situations like these, just don’t waste time; work with him (at least morphic sector wise) solely

…And no one @ me, i already said it’s prob not politically correct to say lol

@Violet wow thank you mate I didn’t see this field back in time when I made a search with the keywords “sapien medicine throat” nor on Patreon, and when I looked at the date and saw it has been uploaded today I said to myself wow this one is for me you’re right! I thank you so much to have put this one under my eyes because I wouldnt have been able to notice it before a few months otherwise, you are really someone of great value my friend, thank you to have followed up my thread since I’ve posted.

I’m going to listen to this field for a few days and see how it goes from there before adding some others. I’ll also stop listening to the ones I listen to (Morpheus fields mainly).

Yes I’ve already done medical exams including endoscopy.

Here are the probable causes I see for this issue, in case it could help those suffering from this condition as well :

  • digestive problem, since I have this h pylori bacteria confirmed by endoscopy and I know it can cause this kind of issue. This parasite is a nightmare to get rid of, I am testing many supplements since a year and my diet is very good. I’ll do a new breathe test soon to see if it has at least decreased. I don’t want to take antibiotics at all.

  • vagus nerve or central nervous system issue, since I have POTS. The vagus nerve controls deglutition so it could be a cause.

  • cervical issue, since I have pain sometimes (due to a herniated disc). My posture is not so great during the day and then my axis and occiput could be misplaced which can cause a deglutition disorder, or hurt the vagus nerve since it transits there.

  • Local problem with the throat, inflammation for example. But the ENT specialist saw nothing wrong in my throat whith the endoscope.

  • there are other possible conditions like stroke, cancer, etc, which I am dismissing because I just don’t want to think it is this… But all my blood tests are fine since it started a year ago and I have no other typical symptoms of these ailments so I guess it’s fine.

  • last possible cause, stress. I am a very anxious person, with nervous tics and always thinking too much, worrying for the others more than myself, etc…

My main hypothesis is still a digestive problem, because it all started a year ago little by little after each meal I felt the need to cough to evacuate mucus, and then the deglutition problem showed up progressively, with acid reflux / heart burns from time to time. Also have a muffled voice from time to time. These symptoms are often those of GERD.

My main objective right now is to get rid of h pylori to eliminate this potential cause.

I would like to use a RIFE machine but they are very expensive. People get very good results with frequencies sent by some devices like GB4000 or TrueRife or Spooky, PEMF devices as well, they can treat many deseases. I’m in some facebook groups and people share great results for their deseases.

I’ll continue listening to Sapien fields for the moments, and do swallowing exercises as shown on youtube.

Thanks again Violet, I also hope everything is fine for you and your beloved ones my friend, take care !

Remind me you why can’t you just go again to double check objectively whether the bacteria is gone first? That’s a much more targeted approach. What if it’s not correlated to to these theories at all?

You have many theories, and if I was you, I’d really try to revisit my doc & inquire for further testings What if the two things aren’t correlated?
The human body is very complex and sometimes it may stem from a place we’d of never considered before. Which is why we should go to doctors for revisiting the problem at hand, seek further objective testings prior to playing detective. How can you treat anything anyways without really knowing it’s root cause? not to mention, you’d also save yourself a bunch of time and money in the long run

I just thought my dyspahgia/ vocal chord stuff was from my eating disorder. It made sense. But it wasn’t, my brain was just starting to shut down all of my body systems lol. See what I mean? Theorizing isn’t always optimal when more precise and readily available options are there

On your neck:
There is a neck hump reversal, symmetrical body and spinal tapper field. Those three work on cervical stability/ posture/ disc herniations/ etc.

On your bacteria:
consider fungi and bacteria apocolypse on gumroad

Best of luck
Keep us posted

Will do ! I will update the thread when I have something new to say :)

Yes I am going to do a new test for h pylori and see if all I’ve done until now has a positive effect. I’ve had to wait a few months because this is the required time before doing another test, to let time for the supplements to do their thing. This bacteria don’t go away rapidly.
And even if it goes away, some people still fill the same symptoms several months after its eradication.

I’ve already seen doctors, they treat symptoms. For GERD they give proton pump inhibitors which can do a big mess in your body. That’s why I am investigating by myself, I have done all the required exams to make solid hypothesis. But it takes time to eliminate one by one.

Thanks for the suggestion for the cervicals, I am planing to go to a good chiro as well to realign my spine and head. This is the next step. I don’t want to do everything at the same time because I won’t be able to tell what was the most efficient.

Thanks !

You can add this to your playlist - The politics of body. I think it is highly underrated!
I’ve added to my throat healing recently along with throat and chords one. I kind of intuitively guided to this one.
I think it’s helping me in healing faster and with immediate relief. Playing 3 fields 2x each day.


Thank you much @Lucky I will follow your advice, the Throat field doesn’t do anything for me for the moment so I’ll add this one (even if it is not by Sapien) . Cheers and that’s great you feel better !

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