Flight to Fight NFT

One of the most underrated NFT’s of all time (this personally surpasses unbreakable, knight warrior mindset, etc and I have used all of these)

Kill all anxiety, stress, uneasiness with this

Go full force through anything without any doubts

Face your deadliest fears head on

Conquer the whole world

Become bulletproof become stoic :muscle:t4:


Can someone send the audio?

How about now? I made the purchase two days ago, but I haven’t been experiencing significant benefits yet. How long do you spend listening to the audio, and are you viewing the NFT photo daily?

you can download it after you purchase the nft…

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Does this give you the Aura of a tiger? Because I don’t want that, however I do want the flight to fight mental effects. I don’t want people to perceive me as intimidating.

No, it’s just confidence


can anyone update your experiences with this nft and audio?

Yes it does.

Read the description - the essence of Panthera Tigris.
Don’t forget about the confidence part.
That is a tiger.

If you don’t want that for whatever reason, then use the Flight 2 Fight original track .

This is the one you want - Flight to Fight


Yea, it’s awesome of course, I just unfortunately don’t want the auric/energetic changes of being perceived as a tiger, as I feel it might affect socialising with others negatively.

What has been your experience with this cool NFT? What have you noticed? Apart from the mental changes, has this changed the way people perceive you like some of the other animal NFTs?

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Quick question. I have this NFT in my wallet, and have the audio.
To gain the benefits, do I keep playing the audio, like normal sapien fields? Says print of NFT and carry with you, but would having as a wallpaper on my phone also work?

Is this safe for looping? Anyone tried that? How many times do you listen to audio file?

Yes. I have.

One of my favorite audios. And its not on Energetic Alchemy anymore! Im so glad i bought it.

5 usd right i think it was. For the incredible power this is.

Loop the heck out of it if needed my friend! :muscle:

I had actually started looping it in the am just from the other day after months!

And wearing the tag again.

The push man…like no other. Its back.

(Shhh :shushing_face: Capital Governance i still love you :rofl:)


Im confused. I thought you were talking about the original audio!

Now i remember the NFT got an audio too.

i have not looped that one lol because honestly i always felt stronger and faster the original one.

Edit. I just went to play it. I didnt even remember how it sounded! I kinda want to loop that one and see how it feels… ill report bk ;)


Yes it works like that too


Is that in reference to the phone wallpaper or the audio?

Just realised this is also a wiring field.

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Phone wallpaper


Good morning
I bought the NFT from someone before the audio came out, I can show you my fantom, if you want
Who can send me the audio

I have to say after acquiring this NFT I haven’t felt much different. There has been little change in my personality, and I am still beset by a degree of social anxiety. Considering it was an nft I had thought it would be a little more powerful than a normal field and so I would feel greater changes.
That said I must add that I have been suffering with porn addiction, and have only just bucked the trend. Going on a week and fully believe I have finally quit the addiction as I no longer feel the need to watch it.
This may be a reason as to why I have felt little change as I may have a lot of emotional/psychological baggage to process.
However, the only improvements I currently feel are those I would have normally felt on a period of no fap. I feel no new push to broaden my horizons that the push for ‘fight’ may have induced.
Still I’ll monitor how I feel now that my porn addiction is finished, coupled with me resolving my issues with my self love stack. I’m hoping I will start to feel a lot more adventurous soon.


Bruh, porn fries your brain (and more), no wonder you don´t feel the NFT/ “adventurous” right now.

Stay with the self love stack and do your research


Yeah I’m definitely feeling a lot more free and confident with my self love stack. I’m looking forward to truly feeling all the benefits of this nft.