Finding Mentors in Magick

I’ve had an interest in magick for a while now and am wondering if there are specific resources or teachers you guys recommend. I’ve been hearing about AA(Astrum Argenteum) as a source and am considering it but would love to know your thoughts on things.


I would reccomend reading Kybalion and Initiation into Hermetics at first.
And do not ever become part of any Occult/Cultish society (was my mistake)
Also do not think first steps and basics are for n00bs, dont discredit them, dont overlook them because they are boring etc (was my mistake too)
Dont let Your ego get the best of You, avoid Drugs and any method You dont fully understand (again, my mistakes)
And when You start noticing effects, remember Karma is real, dont hurt or manipulate any being (yeah, my mistakes again)
Learn to meditate and control your mind at first, develop strong moral code and stick with it (you guessed right, my mistakes)
Basically read two books I reccomended, be patient and consistent, and dont repeat my mistakes and You will be fine


which Occult/Cultish society did you join? Also I’ve heard good things about AA

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I dont want to bring up its name because I dont want attract any unnecesary attention to it.
It had some good teachings and knowledge but was also full of racist and egocentric people.
I dont want anyone reading this to hurt him/herself so I will just keep silent about its name.
Its core philosphy was that some people are descendants of higher species and Abrahamic religions is psyop to destroy them. supposed descendants main mission would be to evolve and gain power, as well as fighting anything Judaism/Christian/Hebrew related.
AA might be dangerous choice, I would be carful with some of Mr.Crowley methods and teachings.
Again, You will do whatever You want, But I strongly reccomend Kybalion for philosophy/mindframe and Initiation Into Hermetics for Practice.
I have read quite a lot on that topic, practiced several system also with different levels of succes.
I have stumbled upon similar advice and Kybalion at the very begging, yet I ignored it and I regret just not sticking to it.
Good luck on Your Journey


I’m sorry to hear that. The reason I was thinking of joining AA was because of how the values seem align with mine. Also their structure of one mentor and one student is very appealing in the sense that there is little to no drama involved and strictly practice and learning for the most part. There is also nothing binding you from leaving if I remember correctly. I have read the Kabalyion and have started IIH a while ago but I think a mentor would help alot. I appreciate you and I wish you the best as well brother!


Also, @SammyG how did you get @Captain_Nemo to become your mentor?

Just learn direct Manifesting/Law of Attraction including working with your subconscious mind and Higher Self, then you don’t need Magick.

Why make a detour when in the end all that counts is whether you are master of your own reality?

If you want a 100% compatible teacher, work with your Higher Self (= you yourself from the future who already knows all of this stuff).

What I want to say is that you don’t need to look in the outer world (Magick, occult guilds etc.) for something that ultimately always leads you to the inner world (subconscious mind, Higher Self) anyways.

Also get the Conceptual Realization field – this will speed up any type of spiritual learning and understanding by a whole dimension.


Karma is a tool to keep souls in false belief systems inside the matrix. Karma is only real if you manifest that it is. Ultimately the law that your create your own reality stands above everything because this is the only way how god and all there is can have true and absolute free will and omnipotence.

If you believe that doing A will have consequence B, then this will be your experienced reality. But you are free at any point to make a new decision. You can choose that doing A will lead to C and D but not B.
This of course depends on your current manifestation powers. But the concept of Karma itself is just a disguised Limiting Belief, a belief that you are not in full control over your experienced reality. This is exactly what the systems wants you to think.

To overcome this matrix game, you have to see Karma for what it really is – a cleverly disguised tool to keep the sheep in the herd. You have to make a new decision, outside of the box that the matrix wants you to be in.

E.g. “enlightened masters” :genie: can levitate because they manifest that gravity has no effect on their physical body, even though “physical laws” would dictate otherwise.

PS: Not believing in Karma is also the way how many “evil” people get away with a lot of the consequences of their actions.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” – Carl Jung


I’ve been manifesting for a long time now and have been guided to magick. I’m looking towards it as a road to spiritual enlightenment and self realization like yoga instead of a way of manifesting things. I also have the conceptual realization field but i appreciate the suggestions brother :slight_smile:



This is all you need tbh.
No made up rules, no extra blabla, only practice.
And the fields can help you immensely with this.

