Fields to be listened after kidney transplant


Please help me my friend just had a kidney transplant. Which fields she can listen to?


What is she needing or wanting?


I think spiritual fields would be good for it
The essence of prayer and faith and angelical intercession come to my mind.

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I hope your friend heals fast.

Also try using healing energy from dreamseeds while you think of your friend

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Or if you can buy smart steme cells from gumroad then buy that one these can help with any kind of healing in non-intensive manner without overloading your body like some other healing fields. You can use these as much as you want or even loop

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She had a transplant in September this year…her body is still in the process of accepting the new kidney…her creatinine is borderline and hemoglobin is high and doctors are they would have to remove extra blood is will continue having iigh hemoglobin.

She is given immunosuppressive medicine so that her body can accept new kidney.

In the meantime I will ask her to listen to angelic intercession.

Thanks :pray:

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You can try these if you’re interested

Not sure how much effective these might be be I think these should help bringing blood back to it’s optimal state due to plasma aspect


*Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption as a support field.
Listen to it at least 30 min. after a meal


I also seem to have low kidney function…and gastritis due to that… I get tired, itchy and severely constipated, insomnia, really cold feet most of the time (really hard and black and deformed stool, ) after eating high potassium foods. Like banana, spinach etc …vomit a lot after eaiting tomatoes, lemon and lime…kidney, .stem cells and scar tissues, ampk video is helpful.

Also, autoimmune video is quite helpful.

Hopefully it helps with that…not sure what to eat

What have the doctors said is wrong with you (rather than your own self-diagnosis)?

Because, with what you’re describing here (to this non-doctor) if your kidneys are in fact functioning poorly, that could be a symptom from a root cause you haven’t yet told us about or discovering for yourself.


Discovering myself…sorry…doctors aren’t able to diagnose. They say it’s all in my mind.

But I feel better when I listen to bacteria and kidney healing videos

I see. What “mind” fields have you been using to address this then?

I see you added more to your reply:

That’s great that you’re feeling relief from those fields. But it’s not a direct conclusion that because you feel good from a kidney field(s) that you “have low-functioning kidneys.”

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…I am not using any mind field…I am saying doctors say you don’t have disease.

It’s all in my mind.

I understand. So, let me preface what I’m about to suggest with an emphatic statement that I do NOT think (or mean to, in any way, imply) that you are “making any of this up” or that “this is all in your head.” I’m not saying anything like that at all. I’m sure what you’re telling us is very real and troubling for you. I’m trying to help you clear a path towards the root cause of your discomfort

You might want to start playing around with at least SLR (if not, the PONR stack–either OG or _OM’s Modified “Point of No Return” Stack) to address whatever mental factors are contributing to your physical discomfort. The mind has a significant impact on the physical body.