Fields that feel like cheat codes

What are the implications of having a higher vibration? Since I have only access to free audios (for now), would you say “raise your vibrational state” should be in any stack?


Definitely. It should be at the beginning of most stacks and at least used daily in my opinion. For more info I recommend you read the whole Ascension Tag thread.


Vibration of transcendence is very good as well


welcome back!


I tried the attract love one today for the first time in years. And it made me more social and less anxious around people and everybody was super nice. I even met a couple who said they remembered from another tourist spot where there must have been hundreds of people. definitely like the effect and contrary to the description I felt the effect even more in myself than others .
Thanks for the rec.


Blarney stone
Anti aging
Dopamine redux
soul resto

Sometime in the 2000s, there was a Kalachakra closed-door ceremony in Seattle and quite a few heavy-duty secret rituals were being performed. David Hawkins, the gentleman known for the map of consciousness, who was an on-and-off acquiescence of mine, wanted to attend this ceremony. I spoke to some of the assistant Lamas who had allowed me to witness the ritual (I have been active in the Tibetan Buddhist community for a while and have translated some Sanskrit texts, hence I was allowed) - and got permission to allow David and one of his assistants (I think she was a relative of his).

When I met them on the day of the ceremony, the young girl (in her early 20s) was bright, sparkling (in terms of her energy), and just captivated everyone! Ok, I take these two to the place where the ceremony was being held, and at the door, the main Lama officiating the ceremony said, “the two younger ones, get in; you (pointing to David) - the yidams do not like your energy, please leave”. All of us were shocked, but we had no choice.

David was quite upset but took it in zest and we later met for dinner. I then talked to the young girl and questioned her about her spiritual practices as her energy was amazing, she was exuding a golden aura, the likes of which I have seen only from some of my very advanced teachers! And guess what she said? She had no spiritual interests, she was an atheist, and had never meditated a day in life!

Below is what she told me:

  • She was vegan
  • She lived in a remote farm somewhere in Utah, growing vegetables and herbs and almost living an organic, self-sustained life
  • She did not have much stress (“other than when my husband and little son dirty the kitchen”)
  • She was not on any form of social media
  • She never took any medicines (except for surgery)
  • She volunteered in a nearby rural community where she fed poor people (“the only thing that makes me sad is that some people don’t even have food”) - her compassion shone through her words & actions
  • She walked, swam, spent time in nature

All these built up to her amazing energy…

And her husband told me, “my wife does not believe in anything, but whatever she wants, or wills, just appears like magic” - her high vibration clearly was manifesting her wishes!


Holy shit these things are real?

I have so many questions but i shouldnt ask because it clearly private but what u just said kinda blew my mind, not about the girl that too is interesting


Thank you! It’s been a while, for sure.

I’ve added it to my “going out/being social” playlist as well. Definitely agree, great suggestion that I hadn’t considered before. Thanks @JAAJ.

As far as the higher vibration conversation, I can see that you are firmly set in your beliefs so I’ll not try to convince you otherwise. Enjoy your lessons, learn and grow, and best of luck walking your path.


What a blessing! I wish I could have met him.

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Did you ever try to discover why this was? I’m getting interesting responses when I’m asking why the yidams responded in such a way.

David was accomplished in terms of his ideas, but personally in terms of spiritual attainment, meh. I think he had great ideas but not enough real effort/work that showed energetic development. He wanted to meet a few other times, but I did not feel inclined.

He seemed to be busy with papers, and publications and all that and not focused on actual practice. His genius was not in personal accomplishments, but studying and cataloging some of his reclusive, accomplished friends and drawing meaningful conclusions.


That’s a really cool story Mao thank you for sharing that.

I think you might live in a more populated area than that young lady you describe, and you’re also very accomplished spiritually. do you think population density can be a deterrent to development?

And if so, what are some tips you might have for us in order to overcome this?

I don’t live in a very densely populated area but I used to, so I’m curious


@Jen in the olden days, “serious spiritual” advancement meant renunciation and living simple, often isolated lives. I think that really helps.

That said, we now have things like Fields that will help us make progress even amidst busy lives, jobs, social obligations, etc. However, is this enough and can one really attain a high level of spiritual attainment while doing all this monkey balancing? I don’t really know haha but for my own sake, I sure hope so :slight_smile:

An ancient Sanskrit hymn says “naḻinī daḻagata jalamiva” - be like the drop of water on a lotus leaf - which is technically present, is not absorbed by the leaf and has no real attachment to the leaf. If one can accomplish a state of non-attachment/non-craving/non-grasping even when living a “social life”, that is half the battle won; but this is easier said than done! The more thoughts, the more energetic interactions, the more responsibilities and involvement, the more we get enmeshed in the matrix. It is absolutely possible to do all of this and yet reduce/avoid further getting drowned in the matrix, but it is not easy.

I believe in one thing though - sincere effort accumulates, even across lifetimes; so whatever effort we put in towards raising our consciousness, is not lost. It may take a while, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Thank you :green_heart:


I think the times are changing.
In the old ages the vibration was a lot lower, which was one of the reasons why the shamans often lived outside of the village.

I think we’re experiencing a global increase in consciousness (I know it doesn’t show much yet), but this will make it easier for old souls to walk the earth and keep their vibration high, and I think it has become easier already compared to 10 years ago.


This was more necessary in the past, when the matrix around earth was altered by malevolent forces & twisted into something destructive for humans. This problem has recently been corrected, so much of the old wisdom of the need for detachment is deserving of adjustment.

It may surprise you to know that the matrix around Earth is actually a human creation, made by us for our benefit. Others messed it up, twisting it to their benefit. But, like I said, that’s no longer the case.

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Ah when my leg sleeps ( transient (temporary) paresthesia), I use the Enhanced Blood Circulation. Doesn’t take too long that my leg is back again :slight_smile: .

I don’t know. Every generation has both extremes of hope and apocalypse. Every generation, there are people who see the world ending, and then there are others who see a new period in the infinitude named time and rejoice that we are ascending - consciously, physically, or both. Historical records prove that every generation thought they were special, their period was special and they were lucky to have arrived at a momentous time. Every major civilization or generation thought they were the “chosen” ones and that their period was the most special one where old values and experiences were being replaced by new ones - there is partial truth to such a belief, especially if one looks at it microscopically.

Are we special and arrived on earth at this point where global consciousness is rising? Is it different than all those past-present-future timelines of generations? It is anyone’s guess. If such a thought process makes one hopeful, and happy, I suppose it is good to hold on to it. But it also opens a can of worms where a cult of “spiritual hippies” get created who basically equate anarchy with the ascension of consciousness (the YT New Age community for example and such folks always existed)…

I am still not convinced we are in any way special than any other time/civilization or something different is happening now that did not happen in the infinite past-present continuum. Is this special time relative to our own generation? Maybe, but only (the illusion of) time will tell, but a glance at the past and future tells me not much has changed or will change if one sees the big picture - things are just right as they were/are/will-be. The Universe is amazingly self-actuating, a lot more than we give credit for, and across timelines and dimensions…


Yeah this reminds me of the words

There is nothing new under the sun

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