For those with Precognition/Future Sight


So, recently I’ve been having a pretty great time reading One Piece, considering how it’s ramping up right now and also, since my last 3 predictions for the story came thru :sob::heart: (3/4 which okay imo is still pretty cool considering the scope of OP)

Those 3 predictions were less me rationalizing the story but more so a gut feeling? Especially the first one. The last 2 could be rationalised a bit more but again, they came more so from a "feeling’s vs ‘analysis’

So my question is, after a lot more spiritual work and developing precognition/future-sight or any of the clairs, have you guys been predicting/spoiling things for yourself based on your intuition a lot more? Or what’s it like for you to consume some media and then sorta know what’s going to happen based on your feeling of it? Has it been amplified?

And for the main question - anyone here have an idea of what the One Piece is? :nerd_face:





It’s always One Piece time :sunglasses: that’s all I’ve been thinking of lately ahaha

Still trynna come up with field ideas based on OP, that would be so sick!



Someone here typing while eating ice cream

Not me but someone else!


What flavor though?

I hope it was strawberry

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I can’t see what flavor but from what I can see by the color. It seemed red. The shirt :tshirt:

There is also a guy from new Jersey. But he’s lurking around on this thread. Quite having a bad day. Hope whoever that is feel better now!

I have some things to tell with Zelensky. The Ukrainian president.

I can’t put the exact date for it but around September to November. Some things unpleasant happen for him.


Anything on the speculated war between China and the US? Especially after what happened since Pelosi’s visit to Taiwain

Wait until pluto enter lol

Lots of earthquakes by the end month of September

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Around the world? :thinking:

You’ll see it by the end of the month of September.

Mid September. There is something that will come out to the surface. But it’s toward information about covid. Something good though.

But It has something to do with the government.

It’s toward healing the entire consciousness of human. Suddenly everything become clear for lot of people.

On mid September up to October. People might become quite strongly toward spiritual goal.

This one is all around the world.

There is also some good news but this is in the us. Gas price might get lower.


Whats happening in pakistan? There are some flooding.

Jupiter. Jupiter is a water sign. When it’s retrograde it will expand anything including the negative aspects. Lot of rain amd flood. Everywhere. This also explain why the intensity of rain.

Its way more concerning for pluto. Dealing with long term radiation.

So next year. You can already see how it progressing now. It will enhance once it’s entering aquarius.

The good news about next year though. Saturn leave. Which we are done with restrictions!

Oh btw. If you live in America. Next year up to 7 years ahead. Something major is going to happen.

I don’t want to put much what will happen there but it’s major. It can also be an attacks.


Hey Imogen,
did something happen last night or early today? Planetary wise or something?

I’m not sure. But this month in particular. We should be careful of what we eat. The gastric problem is main issue for month of September!

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I for one had bad/creepy dreams, which is extremely rare. :grimacing:


Should I read this manga? The amount of volumes alone is a pretty big deterrent.


Ah man I hear what your saying that’s literally one of the biggest deterrents for anyone getting into it xD

But tbh it’s one of THE most worth it reads especially how much it builds up. Infact I’d go far as to say it’s better now than it’s ever been because it’s literal decades worth if plot lines inter twining and coming together.

I’d say if you’re patient, get into it completely. If you wanna test drive it, you’ll still have to be patient and maybe read till Enies Lobby. That’s what it really peaks in PT 1.

If you want to realllllyyy test drive early, gauge how much you like it till Alabasta, cause that’s the first big OP arc which sets the tone for the rest of the manga. Many key points are introduced in Alabasta.

Lemme know what you feel man!! If you get into it I hope you enjoy it :D

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Woah I am kinda shocked how accurate your reading is cause everything you said I have seen happen so far. The US government is currently in shut down due to difficulties passing a bill and I’ve noticed the gas prices where I live have dropped like 15 cents this month. I’ve also been getting a lot of aha moments about my current life and why its going the way it is. You truly have a gift I am curious if one can develop this ability.

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