For the first time I feel like crying due to withdrawal from porn

I know some of you here have porn addiction. I have had flatlines in the past but TODAY is the very first time from a flatline where I actually want to cry. There is more to why I want to cry. But we will just leave it at that.

What are the best audios to get me out of this flatline fast? For anyone wondering how long I have been porn free, it has been since January 1st. It has been a LONG time since I have gone this long without porn…


essence of mantras


i feel you. i went pass that and now i am starting to enjoy the feeling of keeping my sexual energy within me.

i’m also using sacral and base chakra.


Wow. I completely forgot about that first one. Best part is we can download it for free to. I will be using this today. Thanks for this.

But I do wonder, why the journey of forgiveness though?


Because it will help you with your withdrawal. :slight_smile:


Always Keep seeking forgiveness…

Almighty God will help you definately

Best of luck…


does the first one help with other addictions? i thought it was meant only for drug addiction and stuff


Yes and general addiction


Perhaps you are crying because for the first time in your life you are actually forced to face your traumas/pain that has been trapped in your soul/subconscious mind. Now it’s time to acknowledge them and let them go so they can no longer keep distracting you with p…n.

If you think it may be that I would recommend focusing on these ones

while doing some EFT tapping. You can learn about this technique here:

It’s fairly easy to begin, so once you get the idea you can follow the process of tapping with four fingers of one hand down a line of meridian points on your body with your other hand while reciting this affirmation: “Even though I’m having trouble letting go of pornography, I deeply and completely accept myself” and “Even though I’m feeling overwhelmed with emotional trauma, I deeply and completely accept myself” and “Even though I’m finally ready to let go of past fears, anxiety, negative beliefs and emotional trauma, I deeply and completely accept myself”.

Or you can follow along with this free demo I received free in the mail just today!

Download free here:

I hope you feel better soon.


If you don’t already have it, when you want, don’t forget about Soul Core Restoration: it is one of the best investments in yourself, not only to stop the energy losses from sex, but to prevent other people from downloading in turn from yours. energy reservoir.


Yep, Soul Restoration (all 3 of them!) will close any leaks in your energy system.
This is important because astral entities from porn sites use those leaks to feed of your energy and can trigger you easily. With Soul Restoration you are closing those leaks, giving those entities no chance to leech of your energy anymore. This is absolute key!

For dealing with downs during the flatline:

Listen daily to 10x “Overcome any Addiction”, 5x Nerve Growth Factor, 5x Brain Regeneration - for the next 2 months

If you are feeling down right now and feel hopeless, this one helps very much to get back to normal: