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That stack is comprehensive.


Then your avatar raises suspicions.

But what I was gonna say:

To your left: the preview of the solar eclipse in full blown development.

To your right: the lunar eclipses starting to roll in.

Enjoy the spectacle ^^

(Idk nothing about astrology, I’m making it up cause I’m on trolling mood)


Where are these in the photo?

With Shielding 3.0 you may not have received much damage.

I mean…I’m not the biggest fan of speed. That stack is more than enough to fix you over time. If you want a quick solution, I’d do what Maoshan recommended to his friend.

But I’d also like loop Deep Aura Clearing for 24 hours before doing anything else…I think it fixes most things xD. I also do physical clearing (fungi apocalypse, etc) if I feel I need energetic clearing…but that’s me. I have health issues so there’s no energetic damage without physical too.

Actually the stack you made is perfect. I’d add flower of life after PONR. It puts everything back in place.

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That is what I wanted to say in relation to these stuff coming up now. Not in relation to your avatar.

Again, I made it up. Going by symbols…it doesn’t look like a solar eclipse would be a good time for revelations xD

Ah. The timing of me choosing this particular avatar, you mean?

Don’t forget to fix the nervous system.
(like brain and spine antioxidant, nerve inflammation, energy expansion card, stress and anxiety manhattan etc.)

Rechaka pranayama + Breath of the 4 Elements is also really good to calm down and to regenerate from impulsivity.

And for sure i would add Hakuins Healing Egg to make sure the field (or aura) is always “optimized” and is preventing one from overstimulation.

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No, the timing of Maoshan giving us a glimpse of the effects of these subs…which may not be the subs either. I’m not clear on that. We don’t know his friend or what else he did or does.

The other comment mean…I don’t know the game, but that G-Man doesn’t look friendly either…has no chakras, etc. I only know what you mentioned xD

I don’t dislike him, I think “he” has helped me (I mean you, by “he” xD). But what I know from the character it’s like a doom-type. Isn’t it similar to the dark edgy type?

You see my avatar is now red and I always choose blue so I dunno what it means, except when I looked for a pic of Ashitaka I didn’t expect to find such a cool one straight from the movie xD

Thank you. I guess I wasn’t very empathetic then. But you offered an alternative, I made use of it and it worked. So I think they need to listen…

But I’m not above this behaviour or anything…I was just gonna get a diluted version of all this (by putting everything into a playlist and using a smart field that plays playlists to you, etc).

Also, I’m not energy sensitive. But giving instructions to the intention repeater and holo-stones, they seem to be able to “transform” these fields into a positive thing. But…they give a lot of energy, if it is programmed with benefits based on the subs, etc; I don’t know.

Who was that blue dude you used to have btw?
He looked so friendly lol

Who is PU?

Psychic University

I also was wondering if he has any free fields to try
I could only find paid ones.


The G-Man is True Neutral … it has nothing to do with a straight up smiling demon, mate.

But sure, yeah. True Neutrals can be scary for some :man_shrugging:


My bad then.

No, it’s fine. Abraxas delivered a message to me.

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Who is Abraxas?


Can this have many adverse effects? Is there a way to protect oneself or benefit from this or better to just wait it out?

I was going to use a few things you suggested (from Larimar Sound Alchemy). Namely the October Ritual Set, the calling in power and recalling back your power.

Is Mass Meditation good for these days or not?

My shadow xD

In essence… well… at one point or another … you will stop broadcasting the gunk of your immediate environment and eventually start connecting with the entire cosmos…


There is ascension symptoms relief by maiterya and her christ consciousness free mandala… They can definitely help.

Insomnia, change in appetite, stark personality changes and at times feeling like there is a thick block of energy in your head are all normal.