Field for hypnosis

Weird question, I know.

So I was thinking of joining a language learning academy that uses hypnosis for accelerated learning. They actually teach you while in deep trance.

But I know how it’s gonna go. Either the hypnotist doesn’t put me in deep trance, or I don’t remember anything after I emerge. Can it still work? Sure.

Will it really be necessary/all that helpful if after the sessions I’m studying with superhuman genius,etc?

Rather than a playlist, I was thinking of using only one field looped during the sessions.

Again, the point is not to make learning happen, but the hypnosis actually work as promoted and the results (language acquisition) not coming from the field itself.

They have a trial period so I really don’t lose anything and I can experiment. I’d appreciate any ideas.

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I would try Conceptual Realizations or Subconscious Limits Dissolver, but with SLD maybe the patreon version without music so the music doesn’t break your trance.

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Don’t have it sadly.

Will try SLD and see how it goes.

But yeah you were spot on with conceptual realizations. Guess I will have to get it.

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Everything that I´ve interacted with (read, listened to, wrote…) while using SLR, Ego Diss, Psychic Mastery and Superhuman Genius, got strongly amplified.

If I had to cement content into my mind, I´d use Ego Diss, followed by Superhuman genius, right before going into hypnosis.


You can also listen to HS Connection and Intercessions during it, and ask them to integrated everything you desire in the best and most efficient way possible. Done this with great success during hypnosis sessions before.

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Which language?

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The language of the gods…sorry xD

So…french. But they offer a lot of languages though. I’m spanish (meaning, they probably don’t have anything for non-spanish speaking people, if you were interested).