Field for Genetic Male Pattern Baldness

Excellent post!


Girl,this is unbelievably good.I think it is a shame u havent written a guide on this topic.Even this reply would be awesome for men how to attract women in a healthy manner.


Might help with you and your club stories :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks bro!


Wow, so many fields and good info!

Thank you so much for the effort you’ve put into helping me :pray:

I just have some questions now…

How much should I listen each field?
When do I stop listening to a particular field?

Should I listen every day? Coz I’m listening to some subs for my hair rn… and a listen to Harper subs for Hair at night… and a few days back my ears were hurting… I don’t want to damage my ears…

Is there such a thing as too many fields in a playlist?

Does our mind get overwhelmed if we listen to too many fields in one day?

Headphones or speakers?

Thank you


hey man, i see you’ve tried the Intention Repeater… Any success?

Any Tips for getting success?

Thank you

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What’s with hair loss ver3.0? When I used even my hair were shedding. Initially my hair started looking really thick healthy and voluminous. But after 2 weeks they started shedding like crazy.

Oh anytime! all good :D

Recommended is 3-4 times, but experiment with your body :)

You don’t. :D but that’s not the answer you’ll formally find around. I don’t think any of us here stops listening to their fields either. Some base it dynamically on “results”… I like to adjust based on my body and energy and life needs. Your requirements change from a couple days to another. Besides, Most fields want your consistency alongside your better assimilation which builds up more over time. Plus, you’re changing at the base level of your core, that wants a little push through :)

What wouldn’t make you? :)) live with the fields and experience them differently each day… You will love it :)

It all depends on your withstanding threshold man!

Both are fine. Most of us use speakers by now :)

For your subliminal thing, one thing that has changed my way of listening to subs was listening to both the subliminal and the corresponding morphic field together. That way, your body is directed and hugely aided to make the shifts you desire in your body. And also, cuts your listening time drastically. So instead of listening overnight you listen to the hair sub + The Dustraieded scalp together (this is the one that will give you the fastest results) and of course along with the PRP bath (as well Carboxytherapy and Plasma combo 3 if you are willing to invest in yourself)

Hope this helps bro!

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have u guys tried the intention repeater as well?

what do u think of it?

did it work?

also is listening in mp3 okay?

Our dear friend @_OM would have directed you to stay on topic right now :stuck_out_tongue:

haha check the thread for that bro and see the topics and experiences with it. @anon37166570 had an interesting experience with her shipments delivery and @SilverZuzu has done the same thing with her items! Intending quick and safe delivery! I have also used it for my servitors but take a round on the forums first haha

And nah man fields are not downloadable but a $5 subscription on Patreon offers you exclusive uploads as well as a small token of gratitude for the man himself :)


there are many fields here… is there any structure by which i should start listening?

thank you I’ll check out the Pateron

Feels busted :flushed:
On the other hand I initiated new experiment 2 days ago.Started using Apold’s sub-Attract romance.There do seem to be a result but I dont wanna derail the thread. @anon53223118 I suggest using that cuz that way u will attract the girl that is right for u and vice versa.Also supposedly it attracts the type of romance right for u.

Yap but I think it is forbidden to post links from other chsnnels.There is dedicsted thread for that.

share the result… i dont mind about the thread

Welcome @anon53223118!

This is my experince over the years

MPB is quite complex

I would take results with a grain of salt simply because:

  • some people get really stressed by hairfall, they watch everyday they hairs and have a VERY subjective opinion of what is happening
  • a lot of people dont have MPB diagnosed
  • the life cycle of hair follicles is very very slow, it can take a lot to see any change… people usually being anxious about results come to conclusions too quickly (and often got deluded later)

Most newer fields for hairs are Plasma Protocol 3, Shiny Revitalized hairs, Dutasteride as suggested by @GoddessAndGodOfAll

As for me I didnt get results in 6 months of hair v.3 so I stopped using it.
Right now I’m doing Plasma Protocol and added the other two above out of curiosity

Apart from this I’d follow wise suggestions by @Desiree… one step at a time
I dont know actually if your goal is to attract others etc, but building a strong base of self-love, acceptance and basically focusing on widening your sense of Self will smooth and ease any goal you are going to accomplish


Very difficult to say

With hairs a small difference in light/shadows of the picture, a day with more oily hair than the other, seasonal shedding, phase of hair life can make a huge impact on what is then interpreted

BTW if your goal is attraction I can attest that attracting women doesnt have much to do with hairs lol


did u use this Plasma Protocol?

Yes, I’ve started 2 months ago

can you please detail your experience?