Hi all. I am new here and wondering if there is sapien medicine field for varicocele or any kind of field that will help my situation. Any advice please .
Hi @Dreamer!
Glad you could join us! Here are some helpful forum links
We cannot give medical advice. Have you consulted a medical professional?
I used the forum search and this came up: Search results for 'varicocele' - Sapien Medicine
These are possibilities you can look into:
This is a youtube audio: Reproductive Rejuvenation
I also recall that on Patreon there is this field, however it is on the premium tier:
Male Reproductive System Regeneration
This is a combination of the negentropic pulsar, the three purifiers and Jing targeted to the Vas deferens, testicles, Prostate and urethra.
when it comes to a varicocele, its a enlargment of testicular veins. I’ll see what I can find to help treat your issue, but its more a vascular problem located in the testes. Thankfully, they are usually asymptomatic but ideally its best to get them sorted (Surgery is an option but lets see how the fields work as well!)
There can be multiple causes for varicoceles, but usually its a defect within the venous valve (Valves working properly don’t allow the blood to leak down and pool out, which causes that)
I think something targeted towards blood vessel regeneration would work well for this. Mesenchymal stem cells, I think are a good call for thorough repair and regeneration (I’m not sure if sapien’s stem cells field is mesenchymal, someone please let me know!) and collagen production (Type 4 is what makes up veinous lining) should help.
I think another aspect (for all health related issues) is helping your body know its ideal blueprint (In your case, the blueprint of good venous flow and function), there should be fields to help restore your body to its ideal state (Max heal nft can help but its a expensive one and not targeted to issues, moreso a comprehensive healing)
Let me know how you get on and what other questions you have!
Thanks for all of your work. I did knew about these two . But I am looking for a field that will eliminate it.
Thanks. For the Max heal nft. Where can I find it because I looked for it but it seemed was available in the sapien medicine shop which now I think it is closed.
So the nfts are primarily sold in the NFT market here
Keep in mind these are traded nfts as the sapien shop closed down a couple months ago, so unfortunately no new NFT’s can be minted since then. The prices sold for Max heal would differ among individual sellers.
I think you can try the free and patreon fields for the time being as these can help with your issues specifically for a lower price as well! If you really want, you can go for the max heal. I think exploration and learning is key for this
Thanks . So what do suggest on patreon for my condition.