And yeah first steps are the most important, if you don’t do the basic work, you’ll get nowhere. 🤷


I agree with many ponits that You have made.
But there are states of consciousness where exlerience of others are not so different than Yours, so by causing suffering to others You suffer Yourself. After All World is full of One Person, aka all is One


I sacrificed a llama under a crescent moon to numerous gods to recieve his mentorship.

Lol just kiddin. It was by chance. Wasn’t intended really.

He’s more of a mentor that tells me what to do. To find the answer within. He’ll give me answers to things but truly, such answers aren’t very actualized until they are experienced.

And the things he tells me to do aren’t much different than everything that’s already out there. If you really want to learn magick, @Forumuser’s suggestion of reading kybalion and then initiation into hermetics is a great suggestion. A lot of the hermetics book is a bit too much I think but as @MonkeyOwl said, if you can get through the beginning exercises of the book where you train your mind… you will find the door to magick within yourself. But to open it, requires a certain key.

The key to magick is belief. If you can believe in anything, then your mind is open to the infinite. We’re all very trapped within the bounds of our current prejudices and belief systems… We’re blocking ourselves from infinite possibility. Possibilities that allow us to be anything, feel anything and accomplish anything.

‘Nothing is true; everything is possible’ is a gateway to the infinite possibilities out there. You have to believe that with all your heart and beingness. That everything you believe to be fact and absolutely true is indeed true… but also false. And all that which you believe is false, is also true. ‘Nothing is true; Everything is possible.’

This means if you hold liberal beliefs, you have to be able to easily switch to having conservative beliefs. If you are Hindu, you can also believe in Christianity (with all its prejudices on polytheism). If you believe you are ugly, you must be able to believe you are beautiful. Not to the point, you think you are fooling yourself but to the point where you truly believe it. While at the same time knowing, none of these beliefs are objectively true either.

This sounds easy but it is not. The practices in the book ‘Prometheus Rising’ are all about training your mind to believe in anything. Not many people get far with that but those who do, realize how subjective reality is. How it truly is what you believe it to be. Reality is clay; Your mind is the hand that molds it. This is magick.


The issue is that our realities become hard clay sculptures formed by the beliefs we’ve formed over the years. We got to break that sculpture down.

Part of the spiritual path is letting go of all the filters (ego) in the way of our access to the infinite. There are so many ways to get there. My mention of beliefs is just one way to get there.

That being said my friend, we are all mentors. You ever have questions, just ask here. And as @JAAJ said, the greatest and most compatible mentor is within you already :slight_smile:


Yea that’s true, there is definitely a large resource of wisdom on this forum as well as within myself. Would you suggest the book Prometheus Rising as well or just the exercises? Also have you heard of the Ra material?

“After All World is full of One Person, aka all is One”

I don’t really understand that concept, can you elaborate please?

I don’t believe that we’re ‘all one’ as you put it anymore than we’re all human on a physical plane of existence. Sure… we might be the same biologically (human race) and energy/consciousness (soul) wise but I’m not you and you’re not me.

Prometheus Rising is an excellent book and often recommended to any aspiring magician. It’s a roadmap to consciousness. A very logical one that doesn’t stray too much into mysticism. But, you might find it hard to follow and the exercises… are a bit much.

He’d literally tell you something like start going to church for the next 2 months and become a new born christian. Pray daily and read the bible. Live life through a Christian Perspective…

Ain’t nobody got time for that lol. I get the point of the exercises but I’m trying to find a better way to practice them. The point is to learn the truth through experiencing multiple perspectives to the point that the subjectivity of reality becomes obvious as day. Getting your mind to that open state takes experience… rather than just the mere belief that ‘reality is subjective. it is whatever I believe it to be.’ You got to live it.

Yeah, I’ve heard of the ra material.


Well, If You dont believe it its okey, I will not attempt to change Your believes, every experience is different.

