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Would you be willing to share it with us, please?

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I think it’s time for you to give this up, no offense intended.

You were given a lot of advice to try instead of the psycho-subs (pun intended).


It’s not that easy if you’re coming from an unbalanced place. This type of energy is like cigarettes or steroids, because it’s very hard for the person addicted to it to cope without the perks it brings to the table.

You know it’s weird, I knew I felt off with listening to his sub like it left this empty feeling in me but I assumed it was just my brain resisting. But then my question is why are some people having good results from him? are they all fake comment? or are they trading something for the results.

Also if possible can one the people good at picking on these things give me a verdict on supreme subs? he seems like he’s doing good work but I’m not 100% sure

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  • PONR
  • Exorcism 2.0
  • The Higher-Self Exorcism (PU)
  • Journey Series 1 -4 (PU)
  • Sovereignty over Mind (PU)
  • Vibrant Mindscape (PU)
  • Solstice of Serenity (PU)
  • Angelic Intercession
  • Shatachandi
  • Love, Gratitude, Appreciation
  • Grounding

No… they are just compelled to fulfill their end of the bargain.

Not sure. He did go by the name “Dark Archangel” before.
Whether he changed or not remains to be seen.

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Do you think Negentropic Jing would be better instead?

I will tell you from my own experience back around 8 months ago where I was barely in touch with any of my psychic senses and energy bodies.

I still felt my higher self steering me clear of their work in spite of having noticeable results.

The Alchemist Booster with Ascension Ultima fixed my eyesight in around 2 days. Eliminating myopia completely - momentarily.

I still had something within me compelling me to quit.


Bruh RIP ME. I just paid for one of his subs like 2 days ago smh…

Well, I guess I have to spam shielding 3.0, soul core, enigma of black martian jing, tejas, etc.


For that purpose, Black Martian Jing would be better.

Negentropic Jing is more healing than it is for auric purposes.


His name is same as was before on Discord. But how does it matter?

To be fair to him, I had a weird name as well when I was younger haha, but I’ll keep trying his stuff and see how I feel about, so far I don’t get any negative feelings from it

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If it’s any consolation, sigh energy has fields for several thousands that people have bought. So it’s a minor sacrifice for a lesson well-learned.

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Is he not good either?

I would rather not comment on that.

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Thanks, I only paid 50. Looks like I’ll stick with the negentropic maxilla and marquardt.

Nothing like that when I used their work, exactly these two. Although I didn’t feel any special when using after SZ When Nothing Else Works and Transmute Spells and other cleansing fields.

Well, these desensitize you to the negative stuff, which is why I can’t offer direct feedback anymore, lol. I would have to drop all clearing and shielding protocols and rituals I do to give objective feedback now. (yes, most tend to mask their “work” when it’s not entirely pure - it’s not like Mantras where you can easily see what energy is being emitted)

As for names. They matter because they are a reflection of what is happening on the astral/subconscious level. No choice of name or avatar is random.


Imagine a guy who calls Himself Azazel Morphics drops a banger titled: Dark Sword Energy - Awaken Your True Power.

If you feel comfortable listening to that. You’re either aligned with the dark side, someone who doesn’t believe any of this works, or someone naive.

Do you guys think Shielding 3.0, soul core, ponr, enigma of bmj, and tejas is good enough to get rid of those negative energies?