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This seems op? New Spirituality Zone vid

Do you guys think this would bring reasonable additional benefit if one has the astrological NFT?

who is the creator?

dark archangel. aka supreme subs.

It’s just a shorter version of Nullify Negative Planetary Influences which Dream already has on his channel.

It does have some minor benefic boosts, but, it’s not the main focus of this.

Definitely worth it if you want to save time.


So, Lukey came over yesterday for dinner and I noticed his aura was off.

He had been continuously looping Casanova Elixir from some creator called Kabus for the last few days. My Tulpa immediately got triggered and told me to scan. Damaged aura, black spots, some brown spots in the energetic brain, it almost seemed like Succubus-like damage I have seen on astral spheres.

He also acknowledged that he has been feeling angry, and frustrated and getting into many flights with folks recently. I took him to my shrine and he felt a powerful force repelling him outside.

  • Did an aura scan and sweep
  • Fixed some energetic leaks in his energy system
  • Created a Sekhmet shield around him to let any existing cords not drain
  • His Chi was depleted heavily, infused some of my Chi in his lower dantien till he could cultivate again
  • Assigned him a servitor to fix and repair non-stop for the next three days
  • Infused some Divine Love energy to get rid of all that anger, hatred, and violent tendencies that this audio seemed to put in him
  • Created a Sapien + PU stack for him to listen

I was pretty drained having used a lot of energy and had to recover today.

So yeah, this creator’s product was, to put it lightly, no good.


I mean … yeah.

But again, all we can do is leave it to people to decide :alien:

On the flipside, when they are so desperate for results they let go of their most basic faculty of discernment, then they’re already resonating with that type of “realm”.

Just another lesson that needs to be learned :man_shrugging:


It’s nice that he has a friend like you around.


Some creators even assign familiars to attack anyone that bad-mouths their “work”. Go figure.

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my question is. why does it give so fast and strong results?

i’m still amazed that 100% of my neurosis was gone and i wouldn’t feel any fear to anyone at all. that is something no field could have ever done to me.

does fast and strong results mean one should doubt about the creator?

Hmmm, so this is the type of protection he’s put? Interesting.

Oh. No clue. He must be on to some secret, I guess.

No, mate.

The results have nothing to do with it… as the old adage goes " If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be a duck".

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That is a kid who was creating psychopath subliminals at 15 16 years of age. He got much worse in a short time. I already wrote about his crazy nonsense claims in this post . To do that kind of damage I don’t think it is just a subliminal. He must be infusing them with evil intentions or something.

This make me wonder how dangerous it could be the “outside world”

You have picked up those things, and even more importantly you found a solution because of decades (I hope I’m not making an inference on your age, or if it is, I don’t offend you) of expertise and experiences on this portion of the everything, but for whom it is at it’s beginning, clouded by it’s ego, and with the communication form higher self’s, subconscious mind, and friends at the bare minimum it could process, how can discern something sane from something malsane, I mean, there are energy work out there that claim mountain and seas, and someone may be tempted to jump from an opera to the other searching for a miracle, while collecting energetical debris.

Not too much punctation, I apologise, but I’m kinda drunk and in a flux of randomic curiosity and talktiveness, I hope is clear enough.

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What would ‘banishing’ entail? I suppose it means something so that they don’t return?
Would the Eternal Crucible Blade be of use for that?

this is from an email exchange i had with him, i didn’t see that he was ill intended though, we were talking about Hankami field, which seems to be a field that affects loved ones too:

i was concerned because my grandpa started walking again and being more energetic after 3 years of laying on bed for the entire day sleeping, he even forgot his walking stick while going around the house.

i was also concerned that psychic attacks from other people were gone completely and reduced to nothing.

i still don’t see why he would have ill intentions towards his users. but i don’t know.

Good to hear it, and no worries, long write ups are always extremely useful for me as they help me get more information about effectivity and efficacy of various applied methods of mine. I don’t always reply quickly but again they’re always useful for me, so no need to apologise or think long messages are being annoying, quite the opposite.

That’s very good to hear, 12 hours is a lot so be careful not to overstimulate yourself, but if you can handle it then keep going by all means.

Yeah this has a lot for auric shielding, repair and things of that nature, empaths especially benefit from it, over time all psychic attack and intrusion attempts will cease as the shield will overpower anything of that sort, and if need be, it’ll return the favour to attackers so they know not to try again.

Somewhere down the line in the very near future I’ll be releasing an Amygdala v2 audio, I’ll let you know when I do.

It’s ok to share with direct family members such as brother, father etc. The field and family upgrades target loved ones in general so don’t specifically target family members but anyone you consider close (for example some people don’t get along / have issues with some family, but consider non-blood relatives close, so I chose this approach instead).

LBRP is basic and widely practiced.

Magickal Protection by Damon Brand has a few good ones.

Eternal Crucible Blade works great to a certain extent… but it depends on your power level and how powered the blade is itself. A very tight cord might require you to charge it for days.

Fascinating. I’m a fan of Doctor Strange comics and the Dresden books, but I don’t think I quite sufficiently credited the underlying reality those fictions until I read your matter-of-fact post. Wow.

Oh shoot, I’ve been looping his “legendary binural DMT microdoser” for three days now…