Fields to inspire keeping a physically clean environment?

Ahem… I feel like a chatty Kathy here. Normally I’m the near silent one in the group but there are surprisingly not as many posts as I would expect, drowning out my voice and requests.

Thank you for being kind and not calling me out on my so many questions. One thing I am good at is coming up with questions.

What is the best (hopefully free) stack for keeping commitments in a clean environment?

Cleanliness is Godliness… can’t stand when my room is awry and it does invite in chaotic energy which lowers the personal energy and creates delay in cleaning.

Give me your best shot, please…


First thing I did after listening to Blueprint of Life was cleaning up my space.


Proactive Brain would help with putting it off.


Off I go!.. I said, and then I realized I couldn’t access this. I could’ve sworn I saw this one uploaded on YouTube once? Is it only a paid field?

Oh, this is great. I’ve never heard of that one. Thanks!

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Thats a good option.@mrpixeltech
If its motivation time to count on the brain :slight_smile:
You could also follow a few frameworks, like from author Marie Kondo or follow a type of minimalism.

  • Rule 1: Commit Yourself to Tidying Up.
  • Rule 2: Imagine Your Ideal Lifestyle. …
  • Rule 3: Finish Discarding First. …
  • Rule 4: Tidy by Category, Not by Location. …
  • Rule 5: Follow the Right Order. …
  • Rule 6: Ask Yourself If It Sparks Joy, or use frequently if not throw out/donate.

Paid field. On gumroads now

I would add the universal OM but that’s not available anymore and you’d need to find it on the NFT sales thread


yvw. For me personally, it always comes down to me trying to exert control externally when I don’t feel I can internally. So I would, in your place, do a bit of a deep dive with the mindset “what’s causing me to allow my external environment to be in chaos?” followed by any fields/practices that address that itself.


Oh, I like this. Thank you! I forgot about Marie Kondo. You know, I sat down and walked myself thru your bullet list and was able to get a move on it. I especially like “tidy by category, not location.” That’ll save me from pulling everything out to organize, then losing steam once it’s all a mess. Hah.


Thanks! I’ll put this one on my list once my wallet starts getting padded.

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That’s a great idea btw
Lol I still remember giving this book to my roommate at the time and then I went out.

Came back in the evening to find multiple boxes outside. :grin::grin: My roommate said he read the book and started throwing stuff away


Hm, this is a great point. I decided to totally clean house and get rid of tiny unnecessary things so I could experience some modicum of clarity and keep myself aligned. Work stuff is out of my control. Perhaps I’m allowing myself to see what it’s doing to me by losing steam once the mess is pulled out :sweat_smile: Either way, I garnered some motivation after your comments so there’s traction now. :pray:t5: :star2:


She’s a blockage buster, for sure.

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Asian mom field.

Now really. Anything that gives energy. Stenabolic would do, auto-workouts too. But for an actual push for cleaning, Bushmen Medicine, Dragon Experience and Intercession, Resilience, Zealot of Positive Change, Positive Power Waves, Plasma Beach, Unconscious Clutter Removal…all those did it for me.

Flower of Life and Schumann Resonance combo is your free Blueprint of Life (not really…but it may be enough with Flower of Life).

I think angelic vibes too, but I don’t remember right now.

Litany against loneliness helps me too. Maybe comfort and security. And any environmental field (scented ones from Energetic Alchemy are a plus). The field creating sanctuary vibes will make you want to tidy up.

As for inner blocks and all…yeah, emotional release would help too.

Maybe print some mandalas, get some beautiful paintings, sculptures, antiques or collectibles (the delicate type ones…that need lots of maintenance and care). Then you won’t want to pollute that environment.

And this tip goes against what others say and even what the field would make you do but…imperfect cleaning, and creating a habit of cleaning up right after you use something.

This one is tricky cause one day you’re running late so you skip…then the thing is there and there is no momentum but welp…it can be re-started.

Disclaimer: My house is a mess xD

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