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plot twist: ewfae synergy fields is dreamweaver’s hobby on vacation.



Don’t unveil moon man’s secrets so openly 🪷

(Le Sarcasm)

Excuse me, on the Internet, I saw someone sharing that they learned foreign languages ​​subconsciously ;
He said that when he was sleeping, he kept playing foreign language broadcasts or videos, and after a period of time, he improved his foreign language ability ;
Wondering if this is really possible?
Or does anyone have experience listening to something while sleeping?
What ability to learn from experience?

This definitely works yes. Just like listening to affirmations during your sleep. Your subconscious mind is fully receptive during sleep.

So a perfect way for learning/programming without effort :upside_down_face:


Is it only about language?
Or all aspects?

Because I tried it and it didn’t work.

Or before listening to the learning video,
What audio do I need to hear?
Or what to listen to after waking up?
will it be effective?

This may not be the answer you want but the truth is we can’t know.

Some people claim it helps them, some claim it does nothing.

A similar question was asked once and this was my answer:

I remember I made a sleep programming audio when I was getting my driving license. It worked wonders…but it led me to a lot of insecurity. I was choosing the right answers, I got my license at the first test.

But I was “guessing” the answers or intuiting them, so I didn’t feel sure ever. Simply cause I didn’t study the material enough. Otherwise, I’d have felt sure of my answers.

Also the subconscious can be quite literal sometimes. I did get my driving license, with the max amount of mistakes allowed.

Subconscious limits remover, ego dissolution, superhuman genius, are good choices to listen to before studying or even listening to your material. Brain dancer and alchemical revision of genius to listen to regularly. Brain regeneration too, before/while sleeping.

Will power, gamma waves (may be the best to listen to while studying), and brain refresher (goodbye pomodoro alarms) help while actively studying. Attention and focus helps if you listen to before.

After waking up the best thing to listen to is the material you listened to while sleeping. Also, I’d make the audios 4 hours or so…I wouldn’t sleep all night with it. That can lead to less sleep and hence less retention.

Something I’d do is to listen to brain dancer a bit before studying, and then after waking up (it stimulates all memory areas of the brain, but in this case, it can also act as an anchor…but the point is to recall what you learned as soon as possible).

I also got this advice when asking for something similar:

Good luck.


@jyurai_tsunami It was scientifically shown to be effective but how you listen and what to listen to is the key - Learning a Language During Sleep: The Results of Our Study like this one. Seems akin to subliminal repetition approach, you can try reviewing info as fast as possible only once in giant chunks and then scheduling repetitions of same information through your sleep. So initial presentation is done consciously, maybe even with a boosters for memory and like Mind / Affirmation Mechaniser  – Spirituality Zone this one. But you spend no time to actually process and memorise and digest data consciously - just cramming as much as possible into your mind, even if you don’t feel getting it at all. Then bouts of unconscious repetition while asleep.

What is the correct way to use it?
Sorry, I used Google Translate to translate it weirdly

Just need to listen to this audio?

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thank you; but please

field-for-hypnosis HS Connection and Intercessions 's what audio?

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Can anyone help me sapien medicine is not working for me

Which fields are not working for you?

In the instructions it says it affects the speech area of the brain. So I’d read the material out loud, or make affirmations about already knowing the material. Those would be the best ways to use it.

Higher Self Connection:


Angelic Intercession:


Devic Intercession:


Alien Intercession:


Dragon Experience and Intercession:


I think the OP meant angelic and devic intercession mostly. They’re known to help with the subconscious and even to pass exams.

But all can be used and all would help in their own way.

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thank you so much

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No one it’s like randomly sometimes it works like only for 1-2 days thts also sometimes otherwise it doesn’t at all

do grounding + shuman resonance at the end of every playlist.

that helped me immensely with results.


Ok will try

Have you guys try theta brainwave from sapien gumroad and them listen to your sub playlist?

What Lucy field?
