For those with Precognition/Future Sight

There will be major catastrophic war. It will be so big that you’ll see it coming… So just be prepared.

I sense lot of mas anger energy in the month of October. Mid October especially it will reveal something big.

A small reminder. Be more careful of your actions. Stay humble.


Another thing to mention. A very bad position for president Zelensky. ( Ukrainian president)

Also Joe biden health will drop.


Wait but, did this actually happen? Same with the prediction of earthquakes.

Mid September. There is something that will come out to the surface. But it’s toward information about covid. Something good though.`

But It has something to do with the government.

It’s toward healing the entire consciousness of human. Suddenly everything become clear for lot of people.

On mid September up to October. People might become quite strongly toward spiritual goal.


There are always earthquakes in some degree somewhere in the world…

Maybe this was the good news about Covid?

I dunno… the status quo hasn’t shifted much, if at all. They’re still kicking out MRNA vaccines, people are still getting them, and the nanotech is still screwing over thousands-to-millions. And the news still doesn’t show anything of real-world significance.

–But those were/are predictions that line up with the astrological influences :+1:


Haha that’s what I initially thought. Earthquakes happen all the time, I’m looking for real precognition :laughing:

Like what is this referring to?

I couldn’t say yet. Not much seems to have changed for “a lot of people”.

Civil war in America. In the month of November


Just in time for Thanksgiving…

Hopefully not, but I guess we’ll see.

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Pikachu face

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Why do i never get notified of your responses until like 1 month later lmk lol

If you are truly attuned… you will notice… something has shifted in the past few days. Almost… as if it were in the air.
Goosebumps just won’t stop. I’m shivering
My sources confirm its coming across - society level - as crash boom crack.
So heed this advise and prepare. Consider yourselves warned

Source, Weather Channel

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I also recommend not to listen to conspiracy. Cause there will be bunch of it coming. Just aware of this as well

Source, TMZ

^Lol kidding sorry couldn’t resist Imogen haha

Was anything revealed?

If you look at how Putin showing his true self to their civilians. And how they fleeing out from Russia. They believe Putin is not going to do mobilization. But then he did. This is where I also said to be humble. Because it’s all about revealing whether it’s good or bad.

And to be honest with you. Putin will never giving up. He will never so he either die or win the war. Sorry to say this. But the intense begin by the end of October.

But you will see more of it coming.

He might waking up from his delusion in November. He realize during that time. He fucked the whole system. But things already done by then.

To truly live peacefully. When this truly happen? The first of January.


Mars retrograde in Gemini. Mars God of wars. Gemini is communication. Something about communication here. I would say cyber war can happen. Be aware during this retrograde of Mars. Think before you speak people.

It start retrograde five days from now


@anon25711007 it’s (partial) solar eclipse today in many parts of the world

In Scorpio and with the conjunction there, one should be careful when it comes to personal relationships. Now’s not the best time to bring up something that’s been bothering you, dont reach out to the ex, don’t make any rash decisions… don’t take suddenly onset strange feelings, impulses (even insights) too seriously… wait a few days and see if the impulse is still there.

(I’m not following this tbh, it just jumps out at me from the screenshot)


Does Rishi Sunak have any correlation to any of this lol @MonkeyOwl

@anon25711007 any insights on him?
I have some but
It’s not psychic aka irrelevant lol

(He was literally elected yesterday that’s why)

He will do it well. Much better than boris