Flower of life or Lotus of Life?

What are your thoughts on this? I know Fields such as the blueprint of life and plasma flower incorporate the flower of life.

I am just curious and am not trying suggest ill intent of any kind.


People who talk shit about Metatron without telling his side of the story are not worth listening to, IMHO.

Many of the things they say are true, but completely absent context.

I stand with Metatron on this unashamedly.

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I think everyone should have the awareness of what is being done to them with or without their consent. The fact that it’s not common knowledge is something that makes me question as to why.

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We are talking about stuff intrinsic to our reality, and if you ask Metatron, he will tell you.

It’s not being done to you, you agreed to it as part of the conditions of this reality when you came here.


Pro tip:
When something sounds intresting, but you can´t possible verify it yourself, then now it´s the time to bring out that new and shiny tarot-deck you just bought.
And start to ask questions.


Lotus of life ield avil??

  1. Who wrote this

  2. Where does the information come from

  3. Could they have any other motivation for writing this than “sharing truth”

I ask myself these questions whenever I read anything online.

Since it appears to be from Wikipedia…yeah there’s a bowl of salt around here somewhere


It’s not Wikipedia

I agree that those questions are valid but I also think it’s okay to question our belief system.

If you can ask those questions about this, can you turn around and ask similar questions as to what you already believe?

If we feel quick to defend a belief or idea, maybe it’s okay to reflect on that.

I say this to myself and others.


How do you know that the tarot won’t just reflect back to you what you already believe? Perceptions and interpretations are all part of the reflection.

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Thats´s why we use an oracle, to bypass our mind and belief system.


What version of reality is that oracle reflecting back?

Again I’m not suggesting any wrong doing, I’m just curious in how far these beliefs are present when peeling back all the layers of existence.

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I don´t know, but I know that it is not telling you what you want to know. But what you need to hear.


Am I defending anything?

Or am i just recognizing that if you look to get to the bottom of something…

There is no bottom?


I agree with that.

I think that’s why I said “I say this for myself”


You’re awesome! :star2::star2::star2::heart::heart::heart:

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I’m curious, what are you wanting from this discussion?


Just discussion and input. I thought it was interesting and wanted to know if anybody had anything to add.

Mainly just “Look at this. What do you feel/think?”

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Reflection 🪞

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Got it. Thank you for your explaining.

Here is another thought. Metatron is the only source, in his human incarnation as Enoch, to address animal and child abuse - and his thoughts and mine are one on the matter.

Enoch’s ascension through the 7 levels of heaven is a tale of chakra activation.

Metatron offered a direct path to ascension (though often over many lifetimes, and even iterations of the same lifetime) for those who chose to take it, teaching one to look within, and avoiding the rabid theocratic violence by the competition.

Metatron guides children and animals (and anyone who calls on him) through the afterlife.

Metatron is probably the most powerful being I have ever encountered.

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