But elaborate, sure.
In fact, I dont ‘‘believe’’ it either.
The way I see it is:

Material Perspective:

Before Universe began expanding, we all existed in one point, as a singularity. If You believe in BigBang Theory, for example, its really hard to argue that, in fact, everything that is, was at some point condensed into one point, aka Source, Primordial Spark, You name it. Then, ‘‘It’’ exploded, and began to expand, after some time different Galaxies, SuperGalaxies, Stars, Planets etc. were formed. And so was everything alive, and everything on Earth too.
I dont know If You even felt this, but, when I think,see,talk with some blood relatives of mine, I have this deep, subconscious feeling that they are me, and I am them, at some level. Of course its stronger with closest relatives, like Mother and Father, and weaker in cousins etc, but it is always present.
The other day I saw an article, that Sciencist speculate that they might know common Ancestor for ALL living things on earth, it was some bacteria or amoeba, I dont precisely recall it right now.
Now, that would mean that all living things, almost on Earth, are related on some level.
But lets take it further. How do we define live? I am aware of the current definition, that if something is alive, it should have the traits like: metabolism, reproduction, growth etc.
But thats ‘‘only’’ from our limited, human perspective, we define life as something, that have at least some traits like us, because, we consider ourselves as a living beings.
But lets take something different, like Fire for example.
Does it burn, use something to maintain itself? -Yes, and thats metabolism if You ask me.
Is Growth a trait that You can ascribe to Fire? Yes, as long as it have good conditions and enviroment, it will grow bigger and bigger, metabolising things it could to expand and survive.
Does Fire reproduce? Well, can You light one candle from another? If the wind is favorable, it can even happen without Your interference. So again, yes.
We can conduct this thought experiment and what we would find is that, everything, in fact is kind of alive.
You are probably aware of occurence called ‘‘Entropy’’ it basically means that everything, Stars, Planets and ‘‘death matter’’ included will sooner or later face its own destruction, aka death.
Now, Is it possible for something that is not alive to die? My logic says its not so at this point we Can risk a bit and state ‘‘Everything is Alive’’
Now, with all of above being said, We could say that this ‘‘Source’’ ‘‘Singularity’’ or whatever existed before Big-Bang is common Ancestor of Everything in the Universe. Or maybe its more like an ‘‘Egg’’, fetus of some kind, and the Organism that came out of it is well, Universe.
Whether We consider the Source as an Universe Ancestor, or some sort of Primordial Egg, its really hard to deny that, at the end of the day, We are All one.

Spiritual Perspective:

How would You define Spirit? If You believe (or know) You are something more than Your body, that there is part of You that was in some sense ‘‘alive’’ before You were born, that there is part of You that existed, before Your Parents even met, and finally, that there will be some part of You that will remain ‘‘alive’’ or will be born again after Your death - Thats something most of us would define as a Spirit.
I guess we could say that, Spirit is something that percieves, something that experiences things.
Now, perception and ability to experience something, is also how, at least me, would define Consciouseness.
Even if Spirit and Consciouseness are not the exact same thing, its really hard to not se similarities between them, and a deep interconnection between both.
In the other thread:

I explained why, in my POV everything is conscious. @SammyG even agreed with me and said:

Of course, there are many factors that affect our Consciouseness, aka society, genetics, upbringing, traumas, health, past incarnations(If You believe in reincarnation) etc etc. And all those factors made our perspective different. Its like everyone of us watched a different movie, or played different game.
But then again, everyone of us is an ‘‘Observer’’ ‘‘Watcher’’ or even better ‘‘Player’’ of some kind.
This observer/player awareness was a big milestone for me. We just got so involved in whatever game each of us is playing, that We forgot that , in the end, its just a game, and everyone’s game is different, Player is the same, just playing many games at once.

I said before I dont believe this either. Why? Because it feels more suitable for me to say that I know it, or at least agree with it. When I contemplate on topics like this one I try to do so from both ‘‘physical’’ and ‘‘metaphysical’’ perspective, or some would say ‘‘left brain’’ and ‘‘right brain’’ and if the outcome is the same in both cases, I accept this as a truth.
Of course, Im always open to change what I consider to be ‘‘Truth’’, so, If You would like to elaborate on why You believe that the ‘‘All is One’’ statement is false, please do! Its not very wise to cling into opinion, even after recieving information that disprove it, changing perspective is the essence of learning, I would say.
Everyone have different experience, so what is true to me, can be false to You.
Best of Luck @TheAmbiguousSoldier !


Thank you for that detailed response… God bless!